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Messages - TheMetalCarrots

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"Retro-Porting" / Re: Cataclysm Naga Female Face
« on: July 08, 2018, 10:00:20 pm »
I used the Naga from Cataclysm's model and down-converted it with the CataToLK tool, which has never given me issues with resulting models. I checked in Blender to see if the UV's were having a good time, and everything seemed in order, and removed the hardcoded textures via 010 just in case that was causing issues, but the problem is still out in full force.

On further inspection, it seems to be that it overlays another character's face ontop of the Naga one every time another character's textures are loaded first. For example, I'll go onto an orc female in character creator and then move to naga female, and the naga female has her face but, ontop of that, a transparent, zoomed in texture from the orc female. Texture-stealing models are definitely the most confusing problem I have ever come across in modding.

"Retro-Porting" / Cataclysm Naga Female Face
« on: July 08, 2018, 06:14:37 pm »
Hey, its amateur hour with me again! So, I ported the HD naga models from Legion and played around with them a bit until it dawned upon me that they're butt-ugly, so decided to go for the Cataclysm naga (at least for females). That's cool and all, but as a test I put them over the TaurenFemale (so I didn't have to change the Charsections), but everytime I did this ugly brown pattern appeared on her face.

I changed to Blood Elf, then Gnome and each time I'm seeing this (pictured below), and it seems to disappear or reappear on character screen and in game with no real correlation, and it's awful and I've tried just about everything I could do to sort out my ol' sooty-faced fish. Help would be appreciated!

Do you plan on updating this patch again with the new BfA additions?

Miscellaneous / Re: Memory Addresses
« on: January 03, 2018, 11:02:33 pm »
Thankyou very much, although there doesn't seem to be anything related to view distance anywhere in there :( anyone have any pointers as to how I can find this?

Miscellaneous / Memory Addresses
« on: December 24, 2017, 03:11:54 pm »
Anyone know the Memory Addresses for View Distance and Fog Density (so I can achieve the same effect of WoWMachinimaTool without all the extra bits)?

"Retro-Porting" / Re: M2Mod UV Maps discombobulation
« on: December 14, 2017, 06:20:30 pm »
Well that was a lot easier than I thought it would be, thanks for the assist!

"Retro-Porting" / M2Mod UV Maps discombobulation
« on: December 14, 2017, 05:34:16 pm »
Hey all, it's the village idiot with yet another stupid question!

So, I have these models that I did a bit of editing with, but after a quick tumble in the M2ModRedux, their eyebrow and torso UVs swap, ending up with a very hairy chest and some tentacles above their eyes (pictured below). I've tried editing the UVs but the fleshy tentacle hair chest monster of an elf always seems to prevail. Help would be appreciated!

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [Classic to Wotlk+]New tilesets for Wow
« on: December 03, 2017, 01:19:33 pm »
Hello, author. I found the problem in the ironforge

Looks like you have some missing .skin files somewhere, it's most likely to do with something you missed because my Ironforge isn't experiencing these problems.

Modelling and Animation / Re: UV Map a new race
« on: November 23, 2017, 02:24:02 am »
Alright, thankyou for the help - I'll get right on that! 

Modelling and Animation / Re: UV Map a new race
« on: November 22, 2017, 10:48:00 pm »
To clarify - the texture looks like the attached file, whilst the usual character model (I used the Draeneifemale as an example) has more structure to it. Would I have to go about trying to sort out my texture to look like this or could I make do with what I have?

Modelling and Animation / UV Map a new race
« on: November 22, 2017, 10:43:19 pm »
Hey all,

Was wondering if there was anyone who could give me info on how to UV map a race I'm making that has textures with no real pattern to them. I did a bit of digging on this and found nothing that exciting, was just wondering how specific the textures need to be - I have a model that has textures all over the place, would this not translate well if I UV mapped the current textures onto the model - should I try to recreate the generic player model (body texture to the right, arm texture to the left etc.) using the textures I have instead?

Thanks all

Modelling and Animation / Kil'jaeden/Winged Female Eredar model
« on: October 27, 2017, 02:10:12 am »
Heyup all,

Was wondering if anyone had the Kil'jaeden/Winged Female Eredar model on hand so I could convert them to Wrath of the Lich King. This sounds leech-y, but I really don't feel like downloading a massive 80+ gigabyte installation of the newest WoW just for these two models, so help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance and stay frosty,

I look on kil'jaeden but the old boss model is complete special.
I think the only hard way would be to try to delet just some part out of the model and insert some new parts and rig it new.
But anyway i cant test it after trying this. So at the moment nope.

And ya they looks cool but the old have this charm, same on the goblins i made a hybrid version but there was the face not so sneaky^^ so i delet it.

You could just port the new model into WotLK format and then overwrite the old model using the DBCs, I don't think anyone cares about the addition of legs.

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [RELEASE] [WotLk] Character Models(no npc)
« on: April 05, 2017, 07:23:16 pm »
Some races don't seem to be able to mount after using this patch - when they attempt the action, they dismount instantly and the camera angle ends up going all funky and the character's collision (which is especially noticeable in water) is different, which persists until logging out/in again. Not all race/gender combinations have this, with undead, human and blood elf females being able to mount whilst human males, night elf males, females and draenei females are all affected by this.

It doesn't seem to be the model itself, but a DBC values affecting this, for changing the model via Creaturemodeldata doesn't affect the character's ability to mount if they are one of the aforementioned broken race/gender combinations that cannot mount.

Can you please add the new Kil'jaeden model to this pack, he's one of the best models to come from Legion.

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