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Topics - Evan

Pages: [1]
Noggit / [Problem] Square problem
« on: September 08, 2014, 04:43:43 pm »
So... Yeah, it's me again.


The problem is a bit strange (to me) - everything looks okay in noggit, making a mpq patch, getting in game, aaand... ... 160814.jpg <- This shit happens. It changed textures and made those squares.

I'm 100% newbie so... Don't be cruel :|

Noggit / Sudden shutdown of noggit
« on: September 03, 2014, 06:08:43 pm »
hell-o, guys.

so, yeah - I'm working with quite big project atm (editting Alterac, Hillsbrad, Tirisfal and Silverpine; Making a city in a place of Dalaran crater) and... A problem just appeared. I placed some fences from Northrend and two-three trees from Zulaman in almost done city, restarted noggit (1.2!) and... Boom! It closes everytime when I'm trying to open this part of the world.


Can you help me, please? :)


Having same issue with noggit 1.3 since I placed a waterfall from Sholazar.

Noggit / [Question/Problem] Noggit + Cataclysm objects = nothing!
« on: February 23, 2014, 08:02:11 pm »
Hell-o, guys.

  Well, just like in topic. I did everything from tuts (I mean, instalation of noggit, dual wow, etc.), and now, I've got a huge request to you. I'm trying to build something alike Uldum, but there's not enough objects (in wotlk), so I decided to add m2/wmo's from Cata.

 Hurr, I added patches from kroniuxa's release just to both of my clients, and now - WMV sees every object, but Noggit not. Is there any fix for this? Any solution? Or Am I just blind and can't see any tuts connected to this "problem"? If not, please, write step, by step, how to do it.

 I will be thankful. A lot.

[RELEASE] 4.0.0 ~ 5.4.0 Maps/WMOs/Doodads Content for 3.3.5a -9GBytes

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