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Topics - Jøk3r

Pages: [1]
Random / Christmas
« on: December 25, 2014, 02:12:27 pm »
Just wanted to wish you all merry christmas (:

Hello Modcraft!

I wanted to show some of my worldbuilds. Most of them are started areas but there are also many things i just tested to enhance my skills or test an idea which poped in my mind.
I know, they may be not perfect but maybe some one is interessted in these pics.

I made a album on so i don't have to post so many screenshots^^

And here are some Screens of progess which i want to post here:

Hope to get some good feedback (:

Random / New Expanion and wowedit.
« on: July 04, 2013, 02:53:49 pm »
I just wanted to share something with you guys.

I have found the expansion thing not on my own. I have read about it on There is currently just a texture inside. (Here the german article with two pics: ... ment128019 )

The wow edit thing was found by me.

Builder Team / Missing Textures in new_content_patch
« on: July 04, 2013, 02:28:52 pm »
Currently i'm adding missing textures to the repo so update that from time to time.
Just wanted to inform you (:

Random / Development map!
« on: March 20, 2013, 11:38:09 pm »

This Video shows the development map which was included in an PTR build for just one hour.
Read the Video description for more information and download!

Just wanted to share this here for those guys who are interessed in this (:

Builder Team / An old area idea of mine.
« on: November 01, 2012, 12:38:31 am »
Hey guys.
I just had the idea to contribute an old idea of mine to Maruum.
The idea is one or two years old and was ment to be a training for me. Just to get better in texturing etc with noggit.
Basicly it is 2x2 adts big. No huge area indeed. I posted some screens of it here: viewtopic.php?f=37&t=936
The screens are all old! It can be made much better.
My basic ideas for the zone can be seen in this screenshot:

The ideas for the zone where for WoW itself.

I would like to contribute this litte thing to Maruum but i got one Problem: The lore and what the zone is used for.
I don't have any idea on what the zone could be used for, at this point I need help ^^
Building the zone itself won't be a problem but as i don't know what could happen there i need help...^^

Hope you get what I mean and you like it o:

(Of course the basic shape and the scale of it can be changed..^^)
And i also could upload the adts so you can take a look at it. (it is on the custommap1 continent from Steff.

Random / Re: hey everyone
« on: September 06, 2012, 01:42:12 am »
Hello and welcome to modcraft the forum dedicated to wow modding (:

FuTa / [TUTORIAL] How to use FuTa
« on: April 03, 2012, 03:02:58 pm »
As the title says a tutorial on how to use FuTa will follow. (I won't explain how to create alphamaps)

1. Settings
The settings are pretty easy to understand.

For the alphamaps you can chosse between colored and grayscale mode (Setings -> Alphamaps -> Format. If you choose colored mod you can set the color to every color you want. (Settings -> Alphamaps -> set color).
As far as i know, Grayscales have more details but you can choose want you want!

2. Alphamaps

Here you can choose three layers (Layer 1-3). This part is also pretty easy.
At the bottom you have two buttons: Export and Import.

The export-button is used to export the three alphamaps to png-files. These will be located one outside of the folder you have FuTa in
(for example: FuTa is located here: "C:UsersNameDekstopFuTa". If you hit export the pngs will be located in "C:UsersNameDesktop")

The import-button is used to import alphamaps. For me it only works if the backround is transparent. If it is not transparent i got just a green (or what color is set) display of the alphamap). BUT you can try to use a alphamap with a non transparent background because as Steff said, it works for him with such alphamaps.

Edit1: if u choose grayscale the "gray value" (black - white) of the pixels is taken then u r alphamaps ARE NOT transparent and do not have color

         if u choose colored the alpha value of the pixels is taken and ur alphamaps have to be transparent were no textures should be....the color doesent matter at all

3. Layer Settings

Here you can switch the textures for the four possible layers. But you can only choose between the used textures which are already used on the opened adt.

Texture Flag:
I currently not know what this is used for. Sorry.

Ground effect ID:
Here you can enter any ground effect ID.This will effect the layer (texture) you have selected.

Texture Path:
Here are all textures listed which are already used on the adt.

Be sure to hit apply after you changed any settings for the layers!

4. Heightmaps

To display the heightmap you have to check "show in 3D" (Settings -> Heightmap -> show in 3D)
If you checked it, you can see the heightmap of your opened adt.

At the bottom are again the two buttons for exporting and importing. They do pretty much the same things for the heightmap as for the alphamaps but the heightmaps will be saved - when you eyport them -  in the folder in which your adt is also located.
(For example: If you adt is located in "C:UsersNameDesktopworldmapscustomap" it will be located in the same folder but will be named "custommap_x_y.height.)
(this doesn't depend on the heightmap settings)

5. Water

Sofar i didn't used these function but I assume you can export/import water settings..^^
The file you export will have the fileending ".mh2o". It will be saved the same way your heightmap will be saved.

I hope the tutorial will be understood. It's my first tutorial D:
If you find any mistakes or something like that, feel free to post them and i will correct them.
And if I have made some mistakes with spelling or grammar please forgive me, I'm from Germany^^

AND: Hanfer, i hope you will like this :'D

If you have only the gras texture on your adt or you don't mind deleting all other textures on your adt, you can clear the texture (assist menu). It changes all textures to the texture selected.
Or in 3.279 you can replace the gras texture with one you want.

Noggit / Ideas for Noggit
« on: September 20, 2011, 09:35:52 pm »
I just had some ideas what could be added to noggit
Is don't know if it's possible but you Steff, Schlumpf or so can write it here if it isn't possible^^

-a circle in 3D like it is in 2D painting mode (for editing the ground and 3D painting)
-a "speed bar" llike it is in Raise/lower mode for flatten/blur
-a bigger radius for clearing textures on chunks

Showoff - what you are working on / [WIP] Just a litte training area^^
« on: September 13, 2011, 05:45:30 pm »
I started a litte training area, where i train my skill in worldbuildings. I want you show you how it goes on.
I will post screenshots if i made enough changes to show them to you. (I don't work every day at it and also not very long at it, so i won't update this thread with screenshots every day.
Feel free do comment. Of course you can also say what I should make diffrent and so ^^
Here are the first three screenshots:



Since i got a custom map working, i started something better and it looks sofar much better than the last screenshots :)
(And I still can't post screens here -.- ) Steff: You can if you do it right :)



Here is a litte concept screen what i want to do in the future xD


Here is a litte texture improvement i will apply to my zone:

Here's a screen with the current textureing for comparison:

I would like it if you post your opinion of that change ^^[/spoiler:2apipbil]

And I'm currently not that active because of school.

Uploaded with

Miscellaneous / new continent problem
« on: February 08, 2011, 10:02:31 pm »
What means "Take your favourite MySQL tool ,connect to your server and open the  Worldmap_info(Aspire)."

I don't know how i could connect to my server :(

Miscellaneous / WoW Crash
« on: January 30, 2011, 03:20:10 pm »
Every time when i start WoW it crashes with following message:

Uploaded with

I've already changed the Map.dbc back to default but it gets still the same error.

Noggit / Terain problem
« on: January 18, 2011, 05:29:51 pm »
I can't edit the terain (rise/lower and anything else)

(I had to ulpoad it, because it was to long to paste :/ )

Miscellaneous / WoW Server build
« on: December 28, 2010, 12:06:00 am »
Hello :)
Wich server build do i need to make my "own Azeroth" and where can i get the stuff to install a server?

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