Actually, there are the way to convert WMOs. Mop WMOs don't differ much from Cata ones. So, we can use this method for Cata WMOs too. We need to export WMO via WoWModelViewer to a format wich supports texture export. Then convert it to 3ds using a tool you like (I recommend 3dobjectconverter 4.10). And then just use Gamh's MirrorMachineQT to make it WMO again. Sadly, but some models can't be exported with normal UV map (have broken textures).
3D Object converter - 3D Studio (.3ds)
3D Studio Binary Mesh
Thanks for the tutorial Anthony ¡¡PD: Any way to fix the texture problem that have some maps? (I don't know if is problem of the ADT or maybe the textures). Map: CataclysmCTF (TwinPeaks BG)PD2: Problem solved.
i dont know how you do, to convert the maps easily.I tried a lot of times, the last yesterday, i convert the .wmos that appears in to the .adt of ShadopanArena, i convert the .adt with your converter, and put 4E into the WDT, in-noggit(older) i can see the map without textures, but i can see. In most recent noggit it close.And in-game, it have wow error, in the middle of loading screen. and it are all maps that i try to convert.I have to do something more to can see the maps ingame? I convert .adt, change 4E in .wdt, and see and converts the .wmos that appears into .adt, (m2 and textures have all).Regards and incredible job anthony.
Quote from: "ferreon"Thanks for the tutorial Anthony ¡¡PD: Any way to fix the texture problem that have some maps? (I don't know if is problem of the ADT or maybe the textures). Map: CataclysmCTF (TwinPeaks BG)PD2: Problem solved.And what did you do to solve it?