Undead caste simple hand, it seems to me to be in another (sorry for my english: D)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cucsu9D ... e=youtu.be
Quote from: "Psyhomorph"Undead caste simple hand, it seems to me to be in another (sorry for my english: D)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cucsu9D ... e=youtu.beI was looking for an error, but it looks like that this is blizzlike on legion. If im wrong let it me know^^
Quote from: "Finsternis"Quote from: "Psyhomorph"Undead caste simple hand, it seems to me to be in another (sorry for my english: D)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cucsu9D ... e=youtu.beI was looking for an error, but it looks like that this is blizzlike on legion. If im wrong let it me know^^ In this video you can see how, with the priest casts his right hand. Your patch undead castes, with the left hand.
Quote from: "Psyhomorph"Quote from: "Finsternis"Quote from: "Psyhomorph"Undead caste simple hand, it seems to me to be in another (sorry for my english: D)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cucsu9D ... e=youtu.beI was looking for an error, but it looks like that this is blizzlike on legion. If im wrong let it me know^^ In this video you can see how, with the priest casts his right hand. Your patch undead castes, with the left hand.its no undead but here u can see its the left hand^^Hehe wich one is now right and wich false. Would it easy to change, i would do it . But my tries end up in nowhere. im not sure how and where i need to edit. I tried some befor i was looking for a video but ya nothing^^.
Blood Elf casts with his left hand, and rightly so. But the undead must cast spells streaming from his right hand. https://0gpgpw.dm2304.livefilestore.com ... 11-12%20(5).png?psid=1here is a good chance to see it in the video that I found 7:00
The question from the user is if is it possible to "import" only npc models and adapt them to your content.
But! if there much edit in creaturdisplayinfo it will be alot of work there.
Also, the bottoms of robes are also affected by this. If you don't have boots on, the bottom of the robe that appears connected to the foot (Where the robe would sit) has the same color of your skin. If you equip a pair of boots, it takes on the color of the boots.