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Topics - plaguebringer

Pages: [1]
Ok, so i finally removed the GlueXML and FrameXML checks from the 2.4.3 client, and seeing as i couldn't find a cracked client on the internet i decided to upload it for anyone who was in need like i, if there is any bugs let me know and i will go back over the file, cheers.

i've attached the file and removed the link.

Miscellaneous / [SOLVED] Remove XML Check file integrity not working...
« on: October 01, 2012, 01:14:59 pm »
Anyways, i found a tutorial on removing GlueXML file check integritory by Buddiman, and i tried it out, followed it perfectly but to no avail. yes i realise it is for a more updated WoW but can anyone tell me how i could do the same thing but for 2.4.3 Burning Crusade patch? been looking all day and found nothing  :/

Miscellaneous / [QUESTION] ... Remove check file integrity?
« on: October 01, 2012, 10:16:35 am »
anyone know how to do this? would appreciate the help  :D

Okay so i'm not the best with core modifications or whatever, but i got myself round understanding most aspects of the sql editing and stuff, but my question is, using core modifications how do i make unplayable races playable? such as goblins and fel-orcs and such?

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