Chronicles of Azeroth is a brand new expansion pack (or eventually will end up being one since is already 500+ mb of size and so far is mostly maps)
[center:2ig186gc]Azeroth Map (i'll add soon Kalimdor map too)[/center:2ig186gc]
[center:2ig186gc]Lore[/center:2ig186gc]Five years have passed since the battle at Icecrown Citadel.. that ended into a stalemate...
Nobody understood clearly what happened... the citadel just got covered in an unpassable mist...
And while the paladins of the Argent Crusade wait... for years in the frozen Wastes, the war rages on Azeroth...
Stromgarde has been rebuilt, with the desperate fight of proud heroes the power of this once great nations has risen again to unite the shattered people of Lordaeron under one flag...
The scourge, withdrew massively from Lordaeron, has been pushed back and is now shut in their dark holds.. .Scholomance... Plaguewood... Stratholme...
But a new evil has begun to threaten the world... the Burning Steppes and Searing Gorge got twisted and deformed by the dark will of a new entity known as the Dark God, earthquakes and tremors have torn asunder this land... the Blackrock Orcs sought refuge in the badlands and the forces of Stormwind do their best to push back the flow of burning soldiers that comes down from the lands now known as Darklands.
Kul Tiras has recovered completely from the damage of the last war, and his fleet has been fully refurnished and rebuilt, now ready to wipe out the Orc race or die trying...
... but the Orcs won't stand without fighting! as the war rages they sought new allies in their brothers now refugees of Blackrock and Dragonmaw, and with their joined help they build the new city of New Mammerfall, to oppose the growing power of Stromgarde.
The Amani trolls have been renuited too under one flag and once again the goal to rebuild the feared Amani Empire is now real...
... as the Amani trolls joined back to their old allies, the horde, the Blood Elves decided to leave behind both factions and shut themselves in Quel'Thalas, studying a way to restore the Sunwell, Silvermoon is running out of fel energy as Kael'Thas has been defeated and their time is running short...
New forces are raising... old hatreds revived.. new and old heroes will guide the people of Azeroth to victory, or glorious defeat!
[center:2ig186gc]Gameplay Changes[/center:2ig186gc]New leveling system
New fatigue system to make the experience more hardcore
New class system that will make you able to choose between up to 90 specialization and race-restricted RP classes such as Demon Hunter or Risen Warlord..
All world content re tuned to fit new leveling system and level zones changed everywhere
Resource system (like cutting down trees)
[center:2ig186gc]Features[/center:2ig186gc][center:2ig186gc]New Playable races[/center:2ig186gc]-Goblins for the Horde
-Forest Trolls for the Horde
-High Elves for the Alliance
-Blood Elves as the first neutral race
[center:2ig186gc]New Lands[/center:2ig186gc]-Northeron, home of the Dawnstrider high elven forces

-Stromgarde City, capital city of the New Lordaeron and home of Arathi humans

-Maisara Hills, homeland of the Amani Trolls and their capital city, Temple City of Ula Tek

-Agamand Isles, new Forsaken Zone!
No screen yet
-Tol Barad, instance and battleground (not cata one, this one properly placed in baradin bay)

-Gilneas, (not cata one, NO WORGEN, this one with the old shape and completely reworked)

-Darrowmere Forest, once called Eastern Plaguelands, now being cleansed and contested with the Scourge
See showoff thread
-Darrowmere Fields, once known as Western Plaguelands, now rebuilt and controlled by the Argent Crusade

-The Darklands, a dark twisted land where the Dark God reigns from Blackrock Hold

-Broken Highlands, a shattered mountain range with ancient secrets of the dwarfs and elementals

-Kul Tiras, fierce home of the Kul Tiras sea empire, and its capital city Boralus
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-Amani Forest, the inner region of the Amani Empire
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-Zul'Arga, new subzone in Arathi Highlands, a grove hidden in the mountains with an ancient troll city and temple

See showoff thread
-Tirisfal Grove now explorable, with an ancient temple and a forsaken city featuring a forsaken-only arena where the new champion of the banshee queen is chosen in a deadly tournament
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-Mount Hyjal now fully explorable with new content
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[center:2ig186gc]Revamped places[/center:2ig186gc]-Tiragarde Keep rebuilt and expanded

-Northwatch Hold expanded

-Sepulcher rebuilt and expanded
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-Brill rebuilt and expanded
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-Crossroads expanded
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-Razor Hill expanded and fortified
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-Goldshire expanded
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-Refuge pointe turned into a town - Haven

-Deathknel rebuilt expanded
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[center:2ig186gc]New Kingdom vs Kingdom regions*[/center:2ig186gc]-Alterac mountains, now a battleground between Alterac city, bastion of New Lordaeron and Venomshroud keep, massive keep of the Forsaken

-Hasic, city contested between the Amani trolls (horde) and the Old Lordaeron remnants (alliance)
See showoff thread
-Westfall landing, the orcs are again fighting versus Stormwindians once more!
No screen yet
-Hinterlands, now a battleground between Amani (horde) and Wildhammer (alliance)
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-Silverpine, contested daily between New Lordaeron and Forsaken forces
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*KvK zones are monthly/weekly capturable and will give income to the faction that has captured them, along with various bonuses
[center:2ig186gc]New Instances[/center:2ig186gc]-Stratholme Sewers
-Voidheart Mansion
-Tomb of Anvilmar Kings
-Blackrock Hold
-Baradin Keep
Old instances revamped with new bosses and content tuned like
-Shadowfang Keep
-Sunken Temple
And much more content to be added....
Soon i'll post screens and previews!