okay i got some problems dont know if this noggit is the problem about that... but okay..
here it comes i changd from th old 120 rev to noggit SDL it all worked fine just some problems with m2's wich are half visible but okay... so now i wanted to add some groundeffects via Taliis but Taliis dont wanted to open the Texture / Water and some other Lists just the Doodads and Objekt Lists are opening normal... i tryed to resave the adts with noggit 3 rev 279 but same now i switched to the 120 build and saved a adt and taliis showed all perfekt :/
got the newest and older taliis version and both diddnt worked after saving in SDL the adts again
if its a problem with the SDL let me know i i have made an mistake and its not working ofcourse of that pls telll me ^^ btw is it makeable to set the Texture (Id's for Groundeffekts) direktly in Noggit ? =) that would be awsome too