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Topics - PhilipTNG

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Starting off, Fuck Reznik.  Anyway...

Teaser Video for whats in the downloads:


Too many images to post, about some 150 images could be taken really.

Song I'm Listening to while typing up this post:

Having these are a burden in many ways, A lot of people will and will not agree with me but by holding everything to myself, I tend to slow up my learning pace.  So to get rid of this disgusting weight on myself, I'm going give out the crap I've managed to convert thus far.

These are Mainly Content patches, I do not have any MySQL files included, These are released as is and It's up to you as the end user to make what you want of them. I have Item/Creature M2's because I personally have those DB Entries.

One tip I'll give though, Aside from exchanging/merging the Map.dbc file with your core's dbc file, don't forget to add in the MapID's to your SQL Table(TC is instance_template).  ^^

I would also suggest using a Download Manager to download the files as it may improve download speed and have a safer download alltogether.  I personally use Flashget.  The download links themselves aren't direct links however upon entering the captcha You'll be given a direct link that'll be active for a few minutes.

~Be sure to come back and give me some feed back on how things go, I won't give any support for these files given they are released as is and of my 10 Testers, 8 of them were able to make full use of them while the other two guys had trouble and couldn't figure out how to get the new map areas working due to lack of knowledge in this area and probably laziness to figuring out why.

I would not advise using Jeuties Repacks as two of my testers originally tested it with this repack and had issues before using another repack or their own core.


Http Download Links are dead right now due to overload of data.. my fault but meh whichever. So as an alternative, I'm willing to put out a Torrent for you guys... pray you guys don't end up getting my net shut off XDD.  Please Seed guys!! Thanks.

•• Torrent Link:

[EDIT on Dec 9th, 2013]--I'm no longer seeding this, I'm sorry if this causes any inconviences for anyone but I don't want to pay for the seedbox anymore and my home internet has a 150 GByte cap on it so seeding is out of the question.  Thankyou all who checked it out, by all means continue to seed for anyone that still has it and or re-share it if it's not too much trouble... though uploading it to a filehoster could be a pain for some :)

Original http Links are dead right now...

Please Post your images if you use it so I can add them to this post. ^^


Patch-7 contains Pandaria's Map ADT Information, I had ran out of space in patch-4 and was going to put it into patch-5 but I totally forgot and after 4 of my testers informed me of HawaiiMainLand missing, That file came about., also Thanks to Nupper for letting me know of it missing Caverns of Time, I have put in the newer WMO into this Torrent version as well.

Some things to note:

• Pandaria is a mix of 5.2.0 with 5.4.0's Bugged Timeless Isle(no caves).
• Orgrimmar is a mix of 4.0.6 and 5.4.0 since not all the buildings worked correctly and I couldn't figure out a good work around so I used this instead.
• In Deepholm, I had to break the lights 2 cave WMOs to get them to render without crashing the game.
• In Pandaria I had to break the lights in 2 caves as well, underwater caves to get them to not crash the game.
• 5.3~5.4 Maps may have caves that are Walled Off due to how their Hole data is now stored, I said May because not all 53/54 maps use the HighRes Hole system.
• Two Caves in Twilight Highlands/Hammer have been broken as well, same reason.

The list is too long so here's a small list until I want to fill it all out., it is in no particular order. Converted/Ported ADT/WMOs from:

Eastern Kingdom,
Throne of The Tides,
Siege of Orgrimmar,
Grim Batol,
Bastion of Twilight,
Blackrock Caverns,
Vortex Pinnacle,
Firelands Daily zone,
Darkmoon Fair(cataclysm),
Stormstout Brewery,
The Maelstrom,
Tol'Viron Arena,
Halls of Orgination,
Mogu'shan Palace,
Isle of Thunder,
Thone of Thunder,
The Wandering Isle,

and others.

Special thanks to these wonderful people for direct and indirect inspiration:
From Modcraft: Gamh, stoneharry, phucko1, steff, mjollna, Garthog, Shelldon, Zim4ik, fearless_wind, Will

From EmuDevs: Faded, Tommy, BanzBoyz77, Jameyboor, _Ikester_,

Friends: ToxicDev, Vlad, Soldan, Vynlendus, Dracbane, raeef, Chrispee, Eatos

Also thanks to the guys at the WoWDev Wiki ( )

Enjoy guys, If anyone wants to donate for my time and effort, hit me up. :)
~Anthony Vang  - Hmoob Boi From Cali.

PS, I don't think I have any NPC BakedTextures though... wasn't using them.


To goto the other areas, make sure you replace and or merge(whichever is best for your usage) my Map.dbc file with your Core's Map.dbc file so that the core can index the newer ID's.  I only use TrinityCore so I'm not sure what the next step may be for any other core, but in TC, go into your World DB and in the table `instance_template` add in the new Map ID's so that you can make use of them.  A restart is needed naturally.

TrinityCore teleport commands:

Keep in mind that these may take some time to load on your first go at it as they will need to be buffered in.

Wandering Isle(Pandaren Starting Zone):
.go xyz 1458.18 3468.67 181 860

Terrace of Endless Spring(adt file = MoguExteriorRaid):
.go xyz -1021.39 -3273 23.5443 996

Pandaria (By Jade Temple):
.go xyz 970.769 -2410.05 168.598 870

Firelands(Skybox may be wrong):
.go xyz -376.629 206.844 50.8031 720

Firelands Daily Map:
.go xyz 1038 359 40 861

Well of Eternity:
.go xyz 3300.73 -4836.68 181.08 939

Halls of Origination:
.go xyz -954.89 454.123 52.8914 644



Quote from: "axel0099"

Varian FTW

Portal isle


Grave, Wife of Varian

Grave Anduin Lothar

Stormwind Cathedral from nice view.

The park :D

Transmogrifier outside

Transmogrifier inside


more coming soon.
Update 2

more coming soon,
that copy pasting was hell XD



Anyway Due to some people asking on and off of here, I figured I'd share the model,  The hands aren't rigged correctly and I do not have the source files anymore but for those that would like to use her, here you go!! :)

Download Link for Wow 3.3.5a(though it should work with later versions just fine.)

Green version is the only texture I have left, I don't have my modded fire one anymore, it was lost in the HDD crash along with all the source and project files.

At the moment, she is replacing the female bloodelf model and again her hands will probably gross you out XD. The files in the Rar aren't in an MPQ, though you could drag them in to an MPQ if you wanted.  The VertMain.BLP is outside of a folder for a reason, this file should go at the root of your MPQ File/Folder archive.

I didn't put it into a patch because I was too lazy to download Ladik's MPQ Editor.

Just incase any rookies come by and wonder if it has to replace the BE Female, the answer is that it does not, that was just what I was using it for. :)  This will work with Cataclysm and MoP the way how it is right now if you know how to load custom content onto those versions.



--Original Post--

I'm only showing this on here and modcraft as all other venues have nothing but immature individuals and perverts about...

Vert is a character from the PS3 game Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory.
This Isn't meant to be done as a joke or to be funny or to fulfill some non existent perverted yearning, this is a serious attempt on my part, otherwise I wouldn't have spent so much time on it.

---Video Was Deleted... youtube shut off my YT account---

Technical info:

This is planned to be used on an RP server....

I have spent about a total work time of 4 days on this model to get it ingame and get it working as best as I could, a few things still aren't lining up properly such as the fingers on the Player model not bending correctly and the ankle deforms in some poses.

I rigged 4 vertices from each side of the skirt to each leg on the player model, that's why it looks kinda odd when running but it was either do that or have the leg go through the stationary skirt which I didn't like so this was the best way I could come up with to avoid that.  I still need to add in a mid section because right now it goes from crotch to upper torso, there is nothing assigned for the waist which causes problems while casting spells.

The original color is the Bright Green outfit with the yellow hair and light yellow skin tone.  I edited the player version to a slightly darker tone and did a fire theme on the bikini/hair.

There are no plans to release this, especially after people started to re-release the Lamborghini mount as their own creation.

Tools used, Cinema 4D, Blender 249b, M2Mod4, 010 Editor, Photoshop for recolor.

Mesh downloaded from: ... odel/6601/

Thanks to Soldan for his input on this project and my fiance for helping me with the re-color and letting me know if the re-color mod looked pretty or not. :)

Showoff - what you are working on / [SHOWOFF] Super Mario Model Swap
« on: November 06, 2013, 08:13:51 am »
At the moment it's using a simple dwarf male skeleton/animation set, simple because it only has animations for walk/run/die, mount, swim, and that's it I think, it doesn't have sit.  I used it because it was the easiest one to go through and figure out, it had 70 bones, all other more complicated models had almost 200 bone rigs.  Hands aren't rigged yet and the glove itself isn't welded to the wrists yet., that's 11 bones per hand that I really don't want to tinker around with anytime soon.


The Model is at 2.00 scale on purpose, because he looks like a hyperactive midget otherwise, his animations move too quickly basically. I'll probably make some custom sized weapons for the morph later so it would fit.

Model is from Mario Party 8, downloaded from: ... odel/6682/

Total Work time so far: 27 hours on and off.
Tools used were Cinema 4D R12, Blender 2.49b, M2Mod4, 010 Editor.

Thanks to Soldan for his help on the car projects previously to this which helped out tremendously when I took on this task.

Thanks to ToxicDev for his suggestion to use the Dwarf model's skeleton rather than a Gnome's.

Modelling and Animation / [RELEASE] My Lamborghini Reventon Mount
« on: November 04, 2013, 03:50:37 pm »
In no way is it perfect but it should suffice for most Lambo Lovers.


At the moment, I'm just replacing the Darkspear Raptor mount, Spell ID: 63635

So if you download the patch, if you go ingame and cast the spell, you should be put into the car.

Some basic information:

Download Link:

Tools used were Cinema 4D, Photoshop CS3, Blender 2.49b, M2Mod4, 010 Editor, and Mjollna's CataToLK M2 Converter.

Car Model originally ripped by and downloaded from:

Background Audio is: ... 51953.aspx

Special Thanks to Soldan Again for all of his help previously. Mucho Gracias brother!!

I was going to talk in the video but I really don't feel well right now and probably for a few days of this posting.  Hope to get better soon!

Thankyou for dropping by. :)


My Reventon Project is on hold for the moment until I can figure out how to get it t work with M2Mod4, for some reason if my polygon count goes over 5800 polygons, it doesn't work and throws back errors.

Anyway so to continue working and my own journey of learning how this stuff works, I just grabbed a much lower polygon car model and here we are. This one is just under 5670 polygon faces and 4800 Vertices.

Humongous Thanks to Soldan for giving me a few tips and sending me the M2Mod3/4 programs/scripts and a few images of his own projects in the works. As well as telling me which version of Blender was needed to do the stuff. We're using Blender 2.49b

I spent about 6 hours total reading the Manual for Blender 2.4 and 2.6. lol.

Honda S2000 3D model is from Need For Speed Underground 1, and was ripped by and downloaded from:

The Song is by Classic - Speedin'

I just bought Turbo on BluRay and this is my favorite song from the movie. ^_^

The Rig and Animations are from the GoblinHotrod file. The Positions for the bones on the wheels were manually placed in 010 Editor after, just so people know that it wasn't a straight shot, as I'm sure others are gonna try to do a car eventually as well.

Again thanks to Soldan for being a great friend. ^_^

Modelling and Animation / [SOLVED]  Shading Issue on M2 made with MDLVis
« on: October 24, 2013, 01:19:46 am »
Solved.  Delete please.

This originally was not made to be put into WoW, but since I was here, I did it anyway.  The actual use for it will be for a Demo Reel that I'll be making soon.

Original weighs in at around 85,000 Triangular Polygons and the Ingame version is at ~18,200.  Total Work time was 7 hours, mainly because the little details took multiple attempts before it looked correct to me.  This will not be given out nor will it be used for a game, maybe an indie game at a later date but not for this game.  

Modeled in Cinema 4D, Rendered with Default Scanline Renderer.

Wireframe(with all modifiers disabled):

Everyone has their own methods for doing Enchantment attachments, but I'm trying to do it my own way and see if I can make a guide on it.  Still fiddling with it at the moment.  

In 3.3.5a

In 4.0.6a:

Huge Thanks to Garthog for his tip on the shadow not rendering in 406 and his tool OBJ to M2 Generator[/u] !!

Shout out to Soldan!  XD

Swords were obtained from

Question is does anyone know how to interpret how Holes are set up in MoP ADT's that are from 5.3.0 and up?  Yes I know there is something on wowdev and ownedcore but I honestly have no idea what they are referring to.  

In patch 5.2.0 and back, all the holes were set at 0x3c of the MCNK chunk of an ADT, however it seems that in 5.3.0 and up, it no longer uses this field as noted on wowdev, blizzard now uses a 64bit mask for it now.  However it also says that there is a way to get the 16bit value through some conversions, and that's where I'm stuck at.

I mean naturally I can (as well as anyone) manually find which MCNK contains the hole by manually poking about and setting the 0x3c to FFFF until I poke a the correct chunk and end up having a section disappear but that's not exactly the best thing to do in real world practice when there are a few hundred holes that need to be tracked out.

I have supplied working copies of 5.4.0's Timeless Isle and Isle of Giants that you can try to make use of and see if you can somehow get them working.  These are in 3.3.5a Format however from my poking about, there isn't really any real difference between 5.3.0 and 5.2.0 ADT's  except for the MCNK 0x3c location being blank.

Download(125MB): ... nippet.rar

~It is current using the MapID 723, folder named Stormwind, rename it to another location or a custom location if you are currently using that ID for something else, adjust the .go xyz's accordingly as well naturally.

~~This contains all the data needed for the two islands to render out completely, with textures, WMO's, and doodads.  Here's a sample of me when I'm actually focused on things where normally I just push large content patches on people simply because it takes an extra 15~20 minutes to figure out exactly what is needed, the size could have been a tad bit smaller if I removed the stuff that existed in 3.3.5a, but then again this isn't a commissioned task.

TrinityCore .go xyz commands:

.go xyz 6005 1520 35 723

.go xyz -425 -5120 8 723

.go xyz -547 -5425 6 723

ADT's Used:

If you want the hole data for Isle of Giants, you can grab them off the 5.2.0 version of the ADT, I have the 5.4.0 versions for reasons so that if anyone would like to compare the data, they'd be able to see there really isn't any difference between them except a new flag and that part empty.

If anyone can figure out how the hole data is interpreted, that'd be awesome!!

Warm Regards, ~ATBox
...well I say Warm, but it's actually kinda chilly at the moment, lol.

Noggit / [SOLVED]  WMO's from Import.txt in SDL 1.2 possible?
« on: October 02, 2013, 07:13:26 am »
I tried to drop in WMO's through the Import.txt's list in SDL 1.2 but nothing happens, I can do M2's just fine.  Is this normal?  

I can drop WMO's in SDL 1.1 but it would seem 1.2 doesn't utilize that anymore?  The reason I'm asking is because as most of you know, I have a trove of WMO's from Cataclysm 406 to MoP and those can't be viewed in Wow Model Viewer so that type of drop method wouldn't be useful in this case, if anyone could help, that'd be awseome!  ^_^

PS, I tried it with normal WMO's as well and no luck, and it has nothing to do with the WMOs since SDL 1.1 works fine.

I Blame PainSavior for this..since he showed me his TreeTrunk building from Kokiri Forest.. anyway..

Some Shots:

And the Great Deku Tree!


Water was done with All Water.
WMO was generated with Gamh's 3ds to WMO creator.
Area was courtesy of ... inaoftime/

Thanks to PainSavior for the inspiration. XD

"Retro-Porting" / [TUTORIAL] [VIDEO] How to Convert Cata/MoP WMOs to WoTLK
« on: September 18, 2013, 05:29:34 am »
I personally do not do it by hand, I have made my own script and batch file to do this for me.

But it's so simple, you'll be wondering why no one has figured it out yet, or if they have, no one has said anything about it yet.


Youtube Link:

Tutorial starts at 8:00 minutes.  It's so simple you'll wonder why no one has figured it out yet.

Tools You'll need:
♠♠010 Editor:
♠♠010 Editor Templates: viewtopic.php?f=59&t=828
---Account needed to download templates.
♠♠My Content Patch(1.63Gb):
---Does not contain everything, just most, up to patch 5.2.0 I think.
♠♠Video on how to open MoP MPQ files:
♠♠WMO Wiki: ... MODD_chunk

Thanks goes to: The guys over at , My Subscribers/Followers, Indirect Inspiration and motivation from steff, soldan, vlad, will, fearless_wind, Gamh, Mjollna, BanzBoyz77, ToxicDev, Vynlendus, and more, too many to list!

Images of my converted wmos:

---It's Red because I pulled it from 5.4.0, 5.2.0 and back has yellow lights.

---Scrolls on fire because of 5.4.0 pull I think.

--After talking with Nupper. I did two real quick, and I think you can get these off the Alpha build but meh.. no need to anymore. ^_^.  The transparency effect on the windows doesn't exist for WMO's in WoTLK, however you can fake it with M2's.  I mean I could just disable that particular mesh from loading, but it would mean you'd just fall through. lol, and since it's a portal, the interior dissapears when viewed from the outside.

Pulled and Converted from Mist of Pandaria 5.2.0 installation.

"Retro-Porting" / [SHOWOFF] Cataclysm and MoP WMOs in WoTLK 3.3.5a
« on: September 16, 2013, 02:34:22 pm »

===EDIT: Tutorial Up!
Link >> viewtopic.php?f=22&t=5457


The WMOs Aren't created using Gamh's 3DS/OBJ to WMO Tool.  They are WMO's from MoP's retail installation.  Specifically speaking 5.0.5's install(Pulled from 5.4.0, but only opened up 5.0.5's patches).  So far I've only managed to get some wmos to work and if they have around 9 or less groups. Enjoy the video and images for anyone that may view it. ^_^.


Scract that, I got Large WMOs to work, Images of other places:


===EDIT: Tutorial Up!
Link >> viewtopic.php?f=22&t=5457


The question ended up being about 5 paragraphs long and had 6 images, so I deleted it and made a video asking said question with video rather than static images to give a better idea of what's going on.


Please don't try to simply answer my question just from reading the topic because that isn't the complete scenario as I have gotten it to load in the game.

--Got around the camera angle dissapearing issue.... hacky fix but meh.

"Retro-Porting" / [SHOWOFF] Video Flythrough of Pandaria Island
« on: August 29, 2013, 11:41:31 am »
First I'd love to say thankyou to both Will and Gamh for their wonderful tools.  No need for images, the video is a flythrough aside from the first 10 seconds of my me talking, after that it's silent.

So Play some music and enjoy the show!


Version with Music below, but it also packs a HUGE Filesize aswell.
Misc Info from my youtube Channel:

When I say that without my parents I wouldn't be here, I am not referring to me being born or the other thing as there are perverts out there that watch my videos as well.  Not that!  Anyway back to the description.

Had to move the camera by hand because I couldn't get the waypoints to work correctly, ... So the movement is pretty jerky.  Sorry if I made anyone sick with this.

As of right now, there is no plan to release this, if in the future I do, I'll most likely put my name into every single model in someway or form, it'd be called Anthony Land. LOL.

I had to remove the music that was used in the video as they caused the video to be blocked.  And besides most people just mute these kinds of videos anyway.

If you'd like to view the version with music, you can do so at my website, though you do need a fairly strong connection, since it's 2.02GBytes and 19 minutes long, 1920x1080 resolution at 25fps.

Or you can just download it if you can't stream it.

Video Stream Link:
Video Download Link: ... ebsite.mp4

This was made possible with the use of Gamh's 3ds/Obj to WMO Creator(the actual act is creation, not conversion as the two files' purposes and usage has completely changed where as a conversion, the usage is still the same).  And also Will's ADT Converter.

Links to their tools:
Gamh's MirrorMachineQT Thread: viewtopic.php?f=59&t=3898
Will's ADT Converter Thread: viewtopic.php?f=59&t=4339

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