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Topics - Vortalex

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Anyone know the name of the WoD Shipyard Boat WMOs? I've been looking around but I can't load any size WMO in my WoD ModelViewer without it crashing.

Would really appreciate it.

I've tried modifying ID 110 (HoldRifle) to show weapons when animation is in progress by changing the value of the 3rd column to 32. However, the changes don't show up in game.

I've checked to make sure the SpellVisual, SpellVisualKit, AnimationData, are all correct. I've added the DBC to my client and server side. The change isn't appearing.

Also, if I try to copy the row and change the value in SpellVisualKit to match the new AnimationData ID, no animation shows up at all.

Which leads me to the conclusion that any changes you make to AnimationData.dbc do NOT show up client side.

Modelling and Animation / [QUESTION] Object ambient lighting?
« on: March 18, 2015, 02:56:10 am »
For some reason my flag has this insane brightness no matter what time of the day it is. Here, it is night time and this thing is practically teeming with light:

I'm guessing this is more a model issue not really a texture issue. Anyone know how I can remove the brightness?

Tutorials / [TUTORIAL] Advanced Tileset Specular Mapping
« on: March 17, 2015, 09:50:51 am »
I'd like to start by saying thanks to Eluo's tutorial for pointing me in the right direction. His tutorial was useful but I didn't like the outcome of my highlights when night-time approached, so I did some experimenting of my own.

So we're going to start from scratch.

Step 1: Create your "_s" file[/u]

After making your custom texture the way that you want, save the file. Copy the file, and add "_s" to the end.

Step 2: Separate the grass from the dirt[/u]

If your texture has only grass on it, or only one texture type on it, you can skip to Step 3.

Select your Magic Wand tool, set the Tolerance to around 10-20, make sure Anti-alias is checked.

Shift+Click some of the grass spots between until you get it all mostly selected.

Ctrl+C to copy, and Ctrl+V to paste onto a new layer. Afterwards, you can hide the old layer. You want it to look kind of bushy but not too clunky. Something like the image I have below. This could take some time to get it just right. I recommend feathering the edges a bit to make it a little smoother and less pixely.

Step 3: Adjusting the levels[/u]

Create a new layer under your initial layer, and fill it with black. This is just to give you a background to see what you're working with for the next few steps.

Select your initial layer and move over to the Channels tab where it shows the RBG. Select the RBG color that best corresponds to your main color. In my case I selected green because I'm working with grass. Ctrl+Click the little preview image right next to the color name, and Ctrl+C to copy.

Go back to the Layers tab, create a new layer, and Ctrl+V to paste the selection onto that new layer. You can delete the other layer.

Go to Image > Adjustments > Levels, and adjust the Input Levels to somewhere between 0.35 and 0.25 until you get something like this.

Move the original texture layer that you hid in Step 2 on top of the new layer, and Ctrl+Alt+G to create a clipping mask. You can hide or delete the Black background layer at this point.

Step 4: End Result[/u]

Select all layers, and Ctrl+E to merge them. Go to File > Save As, and save the file as a PNG.

Make sure that you save it as Interlaced for it to work as an alphamap.

Convert the files into blp, and put them in their respective folders. Now you should have some nice smooth highlights.



Modelling and Animation / [QUESTION] M2 visible range
« on: March 16, 2015, 10:21:25 pm »
Can someone tell me how to make the range of visibility larger for m2s?

Miscellaneous / [QUESTION] PXR.DK Did someone delete all the pages?
« on: March 09, 2015, 08:12:17 pm »
All pages show up empty to me today. I cleared my cookies and everything, wtf happened? I rely on those pages :(

Serverside Modding / [QUESTION] VehicleSeat.dbc
« on: March 05, 2015, 09:44:02 pm »
Has anyone got any clue what the flags in columns 1 and 45 are?

Here is a reference: ... leSeat.dbc

Modelling and Animation / [SOLVED] LF tut for adding Light Emitters
« on: March 04, 2015, 08:53:21 am »
Title pretty much. Looking for a tutorial on how to add light emitters to a model via 010 Editor.

Texturing and 2D Art / [QUESTION] Saving textures messes them up
« on: February 16, 2015, 09:07:28 am »

Here is an example of where I converted a blp to png, opened it, made no changes then SAVED it (in correct format), converted it back to blp, and tried it ingame. The texture was missing in some spots, and stretched strangely in others.

Yes, I saved it in the right RBG/Indexed version. If I hadn't, the texture wouldn't have showed up at all.

Anyone know what could be wrong?

Miscellaneous / [QUESTION] SpellVisualKit.dbc Channel Visual Floats
« on: February 13, 2015, 06:38:30 am »
So the floats associated with column 22 (listed here ... ualKit.dbc), how do you decipher that shit?

You see, I'm trying to create a spell that is channeled and has its own channel animation (I pulled the monk crackling jade lightning from MoP to WotLK) but getting the channel visual to work is driving me bat shit crazy. I don't know the base or exponent values to convert the floats into integers, then back into floats, and as far as the other floats go that help decide color and shit, I have absolutely no idea how to work with it.

Anyone have experience dealing with custom channel visuals?

Modelling and Animation / [QUESTION] How to modify M2s
« on: January 28, 2015, 07:42:29 pm »
I'm not a model editor, so I looked around a bit in the tutorial section and still can't seem to find a good tutorial that shows me how to do this:
- Convert existing M2 into some kind of model-editing software file
- Open the converted file in the software and edit it
- Save, then convert back into M2

If anyone would be so kind to make a quick tutorial for this or something, that'd really be appreciated.

"Retro-Porting" / [QUESTION] WotLK to Vanilla?
« on: December 24, 2014, 06:58:53 am »
Any tutorials out on porting from WotLK to Vanilla? I have never fooled with it before.

Texturing and 2D Art / [QUESTION] Texture problems
« on: December 11, 2014, 07:51:33 am »
So I have a 256x128 Glove item texture that I made, indexed the file, saved as PNG, converted via BLPConverter, and it turned up green in-game.

So I figured it was the size despite the fact that 3.3.5 supports 256x128 item textures, but I said w/e fuck it. So I resized it to 128x64, this time it's invisible in-game.

So toss me suggestions.

Texturing and 2D Art / [QUESTION] Texture inconsistency help
« on: October 15, 2014, 08:56:15 pm »

As you can see in the pic, the texture has some areas where it is lighter or darker than other spots, which cause the texture to look like it repeats itself when laid across an ADT. Obviously, you don't want it to look like it repeats itself, you want it all to blend seamlessly. In order for that to happen, the shadows and highlights have to be equal throughout the texture file.

So my problem lies here: How can I even out the shadows and highlights in photoshop? Is there an image > adjustments option anywhere? If so, I can't find it.

Any help would be nice.

Serverside Modding / [QUESTION] function ToggleSheath()
« on: October 12, 2014, 03:26:23 am »
Does anyone know where the function "ToggleSheath()" is defined? It's not in any lua files, and all I could find via google was that it was part of this.

A full response would be great.

You see I'm trying to create a script similar to the likes of this:

Code: [Select]
function PressButtonDown()
if ( MainHandOnlySheath:IsShown()) then
( MainHandOnlySheath:Hide() and OffHandOnlySheath:Hide() );

Except those functions don't actually exist, and if there is a similar version of them I would love someone to inform me of what they are, or how I could go about pursuing this function.

I'm trying to find where "ToggleSheath()" is defined so that I can view its lua and discover what function variables do exist so that I can pull this off.

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