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Messages - Serifaz

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Resources and Tools / [QUESTION:Wod] Would this be helpful to anyone?
« on: December 16, 2015, 01:50:28 am »
I was wondering if a mpq holding the warlords data instead of using casc would be useful in any way to anyone.
Casc decided to bug out on me so I am making a backup to an mpq for the hell of it.
Anyways if this is needed by anyone or would help anyone at all. it is a very large file.
Just let me know

Tutorials / [TUTORIAL:WotlK] Create a new geoset
« on: October 13, 2015, 12:13:28 am »
So this isn't that much of a tutorial, because the method of doing this is very simple.

First grab a race model from patch-3.MPQ
convert it with mdmod3 to an m2i
import it to blender.

now take an existing geoset (Doesn't need to be the whole thing).
Just make sure when you don't grab something like a feet geoset for gloves or something.
You want the bones to still work.

If you feel you can re assign the weights then go right ahead :)

Now once you have your new geoset modified from the current model you took the verts from
or you created a new one.
Take a look at a geoset of the same type, such as if you are making gloves take a look at a glove geoset.

Now you should see something like this below (Depending on your current layout)

Simpley copy the number of the highest value in link and materials.
so say we have in example ME:Submesh#  and   OB:Submesh#    where the # you want your new geoset to have a value higher than the highest one of that group / geoset type.

So where you see in the picture I would change the submesh number to 1803 in both fields instead of 1802

Now export your model to an mdl and convert it back.
You now want to open it with pymodeleditor.
go to the geoset button and select your new geoset, make sure the geoset has the highest value of the same geoset type and write down the value or remember the number value it shows in pymodeleditor.
(DO NOT SAVE). you will break the model
and close pymodeleditor

now onto the itemdisplayinfo.dbc
In here you want to duplicate an item of the same type. so lets say you have a glove just duplicate the display id of an existing glove.

now go to field 8 ... or 7 if you are using taliis.
and change the field to the number you had in pymodel editor -1
so if you have 06 for the number in pymodel editor you would put a 5

and that's it save the dbc and create a new item in your database and throw the files we edited into
a new MPQ and give it a whirl

I can't see the items in the character selection window... don't really know why.
and if I re equip the items they do not appear.(When I clear the cache they re appear)
aswell as some emotes make the character wig out and crash the game.

I don't know why any of these things happen .. honestly I think I could track down how to fix them if I did.

also I don't know if this helps at all but I'm using an older version of m2mod3

[EDIT]: the crashes have been eliminated so no more crashes with certain emotes.
But for some reason the icons for the new items are showing differently when I equip them
still not sure why the cache is changing the way the character looks on relog or why the character in the creation screen does not have the new items

O.k. I figured out how to add a new geoset and assign it.
NOTE:I have no idea if there is already a tutorial on how to do this.
I was hoping to contribute to the community by releasing a tutorial on how to do it, but currently am experiencing a lot of bugs.(Mostly cache related.)

If there is already a technique for doing this please let me know where so I can figure out what I did wrong.

but anyways here is a video of what I got sofar.
If you think you can help please let me know in this post.

Like I said its really cache related. but there are other problems aswell.

Edit solved
I will post a tutorial soon

What modifications to the core, if any would need to be made?
I have searched high and low for trainer entries of different classes and can't find anything.
If there in there. do you know what file I should look at?

Yes I have a new gossip_menu_option entry and one in gossip_menu
Is it possible that it isn't assigning correctly?

Serverside Modding / [QUESTION:] How to create a class specific trainer?
« on: September 28, 2015, 05:37:52 pm »
Ok so checked out the post Here!
I followed what I could for direction on how to make a class specific trainer...
But I'm failing.
Big surprise right?
Anyways I am using TrinityCore
I copied a current trainer from the database, and changed the (trainer_class) entry to my custom class, which is 12.
I have created an entry in the skillline.dbc and skilllineability.dbc for the new spells I made,
but when I go in game after adding the spell to the trainer in the (npc_trainer) table.
The trainer still will open its training window for all classes and the spells don't appear in the training window. even when on the correct class.
Any ideas?

Not sure if I provided enough info.Just let me know :)

to my knowledge the beta is not accessible yet

Ive been working on making a new visual for a new class.
I want the demon hunter to have tattoo's and things that make them look more like a demon hunter
I have a dummy race that I swap to on character creation.
It looks the same. and has the same race name and class name.
It just has a different skin and some model changes like non glowing eyes

The hair styles don't match up yet. but Im working on that


also working on making it so you can see the customizations in real time as you create the class

Quote from: "Steff"
What about coding an ooen mmo engine completly independend from wow everyone can use?  I try to focus this now for 9 years but noone seams realy have interest in this idea.
Fully custom scriptable client,  server infrastructure,  a nice  editor and a help/content community around it.
All free and open source.  if someone like this idea contact me.

I just don't have the knowledge to do this.
I would love to do something like that if I knew how.
But as of right now I'm just trying to see what I can achieve.

Quote from: "Big Bad Bot"
Awesome! But as Phantom says before me, I think you'll have heavy issues when you have the game finished (and halfway) because Unity isn't strong enough :/

Yes I'm mostly just messing around at this point. if it becomes an issue, I will convert the code to another engine.

Yeah. I think it won't be too bad though.
If it becomes a problem I will definitely re consider the engine.

Honestly I was just waiting to get trolled for posting this. Thanx again for your positive response

Thanx man :)
I considered it. I guess its just because I know c# and prefer to use unity.
probably just because I know how to use it.

p.s. if anyone knows c# I am looking for people to help out.

Hey guys.
its been a while since I posted, I know to a lot of you this will seem worthless. but I thought I would post it anyway.
I am rebuilding world of warcraft in Unity 3d
I just got some character customization done after a simple login script that hooks up to a new extension in smartfox.
again just thought I would show it to you guys.

np bro. I am still going to make the animated model. but have fun with it :)

Here you go :) .

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