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Author Topic: A realistic after-Warcraft III server  (Read 17527 times)


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Re: A realistic after-Warcraft III server
« Reply #45 on: March 25, 2016, 08:11:08 pm »
I provide you with our more detailed map of Lordaeron's geography.

Updates to this post

26. march 2016
-Attachment "Lordaeron (geography)" updated
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
If you would like to join us in a development of the "World of Warcraft: Legends of Azeroth" project (realistic after-Warcraft III), then you are welcome to contact me.


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Re: A realistic after-Warcraft III server
« Reply #46 on: March 29, 2016, 01:33:46 am »
I greet you, again,

attached is an another map depicting situations in Lordaeron. There are also particular locations marked, meaning to refer to the respective Warcraft III campaign mission, which took place in given location.

I am remaining with kind regards.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
If you would like to join us in a development of the "World of Warcraft: Legends of Azeroth" project (realistic after-Warcraft III), then you are welcome to contact me.


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Re: A realistic after-Warcraft III server
« Reply #47 on: April 05, 2016, 05:16:38 pm »
Greetings again!

I hereby inform you that our project has been reduced on Azeroth and Khaz Modan only, so that it is able to be finished sooner. Thus, our first installment is being called "World of Warcraft: Legends of Azeroth", and is projected to be chronologically set at the begining of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. Lordaeron sub-continent will be worked upon after we finish this version, and is planned to be featured at the end of "The Frozen Throne" events in Lordaeron.

In regards of these news, we are looking for help in design of maps for the locations. Please, for the details of recruitment, see the recruitment section of the forums, which concerns our project, or contact me directly. I am also providing you with one picture as a reference.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
If you would like to join us in a development of the "World of Warcraft: Legends of Azeroth" project (realistic after-Warcraft III), then you are welcome to contact me.


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Re: A realistic after-Warcraft III server
« Reply #48 on: October 19, 2016, 07:37:51 pm »
I wish you - and especially to all those, who have shown their interest or have had faith in and expectation from this project - a good day!

If I am correct, today is the one year from the time when I have published here the interest in recreation of the World of Warcraft in the spirit of a realistic gameplay and Warcraft ideals. On this occasion, I would like to inform you about the situation of this project for your awareness:

During the course of the last two months, it has been decided that the project will be stopped due to the fact that we were lacking a person, who would be able to run a provisional server (at least), as well as all the personel necessary to finish the tasks in order to complete this project, for there was a lot of work to do and our humble capacities were not enought to finish it.

It is in this way that I thank to all those, who have shown their interest in the project, identified with its ideas and supported the effort. The thanks mainly belongs to all those, who have responded to the call or have eagerly volunteered themselves to cooperate on the project.

The thanks goes also to the Modcraft webside for creation of the proper environment. Despite the fact that the project was practically not in accord with the interest of the game's rightful authors, all the decision-making in this project has been done with respect towards the said authors and their work, and without any interest in the financial or social gain for the personal disposal of the authors of this project, but solely for the restoration and better position of Warcraft.

Thank you.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
If you would like to join us in a development of the "World of Warcraft: Legends of Azeroth" project (realistic after-Warcraft III), then you are welcome to contact me.


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Re: A realistic after-Warcraft III server
« Reply #49 on: February 07, 2017, 06:03:45 pm »
Quote from: "Martinus"
I wish you - and especially to all those, who have shown their interest or have had faith in and expectation from this project - a good day!

If I am correct, today is the one year from the time when I have published here the interest in recreation of the World of Warcraft in the spirit of a realistic gameplay and Warcraft ideals. On this occasion, I would like to inform you about the situation of this project for your awareness:

During the course of the last two months, it has been decided that the project will be stopped due to the fact that we were lacking a person, who would be able to run a provisional server (at least), as well as all the personel necessary to finish the tasks in order to complete this project, for there was a lot of work to do and our humble capacities were not enought to finish it.

It is in this way that I thank to all those, who have shown their interest in the project, identified with its ideas and supported the effort. The thanks mainly belongs to all those, who have responded to the call or have eagerly volunteered themselves to cooperate on the project.

The thanks goes also to the Modcraft webside for creation of the proper environment. Despite the fact that the project was practically not in accord with the interest of the game's rightful authors, all the decision-making in this project has been done with respect towards the said authors and their work, and without any interest in the financial or social gain for the personal disposal of the authors of this project, but solely for the restoration and better position of Warcraft.

Thank you.

I have a server with great speed, that I can let you work in for free if that helps.   Contact me
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: A realistic after-Warcraft III server
« Reply #50 on: February 11, 2017, 08:25:20 am »
Thank you, Piccolodmq.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
If you would like to join us in a development of the "World of Warcraft: Legends of Azeroth" project (realistic after-Warcraft III), then you are welcome to contact me.