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Topics - Officialbasement

Pages: [1]
I'm working on a custom Arathi Basin on 3.3.5 and have the plans of converting it to 1.12.1, but i havent got the map to work on 3.3.5 but im trying and im doing Steffs tut right now, from scratch instead of thinking im a hacker pro!

Do you think this will be possible to port to 1.12.1? Any tips any way you guys can send me some info, i know its so har with just 1.12.1 when the community is so spread out and hard to grasp and when legends have past away.


I have made the map work following steff tut, but my Arathi Basin map does not show.

Here is half successful test map, still green error texture.

This is what happens if i tp to Arathi Basin using (.go 958 970 -43 605 i have trinity server)

Is there something im missing? why cant you tp in to pvpzones? Nothing happens.




Today its pretty clear that blizzard is going to start their own vanilla servers soon, but until then i keep on working on this server just for fun, and i want it to be public as soon as possible som im working on that to! We have tested the server and its great ping!

I'm looking in to the starting scene camera and I'm going to script that so you get a nice view of the map in the beginning :) no it just look like this.

I have added starting point when you create new character but have not figure out how to do a spawning point when you die. Any help on that would be great!

Level Design / [1.12.1 QUESTION] Spawning and Deleting obj
« on: April 24, 2016, 09:53:54 pm »

UPPDATE! 2 days ago i didn't know anything about mods.

I have been able to do this in noggit, now the only problem is to get it working on my server 1.12.1. But i will first make it work on my WOTLK. Have a nice day everyone! keep on making your world!

You maybe wonder where most of the purple rocks went?.. well they are gone because i thought you could save as many times as you want in noggit but apparently not.. i got this after 5 saves and searching the internet <3

Hi I'm a new kid on the block who needs help, hope you are all nice people <3

1.12.1 Help section

I have and idea of creating a custom map for the world to join, but much needs to be done before that so what i need help with is that when i want to select a object ingame i cant just macro "select-delete" on the same key, for example.

.gobject select
.goobject delete

It wants me to write in the GUID ID of the object and then delete which take ages.

Something like this but so you can edit real time would be the dream!


Is there any way this could be possible? Is there any one out there with tips or tricks?

Thanks for reading! <3

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