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Topics - arbiter5

Pages: [1]
Modelling and Animation / [QUESTION] Porting wmo's from mop to Wotlk
« on: January 12, 2013, 09:15:30 pm »
Has anyone figured out how to export wmo's from Mists of Pandaria to Wrath of the Lich King? If so, can anyone please give me a tutorial on how to do it?

I was trying to port models of some towers and portals from the Firelands. I can see them in Noggit, but when I enter the game and teleport to the map containing the towers, the game crashes.

This is a screenshot of Sulfuron Keep from the Firelands.

Modelling and Animation / [QUESTION] converting cataclysm models to wotlk
« on: October 30, 2012, 03:16:59 am »
Hello. I have a private server patched up to 3.3.5a.

I got Mjollna's model converter and used it to convert the model of Setesh from Halls of Origination.

This is what the model ingame was supposed to look like.

But this is what it came out as. If your wondering why I'm in the Halls of Originination, it's just because I have the Reznik Era custom expansion.

Anyways, I dragged the model (which was in the same folder as the skins) to the converter, and everything went fine.

I port the model folder into the MPQ, and edit the CreatureModelData.dbc and CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc just fine. I morph into the model, but nothing is there.

So, can anybody help me please? :(

"Retro-Porting" / [RELEASE] Cataclysm Molten Giants
« on: July 21, 2012, 09:18:15 pm »
Hello! Today I am releasing the textures for the Molten Giants from Cataclysm.
To prove this these textures work, here are some screenshots:



And you can get these textures right below this paragraph. I transported these textures from Cataclysm. Enjoy!


Can somebody please help me with this? I tried converting the model of Ozruk from Deepholm,

I have set the Value from 272 to 264, I set nTexunits from 0 to 1, and copied the value of ofsTranslookup to ofsTexunits. Then, I selected "nCameras, ofsCameras, nCameralookup, and ofsCameralookup" and turned the values to 0. And when I ported the model into WOW (with the textures, DBC, and correct treepath), this is what I get:

Now, can someone please help me and tell me what I did wrong and give me a guided and understandable tutorial please?

Showoff - what you are working on / [RELEASE] Sandstone Giants
« on: July 18, 2012, 07:46:33 am »
Formed from the rock, sand, and crystal that make up the infested desert of Silithus, these large and strong beasts walk the infested sands along with the silithids that inhabit it. They are not too intelligent, but they can give a heavy blow. These are certainly the most powerful earth smashers in Silithus.



These are called Sandstone Giants, they are common, but they aren't everywhere.
I ported the Cataclysm Deepholm trogg textures into wotlk and these brutes are what I came up with. Here is the download and I hope you like this monster. You're gonna have to make your own MPQ with the DBC and textures. But I am sure you'll enjoy fighting this brute. You will have to spawn the giants, you can put them anywhere you want, but I would suggest putting them in Silithus because that is their natural habitat. Enjoy!


I have copied the Scarab Skins to the Skin folder for the Silithid Workers.
Now I have new worker skins for new workers!

Here are some screenshots:






Here is the Patch.    [attachment=0:2uaelr2m]Patch-Silithid.rar[/attachment:2uaelr2m]

Enjoy building new workers so that they can build new hives!

Showoff - what you are working on / [RELEASE] Shade Textures
« on: May 19, 2012, 09:00:27 pm »
I have made a new fire texture for shades (this is one of my first textures) using Photoshop CS6.
I have also added the fire elemental skins and the voidwalker skin to the model.

Here are some screenshots:





The last screenshot is the fire skin I made.

Here is the download link and enjoy! I hope you like it!

Showoff - what you are working on / [SHOWOFF] Newbreed Spiderlord
« on: April 14, 2012, 10:25:03 pm »
Hello everyone, I have been making a new model for World of Warcraft.
This is my very first model ever (it's not in wow yet), but I hope you like it!

This is a model called a nerubian newbreed spiderlord. I made this in response to GoldenYak's spider king expansion concept.

Link to the overview: ... on-concept

Link to full concept on Wowpedia: ... on_Concept

Here are the pics of my developed model. I used a nerubian priest model for the body and attached some crypt lord parts to the model to make this.

I will later post the download link.

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