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Messages - Serifaz

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Recruitment / [PROJECT] World of Warcraft Ashbringer
« on: June 30, 2014, 08:30:12 am »


hes too epic  for pants :P

Some earlier development pics

To contact me please add me on skype
Skype = Serifas69

Quote from: "Roxas"

Very nice work.
But more lighting its Ashbringer !!
Try to change color typo Ashbringer to yellow ?
and change low the logo in the background incrustation.

It is just my opinion =D

ok I will try that thanx.

Quote from: "Solarion"
The outlines of the logo ( the weird lines above the words "World" and "Warcraft" should be golden just like in the original WoW logo, not gray/silver. The Argent Crusade's theme is silver and golden ( and white and black sometimes ) thus the golden outline will add more to the contrast and the overall theme. The "Ashbringer" text should be golden too and the straps behind it should be golden instead of blue as well ( though if I have to be honest, it would be better to remove them or place them behind the blades. The blades themselves don't look good ( still better than the first attempt ), I remember your previous logo. The lower part there ( the black base blades with white/silver edge looked really good, and the "Ashbringer" text looked very good on it ( golden colour ). All in all, you need more golden to contrast the silver/white/gray colours else it looks too plain.

The reason I made the border silver above world of warcraft, is becuase I wanted it to match the rest of the border. I did have it golden at first but it just did not look right.

The rest of it such as the banners and the need for gold and some black. I will do that, I can see it needs more of the theme in it now.
Also I think if make the banners bigger and put the argent dawn / argent crusade logo on them and change the positioning / size it could be pretty cool.

I am still working on making the theme better. so Ill do those things first then see about changing the border back to gold. so that it fits that aspect better.

Thanx again for the input guys I am really just experimenting at this point. and would love all the input I can get :).

Thanx guys. Ill change up the text to not be distorted. and Ill make it look more holy not blue.
Both sound like good ideas

Original post updated with new logo

Thanx alot guys. any idea of anything I should do to better the logo?

Showoff - what you are working on / [SHOWOFF] New Ashbringer logo.
« on: April 09, 2014, 11:21:21 am »
Hey guys I am in the process of making a new logo for Ashbringer.
Figured I should get some feedback from the community on what you guys think of it sofar, and if theres something I should possibly add to it / remove from it.

Anyways let me know what you think.
P.S. I am still in the process of touching up what ive done. I know its pretty choppy. x)

second attempt

Resources and Tools / Re: [TOOL] Blender 2.5+ WMO import/export script
« on: March 27, 2014, 04:42:04 pm »
Absolutely amazing. I was just thinking about converting some wmo's to objs and making a login screen with models. This will make my life much easier :)
[Edit]: Sorry first edit was wrong, it does work in 2.5 I fixed it. it should work with versions in between that and 2.7 I would think.

Again great job.

So I have been working diligently on the female pixie model, for Ashbringer.
I do not have it completely finished yet, but a lot of animations geosets and attachment points are setup.


Is there any way to convert a mdl / mdx model with geosets animations and attachement points properly to a m2.

I would hate to see this model wasted.
and I think if there is a tool or a method to doing this, it would really help the community if it hasn't been posted yet.

[Solved]Found Phuko's tutorial on the subject:)

As I know... Don't quote me, because I'm probably wrong.
But the only way I know of to animate a wow model is in mdlvis.
Which I have no idea how to convert it back to m2 with the tools available.
Geosets just make the mdx to m2 freeze up.

Without a lot of Hex editing which I don't know how to do, I think you would need a tool to do this.
Which I don't know if it exists.

Again I'm not extremely experienced with making race models. hell I'm very under experienced because I can't convert one haha.

If you want to do something like make new animations you may have to confront someone in the community who is good at conversion aswell as the animation aspect.

Recruitment / Re: Rebuilding Ashbringer.
« on: August 11, 2013, 11:09:24 pm »
I don't know how to read russian.

Recruitment / Re: Rebuilding Ashbringer.
« on: August 11, 2013, 10:55:07 pm »
Quote from: "ayahne"
formerly i worked for this project with some of guyz
Are you saying you were a part of Ashbringer? if so who are you?
I don't know if your saying you made that or if your just saying you were on the project of sir francs.
but I'm pretty sure both are not true.
If you are saying you had some affiliation with ashbringer. please post something that you made on the project.

also if you are showing that as a way to get into the project, by posting work of what I believe is sir francs work. I would want to hear confirmation from sir franc.

I don't know if any of this is what you meant but honestly your comment can be taken in many ways.

PS I think sir franc gave his work away to a team of people. but this does not meen you made that.
also you uploaded that pic today, which gives me even further suspicion if you're post.

I think you should explain how you worked on that project, and what you had to do with  building stormguard, because from what I know noon was allowed to work on it except for sir franc.

Modelling and Animation / Re: Fixing M2 Transparency
« on: July 05, 2013, 06:55:21 pm »
I tried that but I get the same problem

Modelling and Animation / Re: Fixing M2 Transparency
« on: July 04, 2013, 08:37:17 pm »
Ok so I just setup the model again by copying simular values from the bloodelf .
my problem is still there, how would I hex edit the transparency. just to make sure its there.
also could this be an issue that I don't have a camera in the model?

Modelling and Animation / Fixing M2 Transparency
« on: July 04, 2013, 08:31:13 am »
Hey guys I have the pixie which I just converted and setup all the geosets and accouple animations.
I was hoping to put this in game and check it out but when I do I get this

is this a transparency issue ... and if so how would I address it?

Recruitment / Re: Rebuilding Ashbringer.
« on: May 01, 2013, 10:09:12 pm »
Thanx Joker.
Its not really my work. but it will be in game haha

Recruitment / Re: Rebuilding Ashbringer.
« on: April 30, 2013, 08:44:19 pm »

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