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Topics - Arid

Pages: 1 [2]
Modelling and Animation / M2Modder issue
« on: July 01, 2011, 02:41:16 pm »
It seems my M2Modder doesn't show models as I didn't even know it did, How does it show models so I can fix it?

Modelling and Animation / Bone names?
« on: June 27, 2011, 04:39:32 pm »
I'm trying to give the Naga Male some of the night elf Upper boddy animations. What bone names would I require for this to locate them. Like /bow animations.

PyModelEditor / OpenGL Error 1280
« on: April 08, 2011, 11:32:47 pm »
I'm getting a open GL error with Pymodeleditor as stated in the topic name, It would appear this error may be intefering with saving my models as they always come out corrupted, Would there be a way to fix this error? Or what is wrong with it?
Windows 7 is my OS btw

It's a Invaild.Enumerate or something along those lines.

Miscellaneous / [QUESTION] New new Race
« on: March 31, 2011, 07:06:16 am »
I am attempting to add another race onto the Chrraces.dbc, A Blood Elf Clone to make it into Fel Elves, How would I got about making it work in game? It currently won't apply the textures to them, The hair won't apply and all that, What editing have I done wrong?
 is my work. The textures are not mine, Only the DBC Files are

Modelling and Animation / 2.X Models to 3.3.5a models
« on: February 10, 2011, 08:52:43 am »
I have found something a community I am a part of, Known as Project: Defiance, could use, It's a group of 2.X models, creatures at that, All of them can wear armor, Now I can't seem to find a non-tedious way I understand to convert them to the latest format,(Or even .3ds then to the latest format.)  If anyone would hlep, I can post the link here

Thanks for help in advance. Even if it might not work.
(Oh and maybe disabling the geoset for the worgen back furs or somethin' too!)

Miscellaneous / Patch 4.0.1 Download..And Opening it.
« on: September 30, 2010, 08:04:30 pm »
Basiclly Just a-bit of info. You can open the new patch 3.x to 4.0.1 that comes out in five days. with the MPQ editor on each file. This will allow you to get ahead of the game and begin working all your things to the Cata M2's and such And it must be fully downloaded. TI will NOT half the .part or .mpq at the end

I need help with this.  I got the model and the textures. but no ears or chin nor Hair texture due to the Geosets I think to apply these. May I get some help?

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