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Topics - phantomx

Pages: [1]
Modelling and Animation / Help with M2i exporting creating doubles.
« on: May 05, 2016, 04:03:32 am »
Hello everyone, I was wondering if I could get some help on an issue I've been having that's been driving me nuts tbh.

my issue is that when I export the M2i the new M2i has doubles I.E

No doubles 11k vert count,

New M2i has doubles now...

This is a very annoying bug that is related to redux because the old versions of m2mod did not have this issue as
Cara Calena AKA Redaxle the creator of M2Mod even stated in the release notes, so I'd like to know what was changed in redux that is causing these doubles to form.

Thank you for the help.

Hello again everyone it's been a while since I made a tutorial so here you are a highly requested tutorial on how to convert WoD models to WotLK Enjoy downloads are below.





010 Editor:

CascView for WoD File extraction:

MPQ Editor:

PhilipTNG M2 converter Tutorial:

Hello everyone a little while back I thought about making fist weapons out of so after some time I finally did.

I wanted to add sound effects to them like the ones I had back in 03 but I'm to tired lol.

Any way this download includes the fist models in Patch-H.MPQ with SQL and server DBC.



Hulking Fist - id 900548
Hulking Fist Left - id 900549


Hello, again just releasing this helm model for who ever wants it, I might do a tutorial later on how to do it.

I've been extracting and converting a lot of models from different games lately and one of those happen to be dragon ball xenoverse so I happened to have goku extracted and converted so I just took his hair and alined it to the HuF head resized it a bit since it was a bit small for SSJ3 and well here you go.

With old HuF model works fine.

With HD HuF model works fine.

This model just replaces because I can't be bothered to make a database/dbc entry for it, you can if you want.

Download Link

Hey so I converted all 21,289 textures from WoD to WotLk format.

One of my problems is that WotLK uses different file names then WoD does for most of those baked textures I.E.

I know that I could um copy WoD's CreatureDisplayInfoExtra's column that holds all the file names and import it to the wotlk version of the dbc but I can't be bothered mainly because excel doesn't want to start.... and I'm lazy.

So on to part two of the problem I have no idea where hairstyles for these baked npc's are looked for and I can't say I've really looked into it, since I have a lot on my plate this isn't something I want to spend even more hours on finding out, so this might sound a bit lazy/ I want someone else to do the work for me in a way it is but I really am busy and if someone could let me know where the hair textures are stored that would be great.


This third part isn't really related to npc's but some what of the same issue.

I've converted all the WoD races and their textures to WotLK but something that has still eluded me is that some hair styles at least 2 or 3 for the humans only seem to be unable to find the hair textures.

The weird thing is before I re-uved the model the hairstyles worked fine but what's even more odd is that I didn't touch the hair uv's yet all the other races have no problem with their hair so I have no idea hence why I posted this.

- Thanks.

Edit: "I know that I could um copy WoD's CreatureDisplayInfoExtra's column that holds all the file names and import it to the wotlk version of the dbc" Sadly that method doesn't work since WoD handles the file names in a different DBC that I haven't had the time to look for.

Miscellaneous / [Question] Need full install of 4.0.0 11927
« on: October 29, 2014, 12:44:56 pm »
Hey, I was wondering if anyone had a full install of Cataclysm alpha build 4.0.0 11927 since I haven't been able to install that patch I keep getting this stupid error for some reason telling me I don't have the English version enUS when I do and I've also tried it with the enGB version of the patcher and still get the same message.

So if anyone could supply me with a full installed version that would be great or if you know how to fix the problem I'm having that would also be great.

- Thanks


Hello everyone, I'm here again with another video tutorial.

Alright so I pretty much touched on everything to most of the things you need to know to get the player models working in WotLK and WMV.

The Tools will be under the video just scroll down, if you have any questions I don't mind answering them.


Part Two Textures.


WoD Character Models -- These are the WoD Player models in case you don't have a WoD extraction.

010 Editor

010 Editor Templates

Python 2.6 x86-64

Python 2.6 x86

Blender 2.49




BlpConverter Place in your C Drive.

MPQEdit 3.2


7zip incase you don't have it to open the files.


- Thank you for supporting me by using my AdFly links.

Texturing and 2D Art / [SOLVED][Question] WoD minimaps
« on: October 20, 2014, 01:05:04 am »
Hello I was wondering if anyone knows where the Warlords of Draenor minimaps are stored I've searched the entire extract but I haven't been able to find them, my guess is that they are handled by a dbc now but still that doesn't explain why I can't find the blps.

I would appreciate if anyone could find them.

- Thank you

"Retro-Porting" / [RELEASE] Azeroth Choppers for WotLK 3.3.5a
« on: September 27, 2014, 05:52:42 pm »

Hello, everyone I'm here again with another mount release.


Download Alliance Chopper only Replaces Mekgineer's Chopper.

Download Alliance & Horde choppers Replaces Mekgineer's Chopper & Mechano-Hog


Download Horde Chopper only Replaces Mechano-Hog

Download Alliance & Horde choppers Replaces Mekgineer's Chopper & Mechano-Hog

How to Install.

#1 Open your WotLK WoW folder.

#2 Open the Data folder in your WoW folder.

#3 Place the patch in your Data folder.

All done now just open up wow and have fun.

Tutorials / [TUTORIAL] Changing login music.
« on: September 07, 2014, 03:10:25 pm »

Hello, again and welcome to another morning tutorial... This tutorial like the title says is to change the login music of your client with out just renaming a file, any who with out any further ado enjoy.


Required files:

MPQEdit1.1 used to compile patch:

MyDbcEditor to open up DBC files:

I hope you learned from watching and like always if you need any further assistance let me know by posting below.  :ugeek:


This works for most expansions.

"Retro-Porting" / [TUTORIAL] Porting models from MoP & or Cata to WotLK.
« on: September 06, 2014, 06:15:59 pm »

Hello, everyone I'm here again with another tutorial, this one is based on how to port creature models and also set up a morph id and maybe add sounds to it, a basic tutorial but should help out people get started.

I will mostly do my tutorials in video format because I feel people learn more from seeing things in action then reading, I go both ways but any way with any further ado here's the video and required files will be posted below it.


010 Editor:

010 Editor Templates


MPQ Editor:



I hope you learned from watching this video and if you have any questions feel free to ask.

I did make this video right after just getting out of bed so sorry for that.

"Retro-Porting" / [RELEASE] Goblin Hot Rod 3 seater mount!
« on: September 02, 2014, 10:00:31 pm »

Hello again, so I use the goblin hot rod a lot and I like it sadly it was never made into a player mount and was only available for a short time while you were in your early levels as a goblin.

[paragraph:337qu67i]Any who getting to the point I ported this model from Cataclysm to Wrath of the Lich King and fixed all the particles.

It replaces the following: Traveler's Tundra Mammoth & Grand Black War Mammoth.[/paragraph:337qu67i]

Preview video




In the video the wheels may seem like they aren't moving but that's just because they are moving to fast and the video is only in 15-20 fps.

Tutorials / [Tutorial] How to get models from GTA IV to 3ds
« on: August 03, 2014, 01:42:02 am »

Hello, everyone I originally made these videos for Anthony but I thought some people might want to know how to get models from GTA IV so here you go.

Part 1

Part 2




Enjoy, sorry for all the weird talking/background noise.

Modelling and Animation / [RELEASE] Custom chopper mount for 3.3.5a
« on: August 03, 2014, 12:45:57 am »
Hello, everyone My name is PhantomXization PhantomX for short *everyone says in a very unamused tone* hey...Phantom....*

Yeah... any who lol I've been meaning to release some of my work on here but I don't like releasing things that aren't well up to my standards... but anyway I'm looking forward to releasing some more vehicles in the near future as well as some WoD creature/character models I've been working on, any who here's a video of the bike and the download link to the patch.


I could make it available for 4.3.4 if enough people want it.

Let me know.

Enjoy  :ugeek:


Thanks to Anthony for helping me out.

Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone had the files for Bloody Dancing Steel weapon enchant, or perhaps point me in the right direction to find the files, I've searched mostly all of my MoP MPQ files to no avail as well as my WoD files I just can't seem to find the enchant.


Thank you for your time and I hope I posted this in the correct forums.

Edit: Thanks to PhilipTNG for his time and help for finding it for me.

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