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Serverside Modding / [QUESTION] Spell dbcs fucked up
« on: August 09, 2015, 10:32:21 am »

Here's a spell:

Here is it's entry in the Spell.dbc (you can see the link to SpellVisual.dbc circled in red):

Here's the entry in SpellVisual.dbc (links to SpellVisualKit.dbc are circled):

The two entries in SpellVisualKit.dbc:
You can see there are absolutely no links to SpellVisualEffectName.dbc, so the visual effect (wings) comes from nowhere.

What the fuck?

"Retro-Porting" / [QUESTION] Fel Demonform model problem
« on: August 08, 2015, 08:28:23 pm »
Hey everyone!
I seem to have a problem with my fel demonform model. As you can see, the wrist is broken:
and fingers appear too long sometimes:

Any way to fix that? Or maybe blizz have released a fixed model?

Miscellaneous / [QUESTION] Random item appearing on character
« on: August 08, 2015, 11:34:18 am »
Sometimes when I log on one of my characters, I see this weird daggers. I already have two weapons equiped, and I cannot unsheath the daggers. When I relog, they dissapear.
Wtf is this?

Modelling and Animation / [QUESTION] Item doesnt sheathe properly.
« on: August 07, 2015, 05:19:16 pm »
Hey everyone!
I want to be sheathed across back pointing down. I changed its sheath value to 1 in Truice, but it still appears hanging down at a side of a character in game. Why doesnt it work?

Modelling and Animation / [QUESTION] Merge armor
« on: August 07, 2015, 02:13:28 pm »
I need to wear two head pieces at the same time. I've tried making one a necklace/shirt/tabard instead of helmet, but it doesnt show up.

Is there any way to achieve what I need (preferably, without any model editing involved)

Serverside Modding / [QUESTION] "Custom" class not showing up
« on: August 01, 2015, 06:46:55 pm »
I duplicated the death knight entry in the ChrClasses.dbc, giving it a new id and a different name. After Ive set a character to use the "new" class (in MySQL), he disappeared from the char selection list.
How can I solve that?

P.S.Server is 4.3.4 Trinity, pre-compiled (means no serverside cpp editing), client version 15595.

Resources and Tools / [QUESTION] GM addon
« on: July 29, 2015, 01:48:32 am »
I saw some old screenshots from blizz,and noticed the following:
[attachment=0:3pvqxiwx]SPEED AND GMCOMMANDS.jpg[/attachment:3pvqxiwx]

Is there any way to get this for myself?

Level Design / [QUESTION] Cleaned-up Karazhan
« on: July 28, 2015, 11:02:07 am »
Quite recently (in MoP I believe) blizz have "updated" Karazhan by removing webs, corpses, etc. I wanna have it for my cata server. Do I have to change all the wmos?

Miscellaneous / [QUESTION] Increase player visibility distance
« on: July 24, 2015, 01:59:35 am »
I have the following problem: if a player turns into a large npc and then enlarges even more (.mod scale 10), he can only be seen in a short distance, after which he dissapears. Any way to fix that?

I took an m2 model from wow, converted to m2i, edited it in Blender, but when I try to extract as an m2i, it just takes me back to the bleder edit window and no file is created. Could anyone hep?

"Retro-Porting" / [QUESTION] WoD -> Cata Gorehowl Crash
« on: July 19, 2015, 12:25:43 am »
I am trying to downport the HD Gorehowl from WoD to Cata. I extract the files


and edit

(struct TEXU TextureUditsstruct TEXU TextureUdits"enum TEXUNITFLAGS flags" to "TU_Static (16)", "uint16 order" to "16", "uint16 d4" to "1")

and "axe_2h_gorehowl_d_01_hd.m2"
(struct M2_file"uint Version" to "264", "uint nTexUnits" to "1", "uint ofsTexUnits" to "1CDC0h"(value from "uint ofsTexAnimLookup"), "uint nParticleEmitters" to "0")

I also change all the paths in ItemDisplayInfo.dbc to the new ones, and put the dbc into the patch and into my server dbc folder.

After that, I log into my client, select the char (I have the gorehowl equipped on my char), and the client crashes.

Please help!

Texturing and 2D Art / [QUESTION] Cannot conert a PNG to BLP
« on: July 18, 2015, 08:35:12 pm »
I had two blp files from a model. I then used a BLP2PNG converter to make them PNG, edited them via gimp, and then, when I tried to convert them back to BLP, only one converts. How can I fix that? Maybe I should do something in the 010 editor (which now seems to me as a tool that can fix anything)?

Noggit / [BUG] Noggit crashes suddenly for no reason
« on: July 17, 2015, 11:39:16 pm »
Wow - 3.3.5
Noggit - SDL1.2
Title says all. Not on startup, not on any specific action, just crashes randomly.

Texturing and 2D Art / Titancaptured (Ra-den) BLPs
« on: July 15, 2015, 02:37:12 pm »
Hey everyone!
As you may know, Ra-den has two different appearances: one with the wounds and the other one without. When I view his model (from my MoP client) in wowmodelviewer, he has no wounds. However, when I extract his model into my Cata server and view it in-game, it does have wounds (btw, they are textureless). Ive tried many times and I just can not find the "proper" model in MoP client files.
I believe, this wounds are from the BLPs, so could anyone share the "unwounded" BLPs, please?

P.S. Yes, yes, "leecher detected, blah blah blah"

Serverside Modding / [QUESTION] "Turn on" hidden races
« on: July 12, 2015, 09:48:54 pm »
The ChrRaces.dbc contains many races not available in game, e.g. vrykul, naga, etc. Is it possible to activate them? When I change a certain character's race id 9 (in navicat) to one of these unavailable races and try to load in game, I get dc'ed.

P.S.If that is possible, then if I activate one of these and change their model to the pandaren model from MoP, is it gonna work properly?

P.P.S. My server is 4.3.4 trinity.

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