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Topics - Rangorn

Pages: [1]
Tools / [TOOL] [WoD] WdtSupplies
« on: May 16, 2016, 05:33:01 pm »
WdtSupplies is a program for generating required files for Mapping in WoD.
It generate 4 needed files, but you need a WDT for this program.

This program need java environnement, be sure java is installed on your computer.

1) Open "Launch" with notepad or another text editor
2) Replace "Test.wdt" by the name of your wdt, and save
3) Put your wdt file in the folder
4) Launch Launch !!jAMGAI5Y!_1rXG_-0NL51 ... nOCbcr-7Jo

Miscellaneous / [Legion] WDB5 format
« on: April 13, 2016, 11:52:02 am »

Showoff - what you are working on / Datamining perfect Scheme ?
« on: November 23, 2015, 01:46:17 pm »
Hi modcraft, i'm currently trying to Dev tools for some datamining and use the proper method for this.

Datamining is not that ez for legion, you need to use cascexplorer and u need a listfile.
The listfile is like a giant pokedex for all the files presents in this extension, so my goal is to catch em all  :lol:

Anyway, this is my idea for getting all the referenced string in wow (path to dbc db2 db3 blp m2 wmo adt etc....)

Step 0 : Read all the existing dbc db2 db3 existing in the latest wow.exe
Step 1 : Extract all informations from theses dbs
Step 2 : Generate all existings adts from map.dbc with a prog (0_0 to 63_63) and extract m2 blp wmo from other dbs (filedata, itemdisplayinfo etc...)
Step 3 : Generate needed files for m2 (the skin), wmo (the parts), blp (for tileset, the _s.blp) and Extract informations from m2 (blp path) and wmo (blp path + m2 if doodads set, and extract blp from theses m2 too)

What do u think guys ?

Tutorials / [tutorial] Convert DB2 format to DBC and reverse
« on: June 08, 2015, 02:37:38 pm »

"Retro-Porting" / [RELEASE] MOP Models HD Patch
« on: October 17, 2014, 10:15:11 pm »

Modelling and Animation / [QUESTION] Pandaren UV Mapping (1024x512)
« on: July 02, 2014, 03:56:01 am »
Hey everybody,

I want to use the wod hd models on mop, because there is no problems with triangles limitation.
But i have another problem, uv mapping.

In mop, pandarens use a new uv mapping => 512x1024, instead of 512x512 (or 256x256) for normals races
WoD HD Models use the pandaren uv mapping.

I don't know how to "activate" 1024x512 uv mapping on my hd models, it's not in M2 files, i think it's somewhere in DBC, but i can't figure where.

If somebody know how to do this, this will be great
Thanks :)

Miscellaneous / [QUESTION] Very High security on MPQ ?
« on: May 26, 2014, 03:01:47 pm »
Hello everyone, i am currently searching the best way to protect my custom patch.
Actually i will follow 3 steps :

1) Crypt the mpq, delete listfile, everything is like File000001.xx
2) Attach the mpq to a custom WoW.exe for my server
3) Lua modification to force realmlist of my server.

 I know how to do the steps 1 and 2, but i'm currently searching a way for the step 3.

In fact, i want :
-My patch can only works on my server
-The patch is completly crypted with a large number of files.
-The patch can only works with a special wow.exe

If someone could teach me a tip or a good advice, that'd be great :D
Regards, Rangorn

Modelling and Animation / [RELEASE] Gnome Male HD (WOD)
« on: April 27, 2014, 02:41:54 pm »

Modelling and Animation / [QUESTION] WOD Characters HD Skin files
« on: April 09, 2014, 04:01:58 am »
I have exported all the files for the Orc HD Model.

1 m2, all anims, and the 4 skin
As you can see, the orc model look like this :

After intensive work, i think the problem come from the skin files.
Especially the last geosets of the model.

Orc and other HD Models have a large number of triangles
Orc Model : 23428 triangles = 23428*3 = 70284 indices.

The problem is here, The start triangles offset, is only 2 bytes ! his maximum is FF FF (65535).
I made a little schema about this thing : ... llshit.png

On modelviewer the geosets with this problem(72 73 74 75 76 and 77)are bullshit, something like that :

I'm pretty sure, theses geosets are the missing part on the screen.

This is very annoying, i'm looking for a solution, but i think we can't do something for that :(

Pages: [1]