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Messages - Norimar

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Level Design / [QUESTION] Shadow / Gras... how to do it on BC?!
« on: June 17, 2012, 12:52:11 pm »
Hello guys!
I din't found the thread about this in your forum, thats why I start to post this.

Because of the bugy rendering from objects through noggit, they will have no shadows on the old BC version of WoW, because they dont create an fixed shadowlayer. So I thought, why not just the graphic option from Wotlk?

Is there a way to get the real-shadow generate function to Burning Crusade?
And another question: Is there already a ways to add gras/rocks on the ground - ONLY on selected textures?
- The only way I know is Tralias, but this tool don't works well with Noggit and also have some problems... it just accept: all need gras - or nothing gets gras (Only the ground layer).

Hop u know more about this and can answer my questions, soon as well...

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