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Messages - Shodoman

Pages: [1] 2 3
Quote from: "Rangorn"
Actually, it's not really about geosets, it's about faces number of a geoset

Wrist are something likes 400 or 500 faces i think, haircuts are like 2000-3000,

You have to remove X-65535 faces.

X is the total number of faces in the model.

Is it possible to lower the number of faces by merging some of them into a bigger one?

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [QUESTION] Finding a spell in WoD
« on: December 04, 2014, 05:02:24 pm »
all the files are stored now in files.dbc from what i can remember. I'm at work wright now so can't check. I have already written this somewhere.

Edit: you can find the id of the files in the various dbc, then check with files.dbc to see the file patch. File ID's can be hexadecimal in other dbc but not in files.dbc.

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [QUESTION] Finding a spell in WoD
« on: December 03, 2014, 08:30:57 am »
yes, i could also open them with MyDbcEditor

Hmmm, i would gladly trade all capes for having all hairstyles. I don;t even get the point of having capes... Anyway i would be interested on how to do that.

I will try to figure them out once i've converted the skins and applied them to my game. I'm still converting skins to the appropriate format right now.  For some reason PS is shutting down.

I may have made a mistake in any part of the process as it was lengthy one. I can give you the excels and you can redo my work if you want. Maybe i missed something.

Here you go, tell me if it works. ... a.dbc?dl=0

Edit: This the Creature Dispaly Info dbc which has all the blp's addreses changed to WOD ones. A few had the same files and others had the same file but with a different name.

Quote from: "phantomx"
Yes we see them like that too but if you scroll down a bit you will see that they stop being bakedtextuers then start again after a few other items so it's annoying...

In excel you can sort them by address in column 3 or filter them by the address in column 3 or filter them by containing "character" in column 2. But vlookup doesn't care, if it doesn't find a value on the row it just shows N/A. When i'll have a bit of time i will try and make and give it to you. Now i'm off to work, have a nice day.

I don't get it...i see them like this:

Quote from: "Laduguer"
Okay, figured some shit out:

As mentioned in the other thread, all baked texture info is now stored in Filedata.dbc. Column 22 in CreatureDisplayInfoExtra.dbc now refers to an ID of a row in Filedata.dbc in hexadecimal format.

Which is kind of a pain, because that means getting the baked texture names from Filedata.dbc in the right order to import them into WotLK CreatureDisplayInfoExtra.dbc is gonna be a real headache.

No it isn't. You open excel you copy both dbc info in columns next to each other, then use =vlookup(value you are looking for, table array you are looking into, number of column reported back, False for exact matches)

That's how i see it now...tell me if i'm off or if you need more details.

Quote from: "phantomx"
Quote from: "Shodoman"
Quote from: "phantomx"
Quote from: "Laduguer"
EDIT: Sorry, I misunderstood your post! You've converted all those baked textures to 512x512? That's pretty incredible! I'll have a look in the .dbc files.

I did took me about 4-7 hours...

I lost track...

You used phothosop's batch function?

I did saves loads of time still had to hold down enter.... for that long.

Rewatched all the Matrix movies while doing it.

:)) I can imagine.
I'll place a shoe on the enter key and go to sleep....see how that goes. Else good old enter smashing all weekend.
This has been a good day.

Quote from: "phantomx"
Quote from: "Laduguer"
EDIT: Sorry, I misunderstood your post! You've converted all those baked textures to 512x512? That's pretty incredible! I'll have a look in the .dbc files.

I did took me about 4-7 hours...

I lost track...

You used phothosop's batch function?

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [Question] BakedNpcTextures hair textures missing?
« on: November 20, 2014, 08:41:25 pm »
Quote from: "Laduguer"
Hairstyles shouldn't be an issue as bakednpc textures have never had any hairstyle info in them. They should just use the same ones as players do. This hasn't been a problem for my WoD npcs (in fact hair styles are the only thing that's worked about them so far).

As for the missing baked textures .dbc, is it possible the file path has been converted into hexadecimal format? (that might be impossible, just throwing out ideas as the column in CreatureDisplayInfoExtra.dbc that once had a file path is now hexadecimal)

EDIT: Woops, missed the above post. That's great news.

Very nice catch, it crossed my mind but i wouldn't have known where to start looking for hexa id's.
Thank you.

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [Question] BakedNpcTextures hair textures missing?
« on: November 20, 2014, 07:56:46 pm »
I was able to find the npc BLP-s only in File Data dbc... Tired now, probably gonna try again tomorrow.

World of Warcraft - Warlords of Draenor 6.0.3 (19116) and the exe confirms it, though it;s a custom one.

Quote from: "phantomx"
If you guys are that picky about it I can do a new extraction and upload it even though I haven't seen any changes done to the models since my last extraction.

I haven't either but i told myself as long as i'm downloading the whole game for the backed npc textures i might just grab the last version available and upload the characters, just in case. It seems that wow developers are very sloppy with their files though. Also thought that my night-elf  eyebrows would be fixed in the newer models...guess i was wrong.  

Quote from: "phantomx"
If you want I can make a tutorial on it when I have time.

I would certainly love to see a fix for this. Even more so if you are going to show us how to un-group meshes or get them to load from another texture file if it's possible:)

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