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Topics - monsune

Pages: [1]
Level Design / Some models are visible in shorter range than others?
« on: June 27, 2016, 05:26:44 pm »
Is there a rule for this (like specific kind of objects or their size or else) or some setting in certain m2s causing them to have more limited visibility than other objects? Any chances to have them fixed to the same visibility distance?

I found this topic: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9008&p=45018

...but it doesn't solve the issue completely. Seems like some models are "superlongvisible" compared to others so i'm digging into this.

Level Design / [NOGGIT] My map won't open anymore with newest SDL
« on: June 26, 2016, 01:04:36 am »
I have been working on a custom map for more than a week. There are lots od m2s and some wmo in there, also many terrain changes, water, etc. Yesterday i saved after latest work and quit Noggit. Today i'm not able to open that map. It opens, i can see terrain and some models, then Noggit closes and that's it. Not sure what has happend because the last work was mostly terrain modelling and adding water, nothing else.

Did anyone have similar issue? What could go wrong? Any suggestions how to fix this? I can walk around there in client with no probs so ADTs seem fine, just not for Noggit anymore :/

Latest tail from the log:

Code: [Select]
8945 - (MapTile.cpp:304): [Debug] Done loading tile 31,32.
8947 - (MapTile.cpp:56): Opening tile 32, 32 ("WorldMapsmonsunemonsune_32_32.adt") from disk.
9081 - (MapTile.cpp:304): [Debug] Done loading tile 32,32.
9083 - (MapTile.cpp:56): Opening tile 33, 32 ("WorldMapsmonsunemonsune_33_32.adt") from disk.
9142 - (MapTile.cpp:304): [Debug] Done loading tile 33,32.
9146 - (Video.cpp:230): [Error] OpenGL: (at Model::draw:: after the draw list): GL_INVALID_VALUE
9150 - (errorHandling.h:64): [Error] There was an exception of type "SIGSEGV"
"Invalid storage access; most frequently caused by attempting to store some value in an object pointed to by a bad pointer. (Segment violation.)".
Please excuse the inconvenience. You may want to report this error including the log to the developers.

9151 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] OS-Version: 6.1.7601 (Service Pack 1) 0x100-0x1
9256 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 012B3B8C (noggit): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
9256 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 0127D53B (noggit): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
9256 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 6B8B4DE1 (ucrtbase): (filename not available): seh_filter_exe
9256 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 012BC4D6 (noggit): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
9256 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 74FC33CA (kernel32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
9256 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 77209ED2 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlInitializeExceptionChain
9256 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 77209EA5 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlInitializeExceptionChain


I tried loading 2 other maps and they loaded just fine. Then i went again to try my map and... it loaded, too. I tried like 10 times before and no luck but it easily loaded after i tried a few others. Is this a known behaviour of Noggit? Like it needed a kind of cleanup of some buffers or something which happened when loading those other maps? I just don't want to get stucked again...

Would you be able to help me compile the code? It should be easy while it's not for me. I need this particular map extractor due to the server core running on older version of maps. I have the maps of course but this time i need to process a custom map so this extractor is very needed.

I will kindly appreciate your help.

Level Design / How to remove all WMOs from ADT?
« on: June 20, 2016, 12:53:29 pm »
I'm suspecting that one of, lately added, WMOs causes Noggit to crash. Is there a way to remove all WMOs from ADT? I tried Taliis which seems to have an option to at least see them and it suggests me to rename (not sure if Noggit won't crash if file doesn't exist in path?) but then it won't save the file. I tried like 10 times and nope, Taliis doesn't save. I also tried to hexedit the ADT and renamed files but Noggit still crashes on load.

Is there another tool that can process the ADT and reconstruct its content without WMOs? Or is there another method like extracting height map and other stuff and inject that into fresh ADT? Or maybe some trick to lock the wmo chunk in ADT so it is ignored or setting some counter of present WMOs to zero?

Level Design / [SOLVED] [NOGGIT] Strange water behaviour on the map
« on: June 19, 2016, 08:18:35 pm »
This cata map works flawlessly on my wotlk. But when i tried to load it in Noggit i got strange, annoying, vertical strips that are changing constantly when i'm moving around. Did anyone came across similar issue? Any ideas how to fix this? Is it possibly height map problem or else? Once again: it works very well in wotlk client, just not in Noggit.

I accidently tried to disable water display and problem disappeared. So it is related to water on the map. I investigated a bit more and water edit says "0 - unknown type". Changing water with water edit does absolutely nothing and it is still of unknown type. I'm clueless :/

Level Design / [SUGGESTION] [NOGGIT] Save cursor settings
« on: June 19, 2016, 12:35:06 pm »
Each time i start Noggit i need to change the default cursor options (i prefer a different color than default grey one). It would make it so much easier if we could have it saved and loaded from config on startup or even auto-saved all cursor settings on exit so it appears exactly same next time we start the app.

Let's say that you have a chunk with all 4 textures chosen. You can switch between them and paint as you like, no problem. I also understand how to add textures to the pool on a fresh chunk, no problem also. But how do you replace them with a texture of your choice in texture browser? I was playing a bit with swapper but still can't get it. I struggle to understand this. It happened once that i managed to replace one of 4 textures in the chunk with some crazy key/mouse combo but it never happened again...

So for now, when i fill 4 texture slots in a given chunk, i can't replace them which can lead to serious problems if i change my mind and want/need another texture there. Is it me or is it really hard to achieve what i described?

I just wish you could do something as simple as pressing e.g. ALT+LMB on any texture slot in "Pick one of the textures" pop-up window to delete particular texture from the chunk and empty the slot. Could be very useful at times.


Partially solved by pressing ALT+SHIFT+LMB on the chunk = all textures are gone and i can easily fill them up again from texture browser. That's cool. Now i just wish i could do the same with a particular texture slot and not all of them at once.

Level Design / [SUGGESTION] [NOGGIT] Object duplication option
« on: June 18, 2016, 11:18:38 am »
I would love to suggest a new option: Object duplication/replication.

Just same stuff as CTRL+C and CTRL+V but done in single step with e.g. CTRL+D. Guess that would be good. Also, there could be input fields for configurable x, y and z-stepping or even rotation and scale. So e.g. you want 10 bushes in a nice, even row... you set X-stepping to e.g. 2 and press CTRL+D ten times. There we go... what do you think, guys?

I can't set brush radius in raise/lower mode to anything below 5.99 and i would like to ask if this is locked on purpose? I noticed that brush size in this mode is always a multiply of ~5.99 so probably a kind of engine limitation? Would love to know more how that works.

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