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Messages - Skitis

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Quote from: "Zebraka"
Edit : viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8380&hilit=standalone

There's not all SW in skitis patch, but there's already a lot done.

Turned out those models were broken, but I've recently revisited the idea and successfully managed to rip and retexture the models. I'm willing to finish it up if people are still looking for this sort of thing.

Figured it took a simple error to send me off the deep end, either way I spent too many hours ripping them and only figured out more effective means a ways down the line. Thanks for correcting me, though I'm afraid I can't apply any fixes since all my tools/modding content are deleted. Hopefully someone takes the time to apply the textures and distribute a finished pack of models.

Modelling and Animation / [RELEASE] Modders Resource - SW Standalone
« on: August 30, 2014, 01:08:54 am »
Hey Modcraft. This is just a .rar file containing a bunch of ripped models of Cata Stormwind, roughly a hundred or so to be more precise. They are in .blend format. Why am I releasing unfinished stuff? Because I encountered texture problems I don't understand how to fix and the ongoing reality that this 'hobby' has become far too time consuming for me to bother anymore. However, I didn't want to have this stuff go to waste, since if someone could make it work it would benefit others.

So without further text, here's the link - ... dalone.rar

If anyone manages to solve my issue, feel free to release your work.

My only credits is a large thanks to Anthony for his ported patches and of course, I didn't create anything here so no need to credit or thank me. Good luck with your future creations. :)

Been working on ripping the Stormwind Catacylsm wmo's. The plan is to have a large palette of standalone models that will allow me to build better looking cities and such, at least for humans. Might do it for other races if I decide to do an edit involving them. Overall, it's nothing complex and I'm a complete novice at blender. Here's just a quick example of what I mean. Should probably release it after it's done, I'm sure other people will find these just as useful, simple as it is. (Time consuming though)

Edit: Credit to Anthony for porting the models

Modelling and Animation / [QUESTION] Model Editing Error
« on: August 10, 2014, 04:13:22 am »
Hey Modcraft, I've recently got into the basics of model editing and I've ran into some issues involving a ported Catacylsm Stormwind. I've got the tools available here and used Blender for the editing itself. However, when I put the model ingame, despite how fine it looks from outside the edited adts, it crashes upon closer contact. The error is the generic 132, so it's left me rather confused. I'll explain further.

As an example, I used modelviewer7 to export the Cata trade district into an .obj file and loaded it into Blender. After editing it down to the parts I wanted, I export it as an .obj using the settings given to me by other editors and the tutorials. After putting it through MirrorMachine, I get it into noggit and then ingame, then the error/crash happens. I've also tried just importing it as an wmo with the wmo import/export script but that's produced the same result. This -should- be working but I simply don't know enough to solve this myself.

Anyone have an idea? I've looked around here and I can't find someone with my exact problem, only similarities.

Showoff - what you are working on / Re: [Rebuild] Darrowmere Forest
« on: July 30, 2014, 08:49:11 am »
Nice to just see some show offs lately. Great work, takes an experienced editor to make restoration edits worth their salt.

Tutorials / [TUTORIAL] Light Adder - How to
« on: June 16, 2014, 01:00:39 am »
Hello Modcraft, since a recent topic it seems people need some help with using the tool Light Adder.

I admit, it took me a number of hours to understand what I had to do to use the it properly, mainly with the colour values. This is a very short tutorial as the process itself is quite simple.

Gather your Light Adder into a folder and bring in any M2 files you wish to add too as shown.

Once you're all set up, prepare that M2 file I mentioned.

For this tutorial, I'm using BonfireNorthrend_01.M2. Drag the M2 file onto the .exe file and a window should appear.

Now you see some text and commands. Let me give you a run down of what each one means and does before we get into this.

h : Brings up the command menu, useful for when you've been hammering out colour values and forgot a key.
i : Light information on the M2 you loaded. Always use this first because if the object has no lights attached to it, it will say so when prompted with i. If it has lights, a bunch of info will pop up. We'll get to those.
c : This is what you use for an object that has no lights attached to it.
m : Modifies existing light values, use for objects that already have lights. When you use the command, you need to enter the ID. Just put in 0. Now you're met with a bunch of other commands, which explains themselves but I'll include a pic anyway.

d : deletes existing lights. This has been a bit buggy for me, so I'm not sure if it even works as intended. I never need to use it, as modifying is easier.
x : Exit.

Now that we know what we're dealing with and we know this object has no lights by using i, we'll type in c and begin adding lights. You should be met with this.

By using this site we get a better understanding of what these required values are. I'm not going to explain much of the values on that site, as the only ones you'll need are the ones I'll cover. If you wish to deviate, that's your own choice.

Now the last values are pretty easy to understand. They are coordinates, X,Y,Z. They will dictate where the center of the light will be and this is important, as M2's that have their light source higher will emit light different than ones closer to the ground. The values I am using are Blizzard's for a standard bonfire but you will have to experiment with other M2's. Hit enter.

What do these mean? It's an RGB scale, which controls the colour of the light. Now, lighting for M2's does not use normal RGB scaling. Instead, it uses decimal color codes. Here is a converter I found for easy use. Pick your colour, put them through the converter and insert them into their respective positions. For me, I used the html value B37146 which resulted in 0.702, 0.443, and 0.275. 0.702 would be AR, 0.443 would be AG, and 0.275 would be AB. AI should be set to 0. Now repeat the three codes in the same order but instead set DI to 1.

It should result in this.

That's it, you're done! Exit the tool, put the object into a custom MPQ patch and test it out.

The lights are not 100% working, this is due to an issue with bounding boxes as explained in the original thread. I'm not a programmer or modeler, I do not understand these values. It may be something my project looks into in the future but for now, you're on your own.

Recruitment / Re: Concert of Empires: Quality Roleplay, Done Right
« on: June 10, 2014, 07:30:31 am »
Quote from: "Barbz"
How will player become important persons ?
How will they lead a revolution ?
If you can say more, of course...

I can answer that, as I'm 'co-lead'.

Players on Concert of Empires start from the bottom, though that bottom isn't just classified as peasants. They can be soldiers, merchants, bandits, and many other roles that are seen as common but can lead to more uncommon roles. We have a profession system that will also expand on a players role in the world, which is connected to the economic system. I'll keep that vague for now, mainly because we have yet to fully implement it.

As for the revolution aspect, think of the world on the very edge of industrialisation. New technology is over shadowing the old and war is becoming less personal. The western humans and dwarves are pushing this change, with the rest of the races are being forced to adapt. All of this fuels a giant fire that the players are set around at the start of the server. They can choose to further elevate the conflicts, profit from it, or create their own faction/kingdom/army to usurp the existing ones. This will all take time, of course, but it will be a possibility that we fully endorse.

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [RELEASE] WolfDraenor Custom Reskin Textures
« on: May 18, 2014, 08:13:39 am »
Personally I liked the smaller one, also the darker red seemed to suit it more.

Nice job.

Noggit / Re: Noggit Error after 5s program exit.
« on: May 16, 2014, 03:38:41 am »
Why are you using 1.2, when SDL 1.3 is available? 1.2 contains a number of issues that 1.3 has fixed.

On the note of your issue, are you running Noggit in admin mode? That is known to cause issues, which may be contributing to your error with objects.

Modelling and Animation / Re: [QUESTION]Custom Model /client Object
« on: May 16, 2014, 03:34:09 am »
I'm not sure if you're asking about a guide on making custom models or simply reskinning them but I'll go with the latter since you mentioned banners.

This might be what you're looking for. Just take a look at the modeling editing or texturing sections, both having tutorials for what you may be looking for.

Noggit / Re: Wmo files
« on: April 28, 2014, 08:36:04 pm »
Have you been successful in linking noggit to it?

All you need to do is go into your config file in Noggit and type in the path of your modelviewers log file.

ImportFile  = C:UsersAdminDownloadsWoWModelViewer7userSettingslog.txt

It should look something like that.

Noggit / Re: [HELP]Custom Map Crash
« on: April 25, 2014, 12:12:02 am »
This is relative to your issue.

Noggit / Re: cant export/import blizzard water from map 37
« on: April 25, 2014, 12:00:41 am »
From what I'm reading, you're attempting to export/import water from one adt to another but as far as I know that's not possible. There are ways to add water to your adt and avoid this export/import business all together.

You can use Allwater, which is a took that adds in water chunk by chunk and what I use most of the time or you can implement water by using the newest version of noggit.

If this isn't at all relevant to your issue, then I'm not sure I understand at all. If it did, hope it worked.

Level Design / Re: [QUESTION] Texture Shift?
« on: April 13, 2014, 03:43:58 am »
Quote from: "iindigo"
My most complex map is affected by this. It’s quite annoying.

Maybe this has to do with how the ADTs are created? As far as I can tell, texture shifting doesn’t occur when you edit blizzard maps. Other bugs happen, but not texture shifting.

I can confirm this happens when editing Blizzard adts - in fact, that is when I first noticed this issue.

The fact it has made its way into my custom adts is equally annoying.

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