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Big thanks to Alastor for making this copy!


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"Retro-Porting" / Re: [RELEASE] [WotLk] Creature Models for Wotlk
« Last post by Skaian on August 10, 2020, 12:23:18 am »
Hi finsternis i love all your work and details ;D, like updated characters, khadgar, medivh a lot of npcs i would like to say if you can change jaina hair to white and blue suit. I am also interested in knowing if you will update some models like shadowlands sylvanas,future arthas shadowlands model and kael thas. Thx for all your work.
Level Design / Adding Selected Cataclysm changes to the WotLK Map
« Last post by Pyzayt on August 09, 2020, 04:19:43 pm »
So, I'm working on a server project for myself and some friends, and would like to include a few elements of the Cataclysm world map to my server map; though not all of them. This would include features such as the road from the Swamp of Sorrows to the Burning Steppes added during the Cataclysm that passes above the Redridge mountains, and the High Road within the Southern Barrens. These features notably wouldn't affect questing within the zones dramatically, if at all, though would add convenience for on-foot travel; especially in the case of the road within Redridge mountains, preventing the need to backtrack through multiple zones in order to travel to the Steppes.

I am additionally seeking to add two of the new zones added during the Cataclysm - The Twilight Highlands, and Uldum, to the world map, though zones such as Vash'jir, and Deepholme, given they are not directly connected to Kalmidor or the Eastern Kingdoms by foot. The same would thusly apply to Mount Hyjal.

Is there a place I can find the files for the Cataclysm world map, and a way I can transfer the specified changes I am looking to apply to my world map?
Showoff - what you are working on / Re: Alastor's world in full bright [3D WORKs]
« Last post by Alastor on July 12, 2020, 08:45:31 pm »
Valeri fan character from Resident Evil

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [RELEASE] [WotLk] Creature Models for Wotlk
« Last post by Finsternis on July 05, 2020, 08:54:29 pm »
Patch-G update again.
Fixed Druid cat/bear sit and eat animation.
"Retro-Porting" / Re: [Classic to Wotlk+]New tilesets for Wow
« Last post by Finsternis on July 05, 2020, 08:52:43 pm »
Nope sorry
"Retro-Porting" / Re: [Release] WoD Character Models (CL, BC, LK)
« Last post by j4ckor on June 24, 2020, 11:57:42 am »
Hello :)
I'm testing the wotlk patch rn and it's a greaaat work!
I've read the thread and I saw you fixed the emote sound on belfs, but seems emote sounds for /say haha and /say lol still not working
I noticed also at character creation, that there are only 3 skins color available for bloodelf f?
Thanks in advance
"Retro-Porting" / Retroporting model error
« Last post by Addikted on June 17, 2020, 02:42:19 am »
Hey there,
I need help because I'm so newbie at model editing.

I downported a model from BFA to wotlk, and got error can't divide by zero.
After some research, found that this is because .skin bones has value of 0.

How can I edit to correct this data? How do I work with this?
Please help!, thanks!

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [Classic to Wotlk+]New tilesets for Wow
« Last post by Yuritsuki on June 13, 2020, 06:52:04 pm »
Any chance you upload the listfile? Just for personal use.
"Retro-Porting" / Re: [RELEASE] [WotLk] Creature Models for Wotlk
« Last post by Finsternis on June 11, 2020, 08:05:08 pm »
Little Fix(Patch-G), Athan in Stormpeaks had a missing texture
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