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Messages - Grimvale

Pages: [1] 2
"Retro-Porting" / Re: [Release] WOD models for 3.3.5a
« on: February 01, 2015, 06:52:34 am »
I fixed the human female-sleeve issue. I'll give it to you, if you want. Just should look more into fixing those BE male hairstyles, and fixing their eyebrows, if at all possible.

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [Release] WOD models for 3.3.5a
« on: January 31, 2015, 08:53:16 am »
To make this patch complete and an actual considerable release, you will need to fix a few issues.

Firstly, human females wearing sleeves will glitch up and the texture of the ends/sleeves of their robes/shirt will quite literally change to the skin color of the model.

Secondly, blood elf male eyebrows. Nobody wants a crack-pot-mash-together patch. They're clearly untextured on some hair colors.

Third, blood elf male hairstyles are limited to basically three not-half-retarded looking ones. Perhaps you could investigate a little further into that?

To be honest, I 'm not saying any of this out of spite, but I feel like this whole release was just a quick throw-together, to be the one of the first, if not /the/ first to release these models. I highly appreciate the initiative, truly. But next time I would recommend testing your product, and making sure it's suitable for a /release/. Remember this is work that reflects on you forever. This post will be around for a very long time most likely, and on goggle. And if this patch has various bugs, people aren't going to judge the developer so fondly.

I wish you luck in fixing what you can, if you intend to!

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [Release] WOD models for 3.3.5a
« on: January 24, 2015, 10:53:15 pm »
I don't have the time to go through and port the Blood elf models for my server. Between work and server-tasks, it would rapidly consume what little time I have.

I am willing to compensate anyone who can get a pair of functional WoD blood elf models ported to 3.3.5a. $25 or so.

Modelling and Animation / Re: [PROJECT] WoD Models to MoP
« on: September 14, 2014, 11:06:13 pm »
Quote from: "Apocalyptica"
Do you have the male and female orc models patch? =s

I have the models, yes, but not a patch for them yet.

Random / Re: Hey guys, gonna leave the WoW Scene forever. It was fun
« on: September 13, 2014, 01:08:59 am »
Quote from: "phucko1"

The information is out there, just because people who don't know modding wants to get everything by looking at a step by step tutorial on a video which they just mimic doesn't mean that the people who knows how to do it has not shared the information. You have to look further than "How to do X" and find threads related to that area or check out the documention on the dev wiki ( for those of you that don't know.)

Not wanting to spend time to make a tutorial so ANYONE can do it is not the same as not wanting to share the information needed to do it.

I've spent a fair sum of time doing all these things and in all fairness, people who have full time jobs and such and no time for learning the small, - generally irrelevant increments of modding, should be able to at least have a guide, which explains what purpose is for what, so that it's not just "DO this and DO that" -- make a guide that EXPLAINS the incremental details, searching scattered dis-organized sources of information is tedious and cannot be done with such little time. You don't have to merely be like "how to do X" you can be a teacher, and explain in DETAIL how to do "x" and WHY certain things are done, and for what purposes.

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [RELEASE] new female human model MoP
« on: September 12, 2014, 11:21:50 pm »
Quote from: "Apocalyptica"
No, the human female model doesn't show on my RPH client. =/.

Make sure you are using the correct .exe based on your system, 32 or 64 bit.  I can confirm their .exe is patched, and WILL load the WoD female human. Any problem you may be having beyond that is simply within your client, and I cannot really help you there, but it does work.

Edit: Make sure you have your patch in the enUS or enGB folder, and that the patch is named enUS or enGB depending on which one you have.

Miscellaneous / Re: [QUESTION] [BUG] 5.4.2 WoW.exe MD5 deleted = Error ?
« on: September 12, 2014, 11:18:28 pm »
For Mists of Pandaria, that usually comes up when you don't have an .exe that's modified for a specific server, so whatever server you're trying to connect to, is either having issues, or you've not modified the .exe for the server. How this is done, I'm not aware.

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [RELEASE] new female human model MoP
« on: September 12, 2014, 11:05:00 pm »
Quote from: "Apocalyptica"
Helpful. But how does it work? xD

the RPH.exe already is patched from what I've seen on my friend's client. The human female model will work. I wouldn't suggest waiting for these guys to offer any help in regards to the WoD models. They made it very apparent they don't want it released yet.

Edit: which FYI, is RE-TARD-ED. Just sounding it out, in-case those individuals didn't know how to pronounce that word. :)

Random / Re: Hey guys, gonna leave the WoW Scene forever. It was fun
« on: September 12, 2014, 09:51:17 pm »
You'll always be considered a good friend of mine, and well-respected. I won't be doing any selling of such, but I do plan to follow your example and make releases that shouldn't be kept in the dark by people who stubbornly refuse to release to the public. I imagine a bunch of twelve year olds on Modcraft sitting in skype groups sharing files that they just happened to study enough about over the very boring years of their childhood, and yet act pretentiously and show "teasers" of their work, blatantly refusing to help others. -- There's a large sect of bullshit that borders these types of communities, and Anthony sought to clear a little bit up. Whatever means are necessary! I am dedicated to releases, and you have taught me that, Anthony. There is no reason people should not be able to learn just because the people who know how to do something, don't feel it should be in the public, and refuse to teach. Not even guides!

Anthony, you did numerous guides, and contributed to so much in helping people learn, and I think more people need to take you as an example. Thank you for all you've applied to the WoW-Modding communities, and I hope your life takes a turn for the better after such a gross fine.

Quote from: "phantomx"
I might help you later I'm a little busy at the moment working on a little something for Afterfall.

That's understandable. Let me know when you're not busy!

Would you mind helping, possibly, PhantomX? Been working far too long on this and scratching my head a lot. Currently about to 010 edit this male Dwarf to see what I can do to get rid of these corrupt Geosets. If you'd like I could work with you, and do DBC work/BLP converting.

Skype is adrian.elwood -- if you are interested.

Resources and Tools / Re: [MISC] [DEVLOPMENT] 010 Editor Templates
« on: September 11, 2014, 08:08:31 pm »
The links here need updated.

Quote from: "phucko1"
My tip? You have to look into how m2 and .skin files actually work. If you don't know the files you are editing that will do you no good in the end.

Thanks for the tip, Phucko! I have previously attempted to research online before posting here, as I hate being reliant on others for help, but I was not successful in learning much, as I am more hands-on, so any help would still be appreciated on our end, -- remember, I am eager to learn from whoever has the knowledge and that's my best form of it. For example, Anthony taught me how to 010 edit .adts, personally! And ever since then I feel rather confident in my abillity to that, as well as implement them into 3.3.5a. MoP is a rather new field however, so please excuse my lack of knowledge, haha.

Edit: I am also aware Anthony posted a video, but I learned directly from him via skype.

Check them? The files are there if that's what you mean. I'm unable to confirm if there's any missing without CASCExlporer, however. Unless someone can take a look-see for me and post a screenshot. The PTR just came out, so I'm sure at least one of you has a client. Could it be possible that they are corrupt?

Gurluas suggested that it may be a corrupt model on skype, as if it was a dbc error, the model would merely appear skinless or crash. Skin files were the least of what I expected.

This is the issue persisting so far with our WoD Dwarf:

As you can see here, even the person who brought the updated WoD Female models to us, did not have a PERFECT chrsections.dbc.

I have made sure everything was perfect in mine, however, and made sure to add _HD to the corresponding files that are contained in my patch, I basically just used the WoD Female Human DBC to mimic, but of course in the dwarf section, and made sure the files were in my patch. I have also edited in the ChrRaces.dbc to the appropriate fields, those being column 25 to 2 and column 26 to 0 for the Dwarf section, (Unless this varies per race and I'm not aware.)

Afterwards, I had converted the blps to png with mitmaps and in Raw1 format, and png back to blp (attempted with both high and normal qualities. Not sure if I was only supposed to convert with mitmaps and raw1 enabled on both conversions, or just BLP -> PNG, or vice versa.)

My patch can be downloaded here:!ZkljnQiC!IPKTogOMs ... ZTu8-yR6mQ

If someone could take a look at it, and tell me where I went wrong, that would be great. If you don't feel like doing so, any advice via the forum may help. That is of course, you can identify the problem in the image.

Note: Those who download may question why the hairstyles and files outside of the male folder are not in there. Phucko1 did not extract them due to lack of time, but he stated the model itself should work if I've done everything correctly. The reason I cannot extract them myself, is because my own, and the modders in my skype group are having troubles with getting CASCEXPLORER to work. Tried about everything. So if that is my issue, it would be highly appreciated if someone could extract them for us, as we've all been working rather tirelessly to get this to work.

Thanks for reading, Modcraft. :)

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