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Messages - Caedes

Pages: [1]
Serverside Modding / Re: Passive Spell Scripting
« on: August 24, 2017, 05:16:00 pm »
Oh, thanks for the input!

I've fixed the problem. It was indeed a spelling error (but not where I thought it would be). /facepalm.

Serverside Modding / Passive Spell Scripting
« on: August 23, 2017, 04:28:00 pm »
Hey, I'm trying to script Twist of Fate on the 'newest' Trinity 6.2.4 core (took the last source before they merged legion into 6.x) and my hook doesn't seem to work.
Code: [Select]
class spell_pri_twist_of_fate_AuraScript : public AuraScript

bool Validate(SpellInfo const* /*spellInfo*/) override
if (!sSpellMgr->GetSpellInfo(SPELL_PRIEST_TWIST_OF_FATE))
return false;
return true;

bool CheckProc(ProcEventInfo& eventInfo)
sWorld->SendServerMessage(SERVER_MSG_STRING, "bool CheckProc got called.");
if (SpellInfo const* spellInfo = eventInfo.GetSpellInfo())
if (eventInfo.GetActionTarget()->HasAuraState(AURA_STATE_HEALTHLESS_35_PERCENT, spellInfo, eventInfo.GetActor()))
sWorld->SendServerMessage(SERVER_MSG_STRING, "'If' returns true.");
return true;
sWorld->SendServerMessage(SERVER_MSG_STRING, "'If' returns false.");
return false;
void Register() override
DoCheckProc += AuraCheckProcFn(spell_pri_twist_of_fate_AuraScript::CheckProc);

The spell gets called by 109.142 (that's the Twist of Fate passive you get from choosing the talent) in the DB and I checked the number & script name a hundred times already. None of the server messages are sent when used and the passive procs the healing bonus whenever I heal without checking the health of my target (which is also how it works when I completely remove the script).

What I've tried to do to fix this:
- I've tried changing hooks (from DoCheckProc to OnEffectProc and others), but the script still doesn't get called. I've also made sure that the core doesn't 'unapply' the script on loading due to faulty dbc data by checking the server log output.
- There also don't seem to be any warnings while compiling.

Serverside Modding / Re: [C++] [WotLk] Real Stealth...
« on: March 26, 2016, 07:24:02 pm »
Hey, I'm new here.

My thoughts for your problem are a bit rough, but might be helpful.

Armor Type: You could add some variation of the Night Elf racial that increases ones stealth level to leather/cloth type gear and lower the the general stealth level, that stealth abilities provide, for balancing reasons.

Light Sources: Same idea actually, you can create invisible units that provide an aura that decreases the stealth levels of units within a specific range.

The change to how Stealth works: the way your Stealth is supposed to work reminded me a bit of how Camouflage works (if I understood you right). You could generally decrease the stealth level of units to make them visible within a larger circle but add an additional effect that works similar to Cata's Camouflage (ranged dps' can't attack whereas melees can + standing still makes you completely invisible).

Another solution for the stealth-movement-speed-scaling could be a group of auras that decrease the range of spells that can be used on your stealthed target (no idea how Camouflage is coded, but there might be something that can be used for that) and increase stealth level. You could add dummy auras (that do nothing) to spells that increase movement that replace those Camouflage auras like high ranked buffs do with lower rank buffs of the same group. That would also work with my previous idea (adding those dummy auras to gear (the heavier the gear, the more dummy auras are on it) and light sources (the more light a light source provides, the more dummy auras are present, although I think that would make the number of dummy auras ridiculous)).

I hope my ideas are of any help.

regards, Caedes

Serverside Modding / Re: [QUESTION] Auto Shot
« on: August 26, 2014, 01:14:42 pm »
You have to change its attributes in your spell.dbc. One attribute should be 'Interrupted by moving', just remove it.

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