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Messages - Soldan

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 11
"For human female"

"Goku's Super Sayan 3 Hair for Human Female because I CBA doing 20 different models" xDDD

I did Master Chief once, didn't get past 4 models cause I got bored as hell.

"Retro-Porting" / Re: Ragnaros2 to wotlk
« on: February 15, 2015, 05:07:52 pm »
I'm quite sure you are just missing the red/orange outline texture that he has, the hellhound has the same.

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [Help] Cloak of Terror
« on: February 13, 2015, 07:03:37 am »
Maybe normals? Try setting a two-sided renderflag, (4) if I'm not mistaken.

Quote from: "schlumpf"


Noggit is ready to be shipped.

Epileptic seizure

Texturing and 2D Art / Re: [QUESTION] Glossy / shiny / plastic effect?
« on: January 09, 2015, 12:44:49 pm »
Also, I can't remember the order - but if your reflect has a black background or a white background in the BLP, it could make it "not work". If so, change the blending mode to either 4 or 6, depending what you have on.

Modelling and Animation / Re: [QUESTION] M2/skin: identifying submeshes
« on: January 09, 2015, 12:42:33 pm »
Put it in a patch, load the patch with WMV - and then go to "Show Model Control".

It will list all the geosets from 0 - limit.

Two-Sided renderflag might do the trick

Modelling and Animation / Re: [RELEASE] Gnome Male HD (WOD)
« on: May 15, 2014, 08:08:11 pm »
Quote from: "Gurluas"
That...Or create a baked texture for all Gnome npcs.

I fixed this issue  for Cata Goblins, but that was only because I had a compatible creaturedisplayinfoextra.dbc from the Cata alpha.

Lucky you.. I had to hand select and change the name of 600 textures.

Just copy the camera block from a model that works on the login screen (I recommend a creature), to the end of the cameraless-m2. Then readjust the offsets. In total, you'll be looking at about 30 offsets (just make sure you don't mess up while doing it or it will break the model).

Basically, if you add the camera to it.. the view will be face on, and that way you will achieve said "verticle rotation". It will also solve another probem that occurs, and that is that the models move if you change resolution (try setting a square resolution and take a look at what happens). If you have a camera on the model - you will have to readjust the coords (you will need Z aswell). I recommend using the DevModel addon.

Add a camera to it. I had to do it for 2 of the models I use.

Guys this was over a year and a half ago. I'm not going to re-up links. You can easily do it yourself with Mjollna's converter.

Quote from: "MR. Farrare"
Quote from: "Soldan"
Just modeled "Sting" - Bilbo Baggins' dagger. Final result:

Full progress album (start to finish):

this is a really big dagger it can cut a head with one blow its nearly a sword and really  realistic

My intentions when creating it were not "I want to make this to put it in WoW because it will fit well". I know it doesn't look right in WoW. The reason I made it was to keep on getting better at 3d modeling - and start doing things rather than just joining pieces of armor on to mounts.

Yeah, maybe the proportions are a bit off - but not that far, I don't think.

Just modeled "Sting" - Bilbo Baggins' dagger. Final result:

Full progress album (start to finish):


Whyyy did blizzard call the files the way they did...

I'm guessing the only way I can find out what ones are the goblin ones, is going through all the displays in the Dbc and singling them out..

But that would mean renaming like 1000 display extra entries..

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