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Messages - Felix11

Pages: [1]
Development and Presentation / Re: World of Blaze
« on: December 13, 2011, 11:39:13 am »
Can someone help to identify what is happening to my autumn blaze maple. This year the trunk and outer bark has split many times, leaving large gashes in the trunk that have been very deep and penetrating even the next layer of inner bark. It also is displaying dark black patches on the bark and in some cases is ozing black sap. (please excuse my ignorance when referring to tree anatomy). I planted it 8 years ago in which i would say at the time was already about 12 feet tall. It has thrived up untill this spring and grown to 25feet. Can anyone help me in my attempt to save this beautifull tree and 8 great years of growth. Cheers.

Level Design / Re: Noggit on 3.3.5
« on: December 13, 2011, 11:37:46 am »
Latest common version, I don't know of any other recent ones.

To properly set it up do the following, copy the font's folder to your WoW folder along with shaders, extract locale-enUS.MPQ to your main WoW folder, download or find the MORPHEUS.TTF font, it might be in your wow folder inside an MPQ but with some searching you should be able to find it, or download an old 2.4.3 noggit editor they should have it packed in.

put MORPHEUS.TTF inside the Font folder that you moved to your wow folder

This noggit works on 3.3.5! Most of the dungeons are made up of objects so there's no real editing in there if that's what you wanted.

Serverside Modding / Re: HeidiSQL error
« on: December 13, 2011, 11:36:59 am »
The SQL dump you are importing has "43534" as some number in in a column which has a primary or unique key. That's why you get "Duplicate entry".

You need to edit your SQL dump, change this "43534" to some other number. Unfortunately this can create inconsistencies in your database if other tables are referring to this particular id, so my proposal is only the last solution. It would be better if you get a nicer SQL dump.

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