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Messages - tok124

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Miscellaneous / Weird texture after importing model to wow
« on: May 25, 2019, 09:58:22 pm »
Hello, Is anyone still active in this forum??? And sorry but i couldnt find a support section so i hope this is the place to ask for support. Anyway i made a sword model in blender and when i try to import it the textures looks really weird... Im not really sure why it happens and i have remodelled the whole model and remade textures and everything and im still getting similar results. But it only happens when i make this sword, I made an axe ealier and it worked fine without any problems.

Try to make sure that duplicate verticles are removed and try turning two-sided rendering on. If the latter helps, check your normals.
Double Vertices are removed. I always remove doubles before exporting but i have not yet tried to turn on two-sided faces. But i have never needed it before. And i did recalculate normals too before exporting. It is usually pretty visible when normal are flipped when i have smooth shading on and i dont see anything but i did flip the normals just to be sure.

But thanks for the help. I will try your idea about adding two-sided faces. But i was thinking if there is any chance that it could be that i have pentagons and hexagons in my mesh? I know that wow like triangles and i know that i have pentagons and hexagons on my model so i was thinking if that could had messed things up. Any idea about it?

since all vertices seem to be used but there are holes, it seems like bad triangle order
Well. I exported to obj with same settings as always. I have them saved in blender. So those settings have worked for all models i made except from this one. I don't really understand it. Would it help if i maybe upload .blend, .obj and .m2? Or do you maybe know anything else that could have caused this problem?

You guys who don't get answers and get salty because of that just keep forgetting, that it might also be caused by the fact, that just noone knows the answer. Was my case.
Well, It appears that someone may know it. Like the guy above you :P But yeah, I get the point. But i know this forum and i know that these guys are PRO. So i would be surprised if no one here knows the answer :P

Damnit... I guess this forum has died or just that no one wants to give support :(

Hello guys. I have a problem with one of my custom models. It is half invisible. Some parts is visible and some parts are not. Why does it appear like this ingame? Its not first time i export models i have exported models many times before but its first time that the model appear like this ingame for me. So i really need help to find out how to solve this. Could it be that its too high poly? Before exporting the model with triangles the model have 13041 verts. Is that too much maybe? I took a screenshot to show what is going on with the model. So take a look

Modelling and Animation / Re: importing head model to wow?
« on: July 23, 2016, 02:24:42 am »
I have tested now and it works ! Thanks Amaroth   !

Modelling and Animation / Re: importing head model to wow?
« on: July 23, 2016, 01:27:33 am »
Quote from: "Amaroth"
Name of your model is incorrect. Take a look at blizzlike head models, you will notice that there is separate model for each race and gender combination. On all race and gender combinations you don't have model for, you will get an error cube you are getting now.

Model you have made actually is for no race and gender combination. What do you want it for? Human males? Name it robo_transformer_head_01_hum. Human females? Name it robo_transformer_head_01_huf. And so on.
Aah thank you ! I did notice the HuM and HuF for the other heads. But i didnt know that it was important. Thanks alot !!

Modelling and Animation / importing head model to wow?
« on: July 21, 2016, 11:19:16 pm »
Hello. I'm trying to import a head model but for some reason the model doesn't appear ingame. Instead it shows as a box with a blue/white square pattern. What am i doing wrong? I imported weapon and shoulders that works fine. But when i try import head it doesnt work. I thought maybe something is wrong with the model so i made a new and tried again and it was the same problem.

So this is what i have done.
1. I modelled a low poly helmet
2. I exported model as obj
3. I converted obj to m2 using OBJtoM2 Converter
4. I made a patch and path to head model is patch-A.MPQ/Item/Objectcomponents/head/robo_transformer_head_01.m2 and the .skin file is in same folder
5. I edited dbc file ItemDisplayInfo.dbc (Check below to see how i edited the dbc file)
6. placed the dbc file in patch-A.MPQ/DBFilesClient/ItemDisplayInfo.dbc
7. replaced the dbc file in dbc folder in my core
8. converted png texture to blp and added blp to patch-A.MPQ/textures/robo.blp
9. I made a head in database with displayid 555564
10. restarted server and deleted cache

Name of m2 and skin files is
Code: [Select]

Here is the dbc row for the helmet
Code: [Select]
And this is how i used OBJtoM2 Converter
Code: [Select]
OBJtoM2 MyModel.obj robo_transformer_head_01 textures
So... What am i doing wrong? Why is this not working? Why does a box appear instead of my head model?

Quote from: "Alastor"
and i think you never worked with such tool othervise you would know that for model like this 20% +/- of reduction is in most of cases not even noticed when decimated so just try it
Lol, Ofcourse i used decimate modifier. Its an awesome tool. And well, It doesnt make any big changes to the model. the model still look the same but the texture will be stretched. I already know it. But i will try it anyway. I guess some small texture stretching should not be a big deal really

Quote from: "Alastor"
use dicemate modifier and shut to to 19k also check edges and faces too
Yeah but i think that will destroy my seams and texture

Quote from: "Alastor"
Quote from: "tok124"
Quote from: "Ascathos"
Quote from: "tok124"
Quote from: "Ascathos"
I could imagine that the "point it shoots off" is the x-axis. It would fit into the general weapon scheme and as the projectiles are smaller than the weapon, they would "pass through unnoticably".
Im not sure if it will work with my gun. its pretty small. Most guns in wow use bigger ones like a shotgun but my gun is small

Here is my gun
Yeah, one handed is a bit non-existent currently.
However, there is a new pistol anim with legion for rogues. I wait for it to launch.
ooh alright. As i thought. But i was not sure about it. Thanks for info, I will try model a new gun later then :P Saves me time because i also just noticed my vertices count was too high hehe

wtf ? you are telling me that this little guy has more then 20k vertexis ? :D
i would say 6000 maybe :D that sniper rifle of my had 2000 barely
I thought max count was at 9k hmm... But my model is pretty damn close to 20k :P 19927 vertices haha :D

Quote from: "Ascathos"
Quote from: "tok124"
Quote from: "Ascathos"
I could imagine that the "point it shoots off" is the x-axis. It would fit into the general weapon scheme and as the projectiles are smaller than the weapon, they would "pass through unnoticably".
Im not sure if it will work with my gun. its pretty small. Most guns in wow use bigger ones like a shotgun but my gun is small

Here is my gun
Yeah, one handed is a bit non-existent currently.
However, there is a new pistol anim with legion for rogues. I wait for it to launch.
ooh alright. As i thought. But i was not sure about it. Thanks for info, I will try model a new gun later then :P Saves me time because i also just noticed my vertices count was too high hehe

Quote from: "Alastor"
Particle of bullet comes out from X,Y,Z=0,0,0(of gun you are holding) so all you have to do is pose gun to match "for example line X" and it will look like your bulelt is comming from pipe
Alright. But if i pose my gun so the pipe is centered in the viewport then i think the character will not hold the gun correctly. But i will see if i can find any gun similar to my model and maybe replace that gun with my gun. Maybe that will work

Quote from: "Ascathos"
I could imagine that the "point it shoots off" is the x-axis. It would fit into the general weapon scheme and as the projectiles are smaller than the weapon, they would "pass through unnoticably".
Im not sure if it will work with my gun. its pretty small. Most guns in wow use bigger ones like a shotgun but my gun is small

Here is my gun

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