How do I make this work with finsternis' models for wotlk?
Quote from: Zultarius on January 21, 2018, 10:16:52 amHow do I make this work with finsternis' models for wotlk?One way: Install both of our mods then create your own mod which just contains a merge of our CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc files and install that on top of everything. The info.txt file included with my mod has a list of all the DBC edits I've made (it's not very many) to make that easier.
Hey thanks again for all your awesome work. Im really enjoying it sofar, but this poor kitten does not..its all messed up, look
Hi, how can I use this mod with the one from Finsternis?
Hi, good work . I use this mod together with your WoD character models for 2.4.3 and I have WoW errors when I use Tree of Life and the night elf cat form. Will you do it to work together without errors?