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Tutorials / Re:
« on: June 17, 2015, 05:10:35 am »
Hi, sorry it's a long time since I'm not came on this post.

Quote from: "salagon"
I I export with
-Apply Modifiers
-Include Edges
-Smooth Groups
-Write Normals
-Include UVs
-Write Materials
-Triangulate Faces
-Objects As OBJ Objects.

Am I doing anything wrong that the shading effects are not working?

You must to unselect "Smooth Groups" and see if it's better.

Quote from: "Steff"
Yes very nice tutorial.  Give you color.

Oh tanks, I'm grateful.

Quote from: "Kaev"
Is stuff like that allowed on cosplay conventions in the USA? They wouldn't let me in with this weapon here in germany.
I don't know for USA, I live in Belgium ^^ And I'll try to go in conventions with it, and see if it's good or not :)

For the vertex shading, you have to add a new MOCV chunk in the end of a group file.

@Supora: did you put the light vertex by vertex for this part? For this moment, I can add light, but have to do it for each vertex, and the light doesn't blend with the doodads.

These days I'm working on Gorehowl with my brother for my Grommash Cosplay (in real steel), we are very excited to see it finished.

Random / Modding : the little extra to get a job
« on: April 11, 2015, 05:55:46 pm »
I saw the conversation about getting a job with modding experience in the Neo topic, and I was thinking the same thing as some peoples. Showing some stuff from modding can help sometimes to show what we can do.

Like Kaev said: "we should create another thread to discuss stuff like that."
So here it is. I suggest you talk about the jobs we can found in the game industry with the help of modding, share some experiences, tips,...

In my case, my dream is to work at Blizzard as a 3D modeller. It's an impossible dream, but it helps me to move forward. Since I've decovered the Warcraft universe when I was young, I decided to work for them. I entered in modding some mounths after that. I started 3D because of that, and I love it. With modding, I've had the opportunity to try a lot of things what I never thought I'd touch before like. Since I was a kid, I wanted to be a comic drawer, but it's hard to find a job and impossible to gain his life with it now, and video game was my lifeline.

For now, I study drawing, some years after my graduate, I decided to go in a school to learn the making of video games. With modding, I've already some bases and it's helpful.

The models that I make for WoW modding can help me to fill my portfolio and to show what I'm able to do.

And I agree with the fact that talking about private servers is quite risky if it's in this same game that you want to work.

Sooo, let's talk.

Tutorials / Re: [TUTORIAL] Custom WMO's Survival Kit
« on: April 10, 2015, 01:47:09 pm »
Thanks Skarn :)

I tried it, but whent I want to load, it shows me errors :|

Tutorials / Re: [TUTORIAL] Custom WMO's Survival Kit
« on: March 27, 2015, 10:14:12 am »
To have the texture on both side of face you need to do this in hexadecimal, Mirror Machine don't keep these informations from blender, like alpha and vertex painting. I found where it is on pxr but I haven't yet succeed to do it. I'm always do some researches on wmo about collisions, lights, liquids, sounds, etc... But I don't have a lot of time to do it with school work.

Tutorials / Re: [TUTORIAL] Custom WMO's Survival Kit
« on: March 21, 2015, 11:18:20 pm »
@ Ohai : I have the same problem, the program flip the textures like a mirror, I don't know why. I just flip the blp's to fix it.

Thanks :) And I'll also use real leather for the gloves, etc... But not real fur, it's too expansive ^^

Resources and Tools / Re: [TOOL] Machinima Studio Trial Extender
« on: March 19, 2015, 07:16:35 pm »
Thanks for your tool.

Last year I found a cracked version of Machinima Studio after some researches, but I hesitate to share it on the forum because it's not totally " legal ". A friend bought a license, but after some problems on his computer, the license of the program was finished. So, this method is also good for peoples who buy the program to support the developers.

I hosted it on MEGA to share it with friends modder =>!18sR2ZrA!o_zr_haLK2BnQnh62cn9p8igiC5wJvg3YyNwUwAZE6Q

It's the version, just install it and change the .exe and the .cfg with the "cracked" versions in the program folder. When you extract models, just click "continue".

Like samgartell said, if this goes against any rules of the forum, I can remove it.

It's not modding, but it's Warcraft anyway, I'm working on my cosplay of Grommash.

I almost finished the make-up, and always working on the armor. You can see my "WIP Album" here =>

Resources and Tools / Re: [TUTORIAL] WoW Blender Tutorials (videos)
« on: February 20, 2015, 10:08:17 pm »
Thanks a lot for these videos :)

And a tuto about animation would be great :D

Neo / Re: Neo - A WoW Development Suite
« on: February 12, 2015, 02:44:37 pm »
Do you think if it's possible to add support of pen pressure ? (it'll be much easier to texturing for peoples who have tablets) I've a wacom cintiq. Someone was working on it for noggit, but he just disappeared.

Btw good job for the big progress.

Showoff - what you are working on / Re: [SHOWOFF] What Are You Working On
« on: February 08, 2015, 08:27:01 pm »
Quote from: "Kranimal"

Believe it or not the stuff I do, I do by ear, I have no clue how to read or write sheet music (I use to know how when I was younger, mother made me take piano lessons, kinda glad she did now lol.)

There are a couple things you need to be able to do what you are wanting, just to get an authentic sound it will be a little pricey.

1. FL Studio (This is a DAW "Digital Audio Work Station", that you use to make all your mixing/composing in.) There are many DAWS out there so if you want you can look around, but in general they all do the samething, they just go about it differently. The reason I choose FL Studio is it has FREE "LIFETIME" updates, if you have version 10 and they come out with a version 20 10 years later, you get it free from your one time purchase. The package I have cost me around $200 give or take.

2. VST Instrument, you need a program that can emulate each and every note and the different articulations of those notes into your DAW (FL Studio). This is where it gets VERY pricey, these can range from a few bucks to THOUSANDS of dollars to get depending on your choice. The Orchestral String Library you heard in my tracks in the earlier posts cost $800 give or take, but it also emulates EVERY SINGLE NOTE and also each and every articulation for each note from every string instrument you have in an Orchestra. Not to mention the different velocitys, this library takes 112gb of disk space on my computer and thats just the strings lol.

3. Time, it takes patience to do this, you will make something, finish it, not be happy with it, then go back and redo it, over and over and over again. I can't tell you how many times I listened to the 2 tracks above trying to figure out what it is I was gonna do, what needed to be tweaked, what could I change, what can I add to it, what sound would be good here etc... etc....

Hope this helps with what it is you are wanting to do :).

Big thanks for these informations Kranimal :)

Showoff - what you are working on / Re: [SHOWOFF] What Are You Working On
« on: February 06, 2015, 08:20:04 pm »
Really good job !

I was looking for a program to compose new music for Gnomeregan with bass clarinet like Derek Duke has made, but I'm not a musician or composer so I do not know where to start ^^"

Quote from: "PhilipTNG"
Maybe you'll even get a Music Index opened on this forum

Good idea :D

(I think there was one in the old version of the forum)

Neo / Re: WoWDev - A WoW Development Suite
« on: January 25, 2015, 09:30:51 pm »
It's possible to add Undo / Redo controls ? It will be very helpful in some cases.

:idea: Holy CTRL+Z :idea:

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