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Messages - Criminon

Pages: [1] 2
Miscellaneous / Re: Creating a new item quality color?
« on: April 13, 2018, 10:58:20 pm »
You know by reverse engineering things. As far as I remember the wotlk client uses an hardcoded array of colors, nothing in lua/xml. You can find it by searching for the colors in hex in the binary. That will only allow you to modify them, not add one.

I was using a vanilla wow client, searched for the offsets, found and edited them, and nothing changed. My guess is this is located elsewhere.

Yeah, sorry. Unfortunately it's dead. I moved onto real programming and I'm now working on a video game for a company called Tri Hard Games. Times change too fast, haha.

Showoff - what you are working on / Re: Custom Gears
« on: February 03, 2012, 05:54:59 am »
Completely impressed by these. They all look great. I had a few concept pieces, and if I can find them, I'll toss them your way. You wouldn't have to do anything with them, but if you liked them, it would be great to see them come to life.

They aren't the best, but maybe they will give you some ideas. ... er-13-Sets.

Quote from: "Eluo"
Exept for the rape voice in the beginning (just kidding), looks good!

I'll check it out as soon as i get hands on a cata client!

Man, I get picked on so much for that voice!

In other news, I'm pretty proud of my story lines for this. They really help me make the dungeon after I think of the story. Although some of the game objects look stupid in Azshara Crater (Just to lazy to delete the bad ones) It's probably one of my favorites story-wise. Just because this one entertains me I'll post it. I've come up with a lot more story-wise than I've really posted on these forums, but here:

Malygos hid an artifact centuries ago under azshara. That's what Azuregos was doing there all of these years. After Deathwing's defeat, he was able to make his move. Azuregos has never thought Kalecgos should be the new aspect, or even the ruler of the Blue Dragonflight. Leading similar minded members of the Blue Dragonflight, he wages war on both the alliance an the horde in order to summon the artifact to slay Kalecgos and take his place as the Aspect and leader of the Blue Dragonflight. Little do many know that Azuregos is actually being controlled by N'Zoth. The very same thing as Deathwing. Puppeted by a General that is hiding in Azshara Crater (Faceless Boss) he blindly charges into battle with little to no reason at all.

Serverside Modding / Re: Adding new classes
« on: November 28, 2011, 10:44:05 pm »
Quote from: "emmanuelborsari"
I wonder just where I need to edit

I've also been having ideas on doing this. I was interested in trying it as well, although I lack the core knowledge to edit it. It would be fun to have a tutorial on this.

What I can tell you is that all of the Character tables in your database would have to have the lines added for the custom class. Similar to when you give a race a class they aren't supposed to have.

As far as DBC goes, you would have to change chrclasses.dbc. There could be a few more, but yeah.

The only problem I've had with chrclasses is it seems to open differently with different viewers. I haven't managed to find too much information about this dbc. :(

If you find out more, please post it here!

Quote from: "schlumpf"
Yeah, I surely know which thread you mean. You may want to specify at least that.

Also viewtopic.php?f=37&t=1140&p=7263#p7263 is in Level Design, not Serverside Modding.

Appreciated. Also, I never see you on MSN any more. Did you get a new account?

Quote from: "Eluo"
Wow this really looks great!
When do you think this will be finished? I'd really like to see it ingame =D

It's up right now @

I partnered up with 2DGreenGiant from MMowned, and he got me a server for it. Unfortunately it's going down though due to money issues. So check it out while you can! If you create an account, just message me the name of it and I'll GM you and give you tele coords to check it out.

Also, I've attached a trailer video for it!


Showoff - what you are working on / I believe someone deleted my threat.
« on: November 25, 2011, 10:48:04 am »
Just a bit confused...

Resources and Tools / Re: [TOOL] [DBC] mydbceditor
« on: November 22, 2011, 12:06:05 am »
Quote from: "Steff"
Update with  dl link for 1.2.2

Appreciated! Thank you to both of you.

Serverside Modding / Re: [QUESTION] Map.dbc Editing (4.0+ Cataclysm)
« on: November 21, 2011, 06:26:51 pm »
Quote from: "Steff"
Use MyDBCEditor. You will find it in the resources.

Thanks a lot man! I'll give it a try.

Serverside Modding / Re: [QUESTION] Custom Level Aggro Radius
« on: November 21, 2011, 06:26:10 pm »
Quote from: "Eluo"
Normally it shouldn't differ from anything else...
As i could see from your other posts that you are using mostly gameobjects:
You do know that gameobjects don't have any sight collision as they are not in the vmaps?

Not sure how you define "agro everything" but i assume that this is the source of the problem.

Nope, haha, I'm not that stupid. I'm talking about being level 90, standing a great deal away from a few 86 npcs, and being spotted immediately by them as they bum rush me. The same would happen if say I went to the barrens. Level 20s would spot me as if I was a level 1. Sorry for not explaining better, and thanks for answering!

Serverside Modding / [QUESTION] Custom Level Aggro Radius
« on: November 20, 2011, 10:53:03 pm »
I've noticed in custom levels, players tend to aggro everything. What is the defining dbc or table that governs this? (using skyfire)

Once again, any help would be greatly appreciated!

Serverside Modding / [QUESTION] Map.dbc Editing (4.0+ Cataclysm)
« on: November 19, 2011, 11:44:09 pm »
I've been running into several snags with this file. Nothing seems to work on it. Currently using skyfire emu.

As you may know, Skyfire uses many of the dbc files to control how the game reads dungeons. Including dungeon size allowance (10 man, 25 man etc) Loading screen info, whether or not it's a party dungeon, a raid dungeon etc.

For some reason, I have been unable to change what it loads, despite putting the same files in both my client, and the server dbc. Has anyone else encountered this? I'm testing it working by going into a dungeon that I have changed the loading screen on. The loading screen still remains the same, and although I have also changed many of the maps such as azshara crater to be a party dungeon, it still remains a pvp.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Showoff - what you are working on / Re: [SHOWOFF] My Custom Models
« on: November 19, 2011, 11:25:07 pm »
This is incredibly rad. Kudos to you man.

Resources and Tools / Re: [TOOL] [DBC] mydbceditor
« on: November 19, 2011, 10:31:57 pm »
Thank you SOOOOOOO much! This has been the only dbc editor able to edit the Cataclysm map.dbc perfectly without screwing up the data. Still loads into the emu perfectly. I seriously can't thank you enough. This was a major road block for me.

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