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Messages - monsune

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Level Design / Re: [SOLVED] Transparent lines in my adt.
« on: June 19, 2016, 11:16:05 am »
Indeed that worked. Not sure why i hadn't seen that option before... many thanks!

Level Design / Re: [SUGGESTION][NOGGIT] Object duplication option
« on: June 19, 2016, 11:11:37 am »
What i can tell you is that newest seems very stable and i haven't found any issues so far. I just wish there were nightly (or at least weekly) windows builds so i could test them without need to compile on my own. I bet many more people would do that, too. Which would lead to more efficient bug hunting.

Let's say that you have a chunk with all 4 textures chosen. You can switch between them and paint as you like, no problem. I also understand how to add textures to the pool on a fresh chunk, no problem also. But how do you replace them with a texture of your choice in texture browser? I was playing a bit with swapper but still can't get it. I struggle to understand this. It happened once that i managed to replace one of 4 textures in the chunk with some crazy key/mouse combo but it never happened again...

So for now, when i fill 4 texture slots in a given chunk, i can't replace them which can lead to serious problems if i change my mind and want/need another texture there. Is it me or is it really hard to achieve what i described?

I just wish you could do something as simple as pressing e.g. ALT+LMB on any texture slot in "Pick one of the textures" pop-up window to delete particular texture from the chunk and empty the slot. Could be very useful at times.


Partially solved by pressing ALT+SHIFT+LMB on the chunk = all textures are gone and i can easily fill them up again from texture browser. That's cool. Now i just wish i could do the same with a particular texture slot and not all of them at once.

Level Design / Re: [SOLVED] Transparent lines in my adt.
« on: June 18, 2016, 03:01:03 pm »
Now i get it. Thank you for this clarification.

Level Design / Re: [SUGGESTION][NOGGIT] Object duplication option
« on: June 18, 2016, 02:47:21 pm »
Quote from: "schlumpf"
Quote from: "monsune"
what do you think, guys?

Perfectly even rows are unnatural and should be avoided ;)

Of course. But once we have such row we can take care of making it more natural as needed. I just gave a simplest example i could think of. There are also other uses for such tool where perfect alignment might be important and helpful, e.g. putting some columns, building stuff using planks, etc.

@Amaroth can't agree with your more :) It's basically about ergonomy as my fingers hurt too, indeed. And yes, merging 2 key combos into 1 was the most important thing behind my suggestion and while at it adding a few extras to make replication better would also be fun. Not just for designers but for mighty coders of Noggit, too.

Level Design / Re: [SOLVED] Transparent lines in my adt.
« on: June 18, 2016, 11:23:30 am »
I'm sorry to necro the topic but does it mean there is no way to fix this with offsetfix? Why would this tool exist then?

Level Design / [SUGGESTION] [NOGGIT] Object duplication option
« on: June 18, 2016, 11:18:38 am »
I would love to suggest a new option: Object duplication/replication.

Just same stuff as CTRL+C and CTRL+V but done in single step with e.g. CTRL+D. Guess that would be good. Also, there could be input fields for configurable x, y and z-stepping or even rotation and scale. So e.g. you want 10 bushes in a nice, even row... you set X-stepping to e.g. 2 and press CTRL+D ten times. There we go... what do you think, guys?

Yeah i saw it there but never tried as i thought it would simply work just the same way as drag bar.

Quote from: "Amaroth"
Press alt, left-click and drag your mouse to left or to right to change radius.
Do the same with space button to change pressure/speed.
That's just sweet! You made my day. I was trying to dig up such combo. So no limitation and no bug. Many thanks for this one.

BTW i think i found a small logical glitch in this: LMB+ALT shouldn't cause the brush to trigger. That way we could easily change the radius without affecting the area we are on. Instead ALT works just like CTRL and lowers the land. So it happens while changing the brush size which is very disturbing imho because i just want to change the radius. If i wanted to see how it fits my needs i would press CRTL instead.

I can't set brush radius in raise/lower mode to anything below 5.99 and i would like to ask if this is locked on purpose? I noticed that brush size in this mode is always a multiply of ~5.99 so probably a kind of engine limitation? Would love to know more how that works.

Level Design / Re: [WotLk] [QUESTION] [NOGGIT] edit blizzard maps
« on: June 17, 2016, 01:32:17 pm »
I checked 2 times. Noggit is taking MPQs from the same client dir i test MPQs on. But hm, would it be possible that wow.exe is using a different data/client path (taken e.g. somewhere from registry) and not the data folder within the dir i'm running it from?

EDIT: Scanned whole registry, removed a few entries (old paths where client isn't at anymore since ages). Didn't help.

I give up. After more than 30 hours of testing various tricks and ideas I find it impossible to edit blizzard maps with Noggit (in a way so edits are visible in client at least). Even though i have seen working maps like that but maybe this is just hidden and not released to public like me, takes some Noggit mod or saved ADTs post-processing or whatever. That seems the only answer here. Maybe someday i will be able to. Thanks for your time again.

Level Design / Re: [WotLk] [QUESTION] [NOGGIT] edit blizzard maps
« on: June 17, 2016, 01:05:50 pm »
Noggit didn't find Stormwind map anymore after removing it from patch-3.MPQ and also i went tru all the MPQs you mentioned and can't find Stormwind ADTs anywhere. In fact i checked every single MPQ. It is simply not there. Still client works just fine. I don't understand this at all.

Level Design / Re: [WotLk] [QUESTION] [NOGGIT] edit blizzard maps
« on: June 17, 2016, 11:34:36 am »
Noggit must have loaded ADTs from my MPQ because i can see terrain changes, some removed m2s, etc. That's a clear fact. Client never crashed also but it just won't display anything related to that MPQ and its ADTs. Original terrain, standard m2s, etc. Just like there was no MPQ added in data dir.

I didn't include the wdt. First reason being that Taliis won't show those modified ADTs after directory scan. They are like non-existing and ADT matrix is clear. I tried several times, clicked all over to refresh, etc. Still nothing to save. So i failed to successfuly create wdt from edited blizzard ADTs.

On the other hand, in some downloaded patch i mentioned before (also modified blizzard maps) there were no wdt/wdl files at all, just plain ADTs and that worked fine both in Noggit and client. Which isn't the case with my patch.

I also made very sure about naming scheme. No bugs, extension is upper case, i also tried World vs world, Mapname vs mapname. Still nothing.

I think it would be quite easy to anyone interested to replicate what i'm describing - just load up development map in Noggit, do some edits, save the map, build an MPQ and try to make client to see it. I'm sure it won't work for you either unless you can provide me with a proof that i'm wrong ;) Then i thought that there was something wrong with just this blizzard dev map. So i tried editing stormwind area map. And again same situation.

So my elaboration is: why is it so and what can be done about it? There must be some difference between ADT created from scratch and ADT that comes straight from blizzard. Funny thing being that it works for Noggit but not for client. Just like e.g. there were some specific data blocks or flags in those original ADTs that client is looking for (perhaps optional so it doesn't crash when they are missing) and can't find them because Noggit skips them when saving map thus client reverts to original ADTs from stock MPQ.


I continued to have fun. This time i deleted original Stormwind map completely from client's patch-3.MPQ. I also removed my custom patch from Data folder. And guess what? Client didn't mind and i teleported to Stormwind without any problems. It's all there still like nothing happened. Even though Noggit can't see the map anymore and you can't access it from the menu.

Isn't this gross? Where is the Stormwind map coming from then?

Level Design / Re: [WotLk] [QUESTION] [NOGGIT] edit blizzard maps
« on: June 17, 2016, 09:01:12 am »
I kindly appreciate your time and patience but still, i believe there must be another reason for the failure. That's because:

1. I edited a blizzard map (development one) that was already there, never added one from scratch. I have seen another patch, with a few blizzard maps edited, and there were no DBC files included at all, still that patch worked fine.

2. My file structure is correct to the best of my knowledge: world/maps/mapname/*.adt (mapname is same as the original blizzard one). Exactly the same schema as in the other patch that i mentioned above and same as in Steff's tutorials.

3. I did read all the tutorials several times. They are very well written, pretty informative and clear to me. The only difference being that they cover creating a map from scratch and not using blizzard ADTs as a base for edits.

4. I tested my patch with Noggit by loading the map while having the patch in client's data folder. It loads up fine in Noggit and there are changes visible. Just not for the client, only in Noggit. This seems to be a proof that patch itself is fine, right?

Client acts like it never loaded ADTs from my patch or ignored them, simply displaying original content. Could it be that Noggit can't properly save ADTs created by blizzard thus they are just garbage from the client's point of view and don't load? Please also note what i wrote in previous post about Taliis unable to scan them when creating wdt, is that even normal at all?

Modelling and Animation / Re: please help me!
« on: June 16, 2016, 11:23:09 pm »
Make sure that wow WMO group panel (in Object properties) is enabled before attempting to export.

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