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Topics - xzetaxx

Pages: [1]
Hey Modcraft!
Im trying to find a way to Automatically extract all the M2s that an ADT use and the only one I found was using an encripted patch with all the models from Cata to Wod and a listfile made only with the routes from the ADT. This way I get all the M2s needed but the problem is that now I need a way to get the skin files and blps that those M2s use.

I need ideas... How all the mappers do extract all the models needed for an ADT in a fast way? Or it can only be made at hand. I can make a program or something, I just need ideas.

Hope you understand me :)

Serverside Modding / [QUESTION] Creating custom display ID of a race
« on: August 25, 2014, 06:46:29 pm »
Hey guys!
Those days ive been learning to create custom display IDs of the races wich show the armor you wear, for example the Worgen. This is what I have done:

1. In CharRaces.dbc I have filled the info correctly with a new race.

2. I added the hair, skin and faceparts of that race in Charsections.dbc, Characterfacialhairstyles.dbc and Charhairgeossets.dbc.

3.I added a new display in Creaturedisplayinfo.dbc, Creaturemodeldata.dbc and Creaturedisplayinfoextra.dbc.

4.Finally when I morphed into the new display my char changed to the worgen showing my current armor but it has a horrible skin, it was like a broken skin.

I think the problem is in creaturedisplayinfoextra.dbc because all the other dbcs are well done but i dont understant this dbc at all, so thats why im asking here for help. Is there some info about the creaturedisplayinfoextra.dbc used in creation of new displays with armor?
I have the second column with the id of my race and the last column has blps like CreatureDisplayExtra-21381.blp but how I know wich blp is the one I needed for the worgen and where are located?

If it helps-> Ive learned how to create custom display ids of a race from the Pandaren race patch that Anthony released. If I use my Charraces.dbc, Characterfacialhairstyles.dbc, Charhairgeossets.dbc and Charsectiones.dbc(wich I made by hand) with his Creaturedisplayinfo.dbc, Creaturedisplayinfoextra.dbc and Creaturemodeldata.dbc the new .morph works very well with a correct skin, so i know that 4 of my dbcs are fine, the problem are the other 3. I want to learn and understand what im doing, not copy his files.

Srry if my english is not good enough and thanks in advance^^

Serverside Modding / Adding new spells to existing pets
« on: October 10, 2013, 06:48:17 pm »
Hey  guys, I have a simple question, how can I add a new spell to existing pets in trinity 3.3.5? like the Doomguard, voidwalker...

For example, I want to add the bladestorm to the voidwalker(stupid example), but cant discover wich dbc to modify. I know its something related to Skilllineability.dbc but dont understand that dbc very well. I know how it works but not its effects ingame.

Serverside Modding / [QUESTION] Merge DBC locales?
« on: March 17, 2013, 04:36:56 am »
Hello guys!
Is there any way to merge for example esES(Spanish) and enGB(English) DBC´s?
Im doing a huge DBC modification but only people with the esES WoW can use the patch without errors and it would be cool to merge all the locales into one that supports all languages.

Info: Doing it in a manual way can take me ages, thats why im asking for an automatic way to merge the files.

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