This is a read only copy without any forum functionality of the old Modcraft forum.
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Recruitment / Need advice and possibly recruiting developers for a bottom up server.
« Last post by Zandersks on January 18, 2021, 05:28:19 am »
So before I start with my questions and an outline of my goals let me preface by saying that I have limited personal modding experience but I have a vision outlined on paper complete with sketches and written ideas and quite a bit of a money I'm willing spend on this.

Server Goal #1: I want to replace the 3 continents in WoW WotLK with one large continent. 16 faction zones, 8 for each faction to level in. 1 contested zone for world pvp and 1 zone that is essentially Wintergrasp. The factions fight for control of that zone and it gives bonuses and unlocks perks etc.

Q2: How labor intensive would that portion of the project be?

Q3: How much realistically would it cost to outsource that?

Server Goal #2: I want to have a level system that allows characters to level to level 250 but I want stats to stop gaining bonuses and talent points to stop accruing at level 60. Every level after 60 will be the same amount of experience and each level gained gives a chest with random items in it.

Q1: Is it possible to have a loot box be awarded for every level after 60 as well as a specific currency to be used to buy advanced bonuses.

Q2: Is it possible to gain levels without stats getting a bonus added to them or talent points being gained.

Q2: Is it possible to change the xp chart so that each level 61 through 250 are all the same amount of xp required to level?

Server Goal #3: I want to change the name of the Horde faction and make swap around races that are playable for each of the two player factions.

Q1: Is it possible to remove the horde faction and allow Orcs to be a playable race for Alliance and Humans for the "horde" faction.

Q2: Is it possible to replace the green skin playable Orcs with the brown skinned Orcs from later editions of the game so that the green skins can be used as evil NPC Orcs only.

Server Goal #4: I want to make new classes, I understand there are tutorials for such things and I'm mostly just adding this as part of my server planning because I have questions that I'm not sure have been addressed in the tutorials.

Q1: I want to created a fourth talent tree that unlocks at level 60 instead of level 10 and has custom talents that you can use your advanced mastery points to purchase, how difficult would that be to implement?

Q2: Would it be more efficient to have a currency that can be used at an NPC to purchase bonuses and "mastery abilities"?

Server Goal #5: I understand that a new map would require new dungeons.

Q1: Is it possible to build completely new instances, I don't think I would mind using instance maps and assets so much as long as they were mostly new content minus the maps, how difficult would that be implement.

Q2: Is there a way to make a raid 5 man and 10 man instead of 10 and 25?

I've got more questions but these will do for now. Thank you for your help and consideration.  I look forward to reading your replies.

Uploaded 7th of January 2017
Update 3rd of March 2018: added lots of new stuff
Update 9th of June 2018: added and fixed some sounds and music
Update 16th of August 2018: added over 30 sounds from Pinball 3D: Space Cadet
Update 28th of August 2018: updated the post, changed few old sounds, added over 30 sounds from Hearthstone: The Boomsday Project
Update 29th of August 2018: the mod is now downloadable from Google Drive and the file is compressed in RAR, weighting 5GB instead of 8GB
Update 26th of September 2018: maxed the quality of some musics, replaced a couple of sounds and also added some new ones as usual
Update 11th of November 2018: ordinary update: changed some sounds, added the "gnomed" meme and other stuff...
Update 20th of November 2018: the mod is now called MEMEMIZER. Updated the post. Might start working soon on making it compatible for Classic WoW.
Update 29th of November 2018: music update: restored some of the old music by fusing the tracks, also upgraded the quality.
Update 19th of January 2019: minor update, possibly the last one... Im getting lazy and have no idea what else to add or change
Update 15th of April 2019: music quality improved (use headphones!)
Update 21st of August 2019: Mememizer for Classic WoW is now in development and might be available before the release
Update 8th of September 2019: Mememizer for Classic WoW is now available!
Update 16th of September 2019: Minor update, some sound changes...
Update 23rd of September 2019: More new sounds added
Update 19th of October 2019: Minor sound fixes and replacements. The mod is no longer available for pre-cataclysm clients
Update 16th of August 2020: Improved audio quality of some sounds, changed some for better ones and added a few stuff too, added a folder with all original sounds in its original folder structure!
Update 2nd of October 2020: Update with the September changes
Update 1st of December 2020: A few new NPC replies added + paladin spell sounds changed and other minor stuff
Update 1st of January 2021: New year release, enjoy! Spammy sounds fix, music fixes + other minor changes...
"Retro-Porting" / Re: [RELEASE] [WotLk] Creature Models for Wotlk
« Last post by Zaroc on January 01, 2021, 04:38:32 pm »
Hello Finsternis,
I would like to report some textures that appear now appear white with your recent updates (I had a previous version of yours that worked without issues).
Dreadsteed, Swift Frostsaber, Swift Mistsaber, Swift Stormsaber, Black War Tiger :

Is this easily fixable (since it worked before)? I have a backup of a "working version", should you need it.
I have never dabbled with editing such things, so I have no idea where to even look. Thanks for your support

EDIT: so I pinpointed the problem. Somehow, patch-K causes this problem.

Maybe it was outdatet? Did you just update ?

Hey there. Happy new year!
I did update everything yes. At the time of that post I was updating every mod I'm using to its latest version I could find (I did troubleshoot it with only your mod be4 writing the post).
I don't know why patch-K causes this behavior for me... Had to try leeviathans character models and with it, these creature models work amazing.
"Retro-Porting" / [RELEASE] [1.12][Vanilla] Upscaled textures
« Last post by Sedobren on December 30, 2020, 04:17:39 pm »
Hello everyone, this is my first attempt with a custom Patch.

I'm using these great patches provided in this forum:
- [Classic to Wotlk+]New tilesets for Wow
- [1.12] Improved Models Patch: With Wolves!

Which improve a lot textures and some basic models of the game, and I can't imagine playing without them anymore.
Some textures though have been completely changed, and the main cities don't give the "Vanilla" feeling anymore (they look like completely different places!).

This is not a complaint, as many may like them, and it may be interesting to breath some fresh air sometimes, but I prefer the "original" appearance of the cities.
Because of this I prepared this patch where I took the original textures and upscaled them to 512x512 in order to "overwrite" the textures of the custom patches to restore the "original" cities (without modifying the other patches) with better textures.
As the starting textures are the original ones, the improvement is not as great as it could be with completely new textures, but it is still appreciable.

In this patch I didn't overwrite all the textures of the cities, as some were just fine to me, I just tried to restore the original feeling of them. In addition I upscaled also many dungeon, raid, npc, objects and mounts texture.

Despite the patch was born to overwrite the textures of the other 2 patches, it still can be used on its own as it just improves existing textures without any other modification, so you can try it even with a plain vanilla game to improve the situation.

List of all the Patches in the link:
- Patch-3: [Classic to Wotlk+]New tilesets for Wow (not made by me!)
- Patch-4: [1.12] Improved Models Patch: With Wolves! (not made by me!)
- Patch-5: Restore most of Darnassuss. It is on a different patch because I'm not using it, I like the hybrid city I've created with just the patch-6. A friend asked for it though, so I just created it too. You can try the patch 6 only and then decide if you want this one too!
- Patch-6: Cities restored with upscaled textures and better textures here and there (my main patch!)
- Patch-d: This is just an easter egg which I made! I suggest you to put it together with the other ones, without watching what it contains! When you'll see it in the game you will just have a laugh! (Soon or later you will see it for sure, and you will understand that it is the easter egg! If you recognize it and like it, just remember to not tell here in the forum what it contains, leave the oter ones with the possibility to discover it by chance too :D ! If you won't like it, you will have just to remove it :D

--> <--

Hope you will appreciate it!
"Retro-Porting" / Re: [RELEASE] [WotLk] Creature Models for Wotlk
« Last post by Finsternis on December 23, 2020, 02:09:44 am »
Two bugs found while playing

Ye i saw this with the sit position,  try to fix it but it end in nothing^^.
But i did not saw such a creepy cat yet
"Retro-Porting" / Re: [RELEASE] [WotLk] Creature Models for Wotlk
« Last post by Finsternis on December 23, 2020, 02:06:50 am »
Hello Finsternis,
I would like to report some textures that appear now appear white with your recent updates (I had a previous version of yours that worked without issues).
Dreadsteed, Swift Frostsaber, Swift Mistsaber, Swift Stormsaber, Black War Tiger :

Is this easily fixable (since it worked before)? I have a backup of a "working version", should you need it.
I have never dabbled with editing such things, so I have no idea where to even look. Thanks for your support

EDIT: so I pinpointed the problem. Somehow, patch-K causes this problem.

Maybe it was outdatet? Did you just update ?
"Retro-Porting" / Re: [RELEASE] [WotLk] Creature Models for Wotlk
« Last post by Zaroc on December 17, 2020, 11:21:33 pm »
Hello Finsternis,
I would like to report some textures that appear now appear white with your recent updates (I had a previous version of yours that worked without issues).
Dreadsteed, Swift Frostsaber, Swift Mistsaber, Swift Stormsaber, Black War Tiger :

Is this easily fixable (since it worked before)? I have a backup of a "working version", should you need it.
I have never dabbled with editing such things, so I have no idea where to even look. Thanks for your support

EDIT: so I pinpointed the problem. Somehow, patch-K causes this problem.
Resources and Tools / WoW Modding Tools Cloud Storage
« Last post by Alastor on November 26, 2020, 10:09:53 pm »
This topic will be a bit different I dont have an exact files to download right here rather Im comming with a link to an online cloud storage where I have uploaded my tools that I have gathered or made myself for wow modding so with the exception for some of them that I lost due some HDD crashes 7 years ago tools are going to be
hosted on online cloud service from MEGA 

Thanks to this you can now access the tools from anywhere and download only the tools you would like to and nothing else ( or just grab them all anyway)
The link provided will be continualy updated as long as ill be able to give it newest tools made and resources that Im using for wow modding


Also link to the original thread with additional info:
Resources and Tools / Hardcore Galleries with hot Hardcore photos
« Last post by edwinain3 on November 11, 2020, 09:58:55 pm »
Hardcore Galleries with hot Hardcore photos
 dollar porn movies free shiping cartoon games porn lil teapots porn free necro porn clips furry porn xxx

"Retro-Porting" / [RELEASE] [WotLK] Shadowlands LoginScreen
« Last post by mikki0033 on November 07, 2020, 06:37:51 pm »
for those who are interested, I found character creation as in shadowlands for wotlk.
on the standard client of the game it works crookedly and with errors.

fixed, works like in shadowlands.

p.s. if your localization of the game is not English then edit the file GlueStrings.lua which is in mpq

Upd.The .mpq no longer has a GlueStrings.lua file, instead the localization of a pair of buttons and actions is in CharacterCreate.lua

Update 2. Now if a certain class is not available for a given race, then there will no longer be a description in it, but only an inscription about the change of race.

Update 3. Fixed a bug where, when a class is not available for this race, the description of another class was not for this class.

Update 4. Small edits for localization. Adding the start screen from the shadowlands.Also added to the archive wow.exe in case you don't have it or the game doesn't work.
Update 5. Changed Login Screen, now it looks like original, not enlarged.
Update 6. Fixed the text for class abilities when creating a character. Previously, they did not match the specified character class icon.
Download link:

p.s. Several screenshots of the interface have been added for clarity.

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