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Messages - plaguebringer

Pages: [1]
No i haven't, and well sadly since then i've had two new computers finally settling on my current i7 setup.
Sadly I have no idea where the file is at but i will hunt it down, it should be on my old pc still in a zip.

Will upload soon-ish, possibly within the next 2-3 days :3

Getting started the WoTtLK tutorial / Re: 04 - Your first island in Noggit
« on: September 17, 2013, 08:55:16 am »
Whenever I run the Watertest batch file i get an error saying it cannot open the .adt files...?

There isn't much difference and i still need to remove more checks, but for people editing the glueXML interface files and frameXML it should work fine.

Lock or delete this thread? i've solved my problem.

Ok, so i finally removed the GlueXML and FrameXML checks from the 2.4.3 client, and seeing as i couldn't find a cracked client on the internet i decided to upload it for anyone who was in need like i, if there is any bugs let me know and i will go back over the file, cheers.

i've attached the file and removed the link.

you make a good point, but i currently don't have the internet data to patch up, i'm modding world of warcraft making unplayable races playable

Resources and Tools / Re: [TOOL] Remove GlueXML Check from WoW.exe
« on: October 01, 2012, 01:48:52 pm »
Requesting this tool for 2.4.3 client? can't seem to get rid of the check by editing wow.exe myself, is this possible?

Miscellaneous / [SOLVED] Remove XML Check file integrity not working...
« on: October 01, 2012, 01:14:59 pm »
Anyways, i found a tutorial on removing GlueXML file check integritory by Buddiman, and i tried it out, followed it perfectly but to no avail. yes i realise it is for a more updated WoW but can anyone tell me how i could do the same thing but for 2.4.3 Burning Crusade patch? been looking all day and found nothing  :/

Miscellaneous / [QUESTION] ... Remove check file integrity?
« on: October 01, 2012, 10:16:35 am »
anyone know how to do this? would appreciate the help  :D

I know how to edit the sql server files, and i have a 2.4.3 core, could you b y any chance instruct me on how i would go about editing the core and client files? i have a program to open and edit mpqs, just need a tut?

Serverside Modding / [QUESTION] Making new/custom races Arc-Emu 2.4.3?
« on: October 01, 2012, 09:45:21 am »
How would i go about making unplayable races playable in Arc-Emu 2.4.3, and with client editing?

Argh, wrong section!

Okay so i'm not the best with core modifications or whatever, but i got myself round understanding most aspects of the sql editing and stuff, but my question is, using core modifications how do i make unplayable races playable? such as goblins and fel-orcs and such?

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