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Messages - Morfium

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Level Design / Re: Problem with noggit
« on: December 13, 2011, 10:07:46 pm »
That picture is very small, but it looks like something I encountered.
My map was fractured and all chunks were placed randomly with mixed up orientations.
The solution to my problem was, that I had used a corrupt adt as basis for my map. I used one I created in Taliis which seemed to be bugged. So I took one from Steffs empty beginning continent.
That worked for me. Sadly all my progress so far was lost, as I was unable to copy my changes to the new map. :(
If that's your problem, I recommend you to try using another adt for dublication, make a simple hill and test the map in wow before starting your world build.

Sorry that I got no better answer. :(

Serverside Modding / Re: HeidiSQL error
« on: December 08, 2011, 11:37:05 pm »
Usually your statement is something like:

INSERT INTO tablename (column1,column2) VALUES(value1,value2);

It seems the column name2 which is in your insert statement tries to add a column name2 which is not present in your db.
You could try to delete the column and corresponding value from your insert statement.

If it's like:
INSERT INTO items (name, name2, guid,...) VALUES ('Uber Staff', 'Ubersuperroxx0rstaff',334,...)

you might want to try it by removing name2 and 'Ubersuperroxx0rstaff'.
But tbh. If your insert statement has such differences compared to your database you might have gotten it for the wrong database structure or version.
E.g. if you have a trinity core a mangos db item might have a similar structure but if they differ you'd have to manually change each insert statement, which could, depending on your item count, get rather annoying.

Random / Re: Skyrim
« on: November 13, 2011, 12:49:53 pm »
Quote from: "Sina"
I was so happy about installing/downloading steam (40min), giving my data to steam, trying to install it from the DvD, etc, that I put a pitchfork through the game.

I had tons of problems installing it too. And when I got it working I had to download 600mb patches with ~70kb/s. I hate steam...
But the game is awesome nonetheless. ^^

It's fantastic how most of my favorite Oblivion mods made their way into Skyrim. :)

Development and Presentation / Re: [PROJECT]  Desserts of Aran
« on: November 06, 2011, 08:29:02 pm »
Aww no candy then? :<
Just an idea, but you can use the area below un'goro if you want to expand the tanaris desert. That way you wouldn't need to edit the wordmap that much. :)

Tutorials / Re: [TUTORIAL] Add a new race
« on: November 02, 2011, 01:49:34 am »
Laniax posted a tool that unsigs the exe here: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=181&p=5336#p5336
And ofc there's the tutorial to do it by hand in the thread. :)

Noggit / Re: [SOLVED]  World fractured after loading in WoW
« on: October 16, 2011, 07:00:20 pm »
I used my own crreated wdt/adt files from taliis and got that problem. But with those from your template it worked. :) Thanks.

Noggit / Re: [BUG] World fractured after loading in WoW
« on: October 11, 2011, 12:45:40 pm »
Sorry for my late replies. With saving I actually mean, raising the ground a little and saving it. I'll try some other versions of noggit later and edit my post, when I find some time. :) Thanks for the help so far.

Ok I finally found a... solution I guess. I tried the B22 version with the same result as above. And then I downloaded Steffs empty zone and just took the 26_25 adt witch was next to my area on my map. I replaced my adt with the new one and made a small island with a few trees.
Ingame it showed up just as it should while all other adts are fractured. So I guess my base adt I used to dublicate was damaged. :(
Luckily I didn't do too much on that map yet.
Thanks for all the help! :)

Noggit / Re: [BUG] World fractured after loading in WoW
« on: October 06, 2011, 11:19:15 am »
Hi thanks for the answer, I tried that and got the exact same result. (using B19)
I guess my adts are corrupt in some way then. :/ It's just strange that it won't look wrong in noggit.
I also tested it in Noggit 104 and it crashed upon opening.
Also I looked at it from high above ingame.
It looks like the chunks are correct, but just placed at the wrong position in wrong rotation.
Very strange.

Noggit / [SOLVED]  World fractured after loading in WoW
« on: October 03, 2011, 11:18:08 am »

after using the latest Noggit (3.263) and creating a completely new map I ran into a strange problem.
Noggit shows everything as it should look like, but ingame it looks like all chunks are randomly mixed together all over the area.
It's hard to describe, so I attached some screenshots.
It may be noteworthy that I'm using cata ground textures from the lost isles for... well everything. But they show up flawlessly ingame, so that might not be a problem.
I also noticed that Strg + S does not save for me, only Strg + Shift + S saves, maybe that caused the problem.
I also tried saving it with and without water, which results in the same problem.

If needed I can provide the adts I used. They were made with Taliis as described in the topic how to create you own maps.

The hills I'm standing on on the ingame shot are those in the background with the ruins on them. I know that for sure, because my map only has this island yet. :)

Showoff - what you are working on / Re: [SHOWOFF] Caer darrow
« on: September 29, 2011, 11:52:40 pm »
I like it. :)
Looks way friendlier than before. *G*
Only the bridge (?) above the barracks is somewhat strange.

Texturing and 2D Art / Re: [QUESTION] seeing finished work in WoW
« on: September 29, 2011, 11:46:59 pm »
This might be interesting for you Tutorial on MPQ Basics

Random / Re: what would motivate you!?
« on: September 29, 2011, 11:39:42 pm »
I don't think it is wrong to ask for a motivation. :)
I for myself would not make maps for anything but my own project though, since I got very little spare time and am simply busy enough...

But if I had too much time on my hands, I guess it would be fine to be mentioned somewhere. I always liked things like npcs ingame with the modders name (if apropriate for the realm style). I understand that r0xx0rkillOr does not fit an rpg realm for example. ;)
Or maybe a subzone name or item/object/village whatever ingame, which is not really that important.
Like "Amy's Gnarled Staff" with a gold text: "This staff saved hundrends of lifes" or "Jyllians Chained Kilt" "It looks very old and yet is free of rust".
Something like that is nice, adds some kind of background story to the game and makes people actually wonder who these persons where and why they are being mentioned. Like Forors Compendium of Dragonslaying. ;)

Level Design / Re: [QUESTION] Taliis won't save
« on: September 26, 2011, 02:16:44 am »
Can you click on everything (textures, doodads, wmos, etc.) after opening it in taliis? If not, I usually save the adt in noggit 104 rather then the current beta and try opening it in taliis again, which solves most of my problems with opening/saving things in taliis.
And as Mjollna wrote, "save as" works better than "save" at least for me ^^).

Noggit / Re: Noggit or Ingame Fail???
« on: September 22, 2011, 04:14:33 pm »
It is said that saving the adt in taliis will sometimes fix it. I never had that problem, so I'm not sure about it it. :/
I hope this helps you fixing your city.

Noggit / Re: [QUESTION] BETA: Exceptions?
« on: September 18, 2011, 10:24:51 pm »
Well... you just made one third of the required minimun. :/
Wouldn't it be faster to just.... well look through the active topics and give your opinion or something?
Like looking in the show off sections and give your feedback on the shown maps/models/etc. This way you would help those devs by providing your opinion on their work and increase your own post count.
Sounds like a classical win win for me. :)

I myself read way more than I write. (Look at my join date and my post count)

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