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Messages - Evan

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Noggit / Re: [Problem] Square problem
« on: September 09, 2014, 12:58:50 am »
I guess so - but, well, making players to download 500+ mb is not the best idea I think (this 500 mb is
25 - 40 and 25 - 40 adts, so... it's a bit small for forest, kingdom and a part of ocean + farmer area)

Once more - every texture I take cause the "green" problem or just swapping into other. :|

It's sick and tiring.

Noggit / Re: [Problem] Square problem
« on: September 09, 2014, 12:08:11 am »
Oh, well. Sure, the new and clear map would be much better and easier idea to deal with bugs, but...

 Hey, I'm creating a map for RP server and it is much easier (and faster) not to make it from scratch, just because it has mountains, lakes et cetera, also a new continent gives me this shit: (and its weight is about 500 mb)


I did everything step by step and... This shit just appeared, any fix?

Noggit / Re: [Problem] Square problem
« on: September 08, 2014, 05:18:08 pm »
So, well. Noggit 1.3 won't open the area of editing and a trick with I doesn't work. However, there's another problem - basic texture just changed itself from Stormwind alike brick to rock. :(

What's more - here's the screen of this bullshit, seems like some textures don't even exist :| ... 183025.jpg

Noggit 1.2, editing dalaran crater and areas around it

Noggit / [Problem] Square problem
« on: September 08, 2014, 04:43:43 pm »
So... Yeah, it's me again.


The problem is a bit strange (to me) - everything looks okay in noggit, making a mpq patch, getting in game, aaand... ... 160814.jpg <- This shit happens. It changed textures and made those squares.

I'm 100% newbie so... Don't be cruel :|

Noggit / Re: Sudden shutdown of noggit
« on: September 05, 2014, 12:08:27 pm »
Okay! Did it!

To whoever with the same problem, here comes the solution (it is copied from a link given by Steff):

0x007B31F8 read 0x00000010
This issue is caused by the ADT referencing a detail doodad ID that is not given in the DBC, either by saving incorrectly or not editing the DBC correctly. This can be fixed by adding an entry to the DBC for all IDs or by removing the id from the ADT.
Ascathos wrote:
This is one of the more hairy topics to approach. However, I have a failsafe way to handle it. Basically, each chunk can contain 4 textures (each on a layer), which each can have a specific applied groundeffect ID. The ID is further defined within the .dbc, however, this is not important. The most important thing is simple; Wow tries to visual a groundeffect for a texture that is not existing. On a chunk with 3 layers, but 4 ground effects noted, it is bound to lead to a "false", leading to a crash.
A simple fix is easy; simply use the texture painter, apply some texture, set it to some size but the lowest speed and apply it onto the adt, until every chunk has 4 layers. The crashes stop.
Another possibility is to remove all the groundeffects IDs (MCLY) for every chunk, or even specific chunks, to avoid the problem. Refer to the 010 Editor for that.
The last one is to completely change the groundeffects according to needs. Either by hex, or getting a tool (post it once you have it.)

Noggit / Re: Sudden shutdown of noggit
« on: September 05, 2014, 03:02:55 am »
So, yeah... Another problem appeared just in the same day I deleted my old map (3 days of work Q_Q).

Anyway! The problem is a crash in-game after I loaded the .mpq patch to it. There's no bug / crash in Noggit.

Everything I did was terraforming a lake around Fenris Keep (which I also deleted and sunk) to make it deeper and conect it with ocean (was going to make a city with a port in a place of Dalaran Crater)

PS. I used noggit 1.3.

PS2. Here's a screen of the problem:

PS3. Here's a screen of this lake (not whole). This is the area of the problem I guess. My character looks here and... Tadam! Error.

Noggit / Re: Sudden shutdown of noggit
« on: September 03, 2014, 08:30:37 pm »
Roger that, thanks!

Noggit / Re: Sudden shutdown of noggit
« on: September 03, 2014, 08:01:39 pm »
Oh, okay.

Yup, I do. I'm using whole pack already.

Noggit / Re: Sudden shutdown of noggit
« on: September 03, 2014, 07:25:58 pm »
It doesn't help, boss.

Noggit / Sudden shutdown of noggit
« on: September 03, 2014, 06:08:43 pm »
hell-o, guys.

so, yeah - I'm working with quite big project atm (editting Alterac, Hillsbrad, Tirisfal and Silverpine; Making a city in a place of Dalaran crater) and... A problem just appeared. I placed some fences from Northrend and two-three trees from Zulaman in almost done city, restarted noggit (1.2!) and... Boom! It closes everytime when I'm trying to open this part of the world.


Can you help me, please? :)


Having same issue with noggit 1.3 since I placed a waterfall from Sholazar.

Noggit / Re: [Question/Problem] Noggit + Cataclysm objects = nothing!
« on: February 23, 2014, 09:39:39 pm »
Awwww, true. So sorry, I'm a bit confused.

Noggit / [Question/Problem] Noggit + Cataclysm objects = nothing!
« on: February 23, 2014, 08:02:11 pm »
Hell-o, guys.

  Well, just like in topic. I did everything from tuts (I mean, instalation of noggit, dual wow, etc.), and now, I've got a huge request to you. I'm trying to build something alike Uldum, but there's not enough objects (in wotlk), so I decided to add m2/wmo's from Cata.

 Hurr, I added patches from kroniuxa's release just to both of my clients, and now - WMV sees every object, but Noggit not. Is there any fix for this? Any solution? Or Am I just blind and can't see any tuts connected to this "problem"? If not, please, write step, by step, how to do it.

 I will be thankful. A lot.

[RELEASE] 4.0.0 ~ 5.4.0 Maps/WMOs/Doodads Content for 3.3.5a -9GBytes

Noggit / Re: Noggit shuts down immediately when it has opened.
« on: March 30, 2011, 11:04:19 am »
Shit. I've the same problem like ookel's first problem! And i don't know how to fix it...


.wowmapview.cpp:154 > Nogg-It $Rev: 104 $
.wowmapview.cpp:264 > Game path: C:Program FilesWorld of WarcraftData
.wowmapview.cpp:266 > Project path: C:Program FilesWorld of Warcraft
.wowmapview.cpp:310 > Could not find locale directory. Be sure, that there is one containing the file "".

And my config file:

#Edit this to your WoWFile!!!
Path = E:Program Files (x86)WażneWorld of Warcraft\
#Edit this to your Project-Directory and uncomment if you want to use it!
#ProjectPath = C:UsersPCDesktopWoW World B

My noggit3.exe's name - Noggit3-c.

What's wrong?

Noggit / Re: Noggit shuts down immediately when it has opened.
« on: March 30, 2011, 10:44:21 am »
Emmm... Sorry, but I'm really newbie in it... So, can you tell me it really easy? In some steps? Sorry for problems...


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