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Topics - Poisonleaf

Pages: [1]
General / Poisonleaf Vs Sphynx jungle themed zone Build-off!
« on: July 06, 2018, 01:04:29 am »

Friday the 13th of July at 8:00 GMT+2.
Poisonleaf & Sphynx will go head to head in a five hour livestream session to create the best jungle themed world of warcraft zone. Who will come out on top and surive the deadline. Tune in and follow this exciting multistream!

Poisonleaf //
Sphynx //

Multi //

Hope to see you all there!


Noggit / Looking for recent Noggit version.
« on: July 22, 2017, 09:09:52 pm »

I'm looking if someone has a recent noggit compiled for windows.
It's been around 6months since I've updated mine and loads of issue's (I have) has been fixed.

Sadly I wont even know how to compile it for myself so that's why this shout out.

Thanks in advance,

"Retro-Porting" / Does anyone have experience with porting maps...
« on: February 08, 2017, 05:12:57 pm »

I've been looking into porting maps from WoD to Wrath (3.3.5a).
For that I've found the tutorial of PhilipTheNoobModder with his ADT converter.

Now the converter itself didn't work for me. It ran for a second, Said it was finished but then nothing showed up in the finished folder.
A Good programming friend (Nightquest/ellie) looked at the script for me and suggested to delete line 5 on the code, Then the converter worked and ADT files showed up in the finished folder.
 I finished the process like show in the video.

When trying to open the files in noggit (old & new) the new noggit crashes and the old one just closes down.
It does show the textures of the map in the small preview.

So anyone have experience with this converter or uses another one?
Any help or advice is appreciated.

Recruitment / [WotLk]  Creative and passionate wanted.
« on: September 14, 2016, 01:28:42 pm »

I'm looking for one person who can assist me with finishing my server project.
This person needs to be willing to learn and be able to work independent.
Above all this person needs to have a passion for creating.

The project is to create a small but fully custom world, features and atmosphere.
Knowledge with Noggit and blender are welcome but not required, However retro-port scripting is a must.
I'm looking for someone to form a team with not just a freelancer.

The base line for the server is 3.3.5a with a sunwell core.
Any other questions or applications can be posted here or trough skype @levilteddyl

Serania, Work in progress

Level Design / World building.
« on: November 08, 2015, 10:03:37 pm »

I see you all making awesome pieces of art.

and I'm at a point where my project is taking some nice shape aswell.
How ever I do have an issue/question Id like to discuss.

How do you guys place most of your objects, Tree's, Houses etc.

At this point when ever I add something in noggit something els disappears.

Kinda annoying cause most of it is stuff I would like to keep.

Level Design / How do remove Area glows/lighting.
« on: November 01, 2015, 11:41:55 pm »

With my remodeling project of nagrand I would like to remove the area glow or lighting what ever it's called.

I got an example lined up below to it makes more sense.

First one: Without the glow  standing at a distance
Second one: With the glow, inside the area.


Thank you in advance.

Noggit / Noggit setup on 4.0.0
« on: November 01, 2015, 01:28:17 pm »

I'm trying to setup noggit for a 4.0.0 Version.

I used the same config as used for my 3.3.5a version but when I try to open it it just closes.

I hope noggit works on 4.0.0.

Config file below.

#This is a config file template. To use it rename into noggit.conf and set your options
#Edit this to your WoWFile!!!
Path = C:World Of WarcraftWorld of Warcraft - Alpha Client

#Edit this to your Project-Directory and uncomment if you want to use it!
ProjectPath = C:World Of WarcraftWorld of Warcraft - Alpha ClientDataPatch-N.MPQ

#Set this to the file where you will import models from (the model viewer log for example :) )
ImportFile  = C:World Of WarcraftWoWModdingToolsWoWModelViewer7userSettingslog.txt

#The far clipping value. Set to 2048, 3072, 4096 etc. for a further look. Higher values need more 3d power.
#1024 is the standard value and will be taken if you do not set this value.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Level Design / [QUESTION]  Water edges. [Noggit]
« on: June 29, 2015, 12:40:34 am »

As seen on the pictures, what happens with the water edges once you get ingame.
Does the water hover in the air or does it curve nicely on the map like it does on live servers?


Thanks in advance.


So I've trying to add water but on a different height on the same ADT.
I know the keybinds as suggested.

Quote from: "Skarn"
o Water chunk-by-chunk editor - when you are in the water editing mode you can add water with Shift + Lmouse and remove it with Ctrl + Lmouse. To select some chunks you need you can press Alt + Lmouse, and Alt + Ctrl + Lmouse to deselect them. It is possible to change the height of the selected chunks, fill the selection with water. If nothing is selected, you will move the water on the entire ADT. There is also a water crop function that removes all the useless water under the terrain, so that fishing can work properly on your custom maps now. By the way, Noggit crops the water absoultely identically to the way Blizzard does it, so it's a blizzlike feature for sure.

But I tried that, I can't seem to deselect the water tile(s) that are not suppose to be effected.

I tried standing ontop of the water tile that has to be effected and tried to deselect the one that can not be deselected.

I tried to just select the one that has to be effected.
I tried to just deselect the one that can't be effected.

Anyone have an idea what i'm doing wrong or have a more step by step plan for this.

Thanks in advance.

Edit: OMG i'm an idiot.

Fixed it myself like 5 seconds after making this post.
Sorry for the waste of MB xP

Modelling and Animation / Object limit on noggit?
« on: June 25, 2015, 08:44:34 pm »

I recently started dressing up my remastered zone but when addind objects (mostly tree's)
when I want to save the file, alot of them dissappear.

I noticed that only a X amount of objects stay like there is a limlit.

Anyone know anything about this ?

Showoff - what you are working on / Nagrand Zone restoration.
« on: June 09, 2015, 05:40:15 pm »

I've just starting with noggit a few days ago so i started with something simple.

For my project I wanted to edit a few zones in nagrand that I tough were personally not fitting.
This is my first attempt/work so any feedback is welcome.


Feedback and suggestions are always welcome!

Thanks in advance.

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