So... AgainReupload. But i don't fix the hairstyles yet.!FpdzRSTJ!IUC_MWDcn ... qxRAytUG-0however, now the scourge have all the anim files.
Is there any easy way to transfer this patch into cata?If someone ever knows this method.
To make this patch complete and an actual considerable release, you will need to fix a few issues.Firstly, human females wearing sleeves will glitch up and the texture of the ends/sleeves of their robes/shirt will quite literally change to the skin color of the model.Secondly, blood elf male eyebrows. Nobody wants a crack-pot-mash-together patch. They're clearly untextured on some hair colors.Third, blood elf male hairstyles are limited to basically three not-half-retarded looking ones. Perhaps you could investigate a little further into that?To be honest, I 'm not saying any of this out of spite, but I feel like this whole release was just a quick throw-together, to be the one of the first, if not /the/ first to release these models. I highly appreciate the initiative, truly. But next time I would recommend testing your product, and making sure it's suitable for a /release/. Remember this is work that reflects on you forever. This post will be around for a very long time most likely, and on goggle. And if this patch has various bugs, people aren't going to judge the developer so fondly.I wish you luck in fixing what you can, if you intend to!