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Topics - spiderwaseem

Pages: 1 [2] 3

For the past couple of hours, I've been trying to make a race (Orc, ID 2) have a different character creation screen background, than it's character selection screen. I failed several times to do so.

I use the following code in GlueParent.lua to set a character creation background:
   if ( name == "Orc" or "ORC" ) then
      name = "Orc";

The code above signifies that ["Orc" or "ORC"] are representing which race to set the background for.
And [name = "Orc";] sets which background model to set for the race.

This is also within the same function which allows me to just say the UI Backgrounds name instead of "UI_...." :
   local nameupper = strupper(name);
    local path = "Interface\Glues\Models\UI_""\UI_"".m2";
   if ( model == CharacterCreate ) then

I believe this code isn't new to anyone here, but I'm providing as much info as possible, to recieve as much info as possible.

Now, what I'm trying to do is make the Orc race have 2 different backgrounds for 2 different occasions.
1 Background on the Character Creation screen, then a different background on the Character Selection Screen.

I tried the following code in GlueParent.lua, under the following function:

function SetBackgroundModel(model, name)

   if ( name == "Orc" or "ORC" and CharacterCreate_Finish(true)) then
      name = "Human";

The above didn't work, so I've tried the following:

   if ( name == "Orc" or "ORC" and CharacterCreate_Finish(true)) then

That didn't work either.

In total, I tried to use similar code on "OnShow" or similar functions.
Overall, I edited GlueParent.lua, CharacterSelect.lua and CharacterCreate.lua.
I didn't really get anywhere.

In conclusion, I'm asking for help from anyone here who can write a lua code for WoW 3.3.5 that can cause a race (Orc, ID: 2) to have 2 different backgrounds. 1 On the Character Creation screen, and one on Character Selection.

Thanks for everyone's time who read and will help. :)

Hello everyone!

I'm trying to create a new race out of existing creature files.
By that, I mean I would like to take an existing race model, put it on Blender, and use another creature's files to switch out the head, hands, feet, etc... I believe this won't require any UV-remapping (I believe I said the right word).

When it comes to model editing, I'm a newbie.
So please leave comments like you're teaching something new to someone for the first time.
Basically, as many details as possible.

Any help is appreciated.
Also, please don't be that person that gives the smallest hints, or gives the briefest description.
Be helpful, and give me as much information as possible!

Thank You.

Modelling and Animation / [PAID] New Race from Creature Files
« on: June 29, 2015, 07:09:54 am »
I am using a WoTLK 3.3.5a Client
Hello everyone,

I am looking for someone who is able to create a new race out of normal creature Files.
By that, I mean a naked creature model (which I can provide the files for), you (the developer) would have to make it a race, including all of the DBC work needed.
(DB/SQL, lua/xml work, I can do).

I am looking for serious, professional, and dedicated developers.

I am of course going to pay for such a job.
We can discuss the price over Skype (I pay ONLY in PayPal).

My Skype Name: Waseem9116

I'm looking forward to hearing from you good developers out there!
IF you are going to add me, please state why!
I never accept any random friend request. So if your adding me for the new race from creature models, say so! Thanks. :P

Miscellaneous / [MPQ] Change max file size?
« on: May 16, 2015, 04:21:39 pm »
Hello everyone,

I am compiling a new patch for my server on Ladik's MPQ Editor, however, the patch is too big. I would like to keep my patch into 1 MPQ instead of dividing it into 2 MPQs.
I've noticed that the max MPQ size is around 3.99GB.
I was wondering if there was anyway where I could increase the MPQ size limit?
I would like to expand it to go to around 5GBs or 6GBs.

If there is anyway to do this, or if you have an idea on how to do this, then please do help out.

Thank You.

Serverside Modding / [TrinityCore] CMake Error [RESOLVED]
« on: April 26, 2015, 10:13:33 am »
Fixed. :)

Hello everyone.

I see that since cataclysm, the WoW gold cap is 1,000,000.
In WoTLK, the WoW gold cap is somewhere around 200,000.

I was thinking...
Is it possible to raise the gold cap in a TrinityCore WoW 3.3.5 Server?

What files or scripts do I need to edit to change the gold cap or to make it limitless?
Also, if client changes are needed... What files?

Please do help me out on this.

Thank You.

I don't want to use Gold Cap to Gold Bars.

Serverside Modding / [TrinityCore] Remove AFK kicking/disconnecting?
« on: April 11, 2015, 04:25:00 pm »
Hello everyone.

If you have ever been AFK on WoW, you should already know that after around 5 - 10 minutes of being AFK, you get kicked to the character selection screen (or login screen).

I am using a TrinityCore 3.3.5 Eluna (Self-Compiled) Core.

Core Info:
Core Version: TrinityCore rev. 64c00b566d81+ 2014-11-16 15:30:42 +0300 (master branch) (Win64, Release)
Core Revision: 64c00b566d81+
DB_Version: TDB 335.53

I would like to make it so that when players go AFK, they don't get disconnected/kicked.
I searched on the web for this and there were a couple of posts, however, non gave me an answer.

If anyone knows how to remove the fact of being kicked/disconnected when you are AFK on TrinityCore (3.3.5), then please do help me in anyway possible.

Thank You.

Miscellaneous / [QUESTION] WoW Client Crash = Simply Close. No errors?
« on: March 24, 2015, 05:43:04 pm »
Hello Everyone.

Is it possible to make it so that when your WoW Client crashes, it simply closes?
Normally when your client crashes, it shows an error.
I would like it so that it will not show any errors or messages, or nothing. Instead, it will simply close your WoW Client without anything showing.

I know that this is possible.

However, my question is...
What files do I edit?
What part of the file if you know?

Thank You.

Miscellaneous / [TrinityCore] Max Level over 255?
« on: March 16, 2015, 06:20:59 pm »
Hello Everyone!

I've seen servers out there before that are over the level of 255.
However, they could have been running on ArcEmu, because I remember back in the day when I had a ArcEmu server, and I made the max level 1000, and it worked.

However, I was wondering how can I do this on a TrinityCore server?
I know it's possible, because if it was set to level 255 somehow, then it has to be possible to set it to something else.

What I know so far is that you have to edit the DBCEnum.h.
So I know what to edit in there, it's really simple.

But what else would I have to edit on the TrinityCore Core side?

Please help with any kind of help you can give.

Thank You!

I already know that it is really difficult/a lot of work to do.

Hey Guys!

(Btw, when I say Custom Class, I really mean Custom Class, as another new class).

I made a custom class for my server, but there is a problem with the client.
I made my class only allowed to be created with 2 different races, which somehow resulted into my WoW Client having a 20% Chance to crash when I click on the "Create New Hero" Button.

Today, I made a second custom class, but that caused my client to have a larger percent of crashing...
I made my second custom class only allowed to be created by 2 different races.
So now, I have a total of a 40% chance for my WoW Client to crash when I click on the "Create New Hero" Button.
(So the problem is that my Custom Class sometimes crashes my WoW 3.3.5 Client when I Click on "Create New Hero" Button).

This is the error I get when my Client Crashes :


Crash Log :

I am pretty sure that I have made this custom class correctly.

I think I saw someone else with this problem too,  I'm not so sure if he did or did not fix it though...

Does anyone know a fix?
Or any clues or at least knows what file is causing this error?

Please give me as much as information as you can give me to fix this problem.

Thank You!

Hello Everyone!

I have the Latest TrinityCore 3.3.5 Eluna (Compiled Core).

And for some reason my WorldServer.exe keeps crashing on its own with this error :

C:UsersFayeDesktopTrinityCoresrcservergameEntitiesPlayerPlayer.cpp:26670 in Player::GetCollisionHeight ASSERTION FAILED:

Here is a screenshot of the error on my WorldServer.exe :


I really need help on this ASAP!

Thank You!

Miscellaneous / Custom Class Character Creation Error. [Need Help!]
« on: July 15, 2014, 07:07:04 am »
Hey Guys!

I just made a custom class today, and it works fine except for 1 problem.
Everytime I make my new Class playable on a Custom Race, it crashes my WoW Client (not server).
When its playable to the Blizzard Races it goes fine and no errors or crashes.

I realize that the error comes when I change which race can become my new class from the "CharBaseInfo.dbc".

Here is my CharBaseInfo.dbc :

Also I checked my Logs and crash logs... But I couldnt understand a single thing but it looked ok...

Crash Log (2014-07-15 00.57.31 Crash) :
Logs -- GlueXML :

Basically when I make my Custom Class playable on the Blizzard Races, it works fine.
But when I make the Custom Class playable on the Custom Races, it crashes my WoW Client.

Please Help Me Fix This!

If you wanna help me over Skype... add me from the skype info below.

My Skype Name : Waseem9116

Thank You!

Hey Guys!

I was trying to make a Custom Class (Demon Hunter) and I got this error in Re-Compiling.

game.lib(ScriptLoader.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl AddSC_demonhunter_spell_scripts(void)" (?AddSC_demonhunter_spell_scripts@@YAXXZ) referenced in function "void __cdecl AddSpellScripts(void)" (?AddSpellScripts@@YAXXZ)

Here is the whole code :
16>Compiling resources...
16>Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.1.6723.1
16>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
16>Performing Pre-Link Event...
16>   Creating library C:UsersWaseemDesktopBuildsrcserverworldserverReleaseworldserver.lib and object C:UsersWaseemDesktopBuildsrcserverworldserverReleaseworldserver.exp
16>game.lib(ScriptLoader.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl AddSC_demonhunter_spell_scripts(void)" (?AddSC_demonhunter_spell_scripts@@YAXXZ) referenced in function "void __cdecl AddSpellScripts(void)" (?AddSpellScripts@@YAXXZ)
16>C:UsersWaseemDesktopBuildbinReleaseworldserver.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
16>Build log was saved at "file://c:UsersWaseemDesktopBuildsrcserverworldserverworldserver.dirReleaseBuildLog.htm"
16>worldserver - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)
========== Build: 15 succeeded, 1 failed, 2 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

So does anyone know how to fix this?
Can anyone give me any help at all on this?

Here is a Screenshot :

Please Help!

Thank You!

Hey Guys!

Can someone please give me the Ogre Race Files?

The Ogre Race looks like this :

I have seen a couple of servers with this race but now I dont even see 1 server with race... Which is a shame to me cuz I really like Ogres so I was thinking of adding it to my server...

So can anyone please give me a Download link to the Ogre Race Files?
Or maybe make me one?
Or at least post a guide...

Thank You!

Hey Guys!
(I am using a 3.3.5 Compiled TrinityCore)

If your gonna add a COMPLETELY New Race to a Wotlk 3.3.5 Server, What files do I need to edit?

Cuz I already tried to edit a couple of DBC Files and Interface GlueXML Files and I added it to the DB and I added it to the Source File SharedDefines.h but when I go in game and click on the Icon, the game crashes.

Btw, I am not talking about the Races that already come in the DBCs... I am talking about adding a race that you made from scratch.

My only question is...
What Files do I have to edit to add a race that has been made from Scratch?

Please Reply with all the Files Names.
I do not need a Tutorial Written for me, but if u want to or u have a link for that, then that will be much appreciated but I think I can figure it out my self if I only know what files to edit.

If you want to help me in person to tell me what files to edit or if I run threw any problems and you are willing to help me in this particular issue, then please do add me on my Skype.

My Skype Name : Waseem9116

Thank You!

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