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Messages - Morfium

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Do you by chance also know how to fix a texture that is not showing at all? :/ I have a model that works fine expet the body texture is not applied. :<
I did what you suggest here already, because it was in the model porting guide.

Miscellaneous / Re: [QUESTION] Spell DBC editing
« on: July 15, 2012, 10:48:58 pm »
I didn't test this. But judging from a quick look in spell.dbc column 208-211 might be the place. I looked in the wiki and it also states that these columns are classmask columns. I'm not sure about how they work. But at spell 145 (Fireball) you have frost nova and some warlock spell (I think curse of agony) right below for comparision.
I think #208 controls the class though. As mage always had 3.

That's what I meant. They do work, although winrar gives me errors for every file.

Code: [Select]
!   J:Servercata modelsDruidBearWorgen.rar: Die Sicherheitsinformationen für DruidBearWorgenDruidBearWorgen.blp können nicht gesetzt werden.
    Zugriff verweigert
!   J:Servercata modelsDruidBearWorgen.rar: Die Sicherheitsinformationen für DruidBearWorgenDruidBearWorgen.M2 können nicht gesetzt werden.
    Zugriff verweigert
!   J:Servercata modelsDruidBearWorgen.rar: Die Sicherheitsinformationen für können nicht gesetzt werden.
    Zugriff verweigert
. . .
And that for every file in the archive. Sorry it's German. In English it means something like:
The security information for <filename> can not be set. Access Denied.

But all files are unpacking and work ingame. So I think it might be some user specific security flags or something like that you packed with those files. But since they simply can not be set on the computer of those who unpack the files, they are ignored by winrar and the files get unpacked without those flags set. At least that's it for me. I don't know if anyone has real problems unpacking the files.

If it's an error with something like failed to set security setting, it should work anyway. At least they unpack for me and work ingame. At least the one I tested.

Miscellaneous / Re: Hi, could you please help me?
« on: July 09, 2012, 06:12:23 pm »
This should be what you are looking for. Although it wasn't that hard to find. The Tutorial Sections aren't that full. ;)

This does not use custom models though, but I think you don't mean it that way anyway.

Random / Re: Java vs .net (Funny..)
« on: July 08, 2012, 02:37:58 pm »
Haha, nice video. Even though I hate developing in Java with all my heart. ^^
But I think when it comes to programming languages we will never find one that everybody likes. ;)
I for example love C#. Mainly because it's so nice and easy to read and got an awesome ide. C++ and Obj-C with all their asterisks and arrows and stuff always look so... chaotic to me. XD
But it's just a matter of taste.

Showoff - what you are working on / Re: [SHOWOFF] Mythia
« on: July 06, 2012, 11:30:52 pm »
Yep, looks really nice.
I really like the first image.
And the Rudostřeší image is really nice too. Makes you want to spent your holidays there. xD
The only thing odd: Your gate to ghosttown is mirrored. Well it reads Darkshire anyway...
But all in all it's very nice. :)

It's pretty easy for npcs:
Just add them to your CreatureModelData.dbc and CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc with Taliis.
You basically only have to copy some entries and then change the model path and id. To add new Modelpaths you have to add new strings in Taliis.
Documentation on the dbc files are in the wiki.
The entry in the CreatureDisplayInfo is the id you can spawn morph into them. And also the id you have to use in your db to assign them to an npc/mob.

They go in the creature folder unless you want to make them playable races btw. That's even true for shapeshifted forms. I don't think it makes a difference though. It's just how blizz handled it.

Omg you really ported Ysera, I love you! XD
I should be sleeping now.... But I think I'll implement her first. ^.^
Thanks! :>

Works like a charm.
Only thing: You forgot the password on the archive. ;) If that matters to you.
Thanks again for the model.

Yay, nice! Thank you.
Gonna test them when I get some time.
Although the druid cata treeform looks extremly ugly. :D But that's blizz's fault. ^^

Erm just to be sure.
You placed the modified dbc files in your trinity data folder as well?
Not only inside the custom mpq, right?
Because that is the error, that occurs if the charbaseinfo.dbc is not changed. Trinity should load all race/class combinations from there.

You have to add all stuff necessary to the playercreateinfo database table.
And of cause pack your dbcs into an mpq and place them in your server dbc folder. Otherwise the server won't recognize your changes. What exactly is shown at your character creation? Are the buttons greyed out or can you click them but then get an error ingame?
Btw Ascathos, I love your avatar. It always makes me smirk. xD

Serverside Modding / Re: [QUESTION] XPBar & Druid Inspect bug :/
« on: June 29, 2012, 02:03:59 am »
Well, the inspect window and your character window should be lua files within the interface folder. You could search for those stat dropd down boxes and write a failsafe that hides or changes those when inspecting a druid above level 103.
Maybe something like this:
In the file InterfaceFrameXMLPaperDollFrame somewhere in function PaperDollFrame_OnEvent there's a line of code which sets the default dropdowns if none are chosen.

Code: [Select]
if ( event == "VARIABLES_LOADED" ) then
-- Set defaults if no settings for the dropdowns
if ( GetCVar("playerStatLeftDropdown") == "" or GetCVar("playerStatRightDropdown") == "" ) then
local temp, classFileName = UnitClass("player");
classFileName = strupper(classFileName);
SetCVar("playerStatLeftDropdown", "PLAYERSTAT_BASE_STATS");
if ( classFileName == "MAGE" or classFileName == "PRIEST" or classFileName == "WARLOCK" or classFileName == "DRUID" ) then
SetCVar("playerStatRightDropdown", "PLAYERSTAT_SPELL_COMBAT");
elseif ( classFileName == "HUNTER" ) then
SetCVar("playerStatRightDropdown", "PLAYERSTAT_RANGED_COMBAT");
SetCVar("playerStatRightDropdown", "PLAYERSTAT_MELEE_COMBAT");

Now you could add something like:
Code: [Select]
if(UnitLevel("player") > 102 and UnitClass("player") == "DRUID") then
SetCVar("playerStatLeftDropdown", "PLAYERSTAT_BASE_STATS");
SetCVar("playerStatRightDropdown", "PLAYERSTAT_MELEE_STATS");

This code might be wrong, I didn't test it, nor did I ever write something in lua before... You have to test it yourself ;)

This way it would still crash if players did it by hand.... you could search for the dropdown and remove the spell option if above level 103... But I was too lazy to set up a server with > level 103 chars, as I have no server to test it on in the first place. I'm sure you'll figure out the rest by yourself. :)
The files are loated in your locale mpqs btw. Always look for the latest.

function PlayerStatFrameRightDropDown_Initialize and function PlayerStatFrameLeftDropDown_Initialize you can change the line
Code: [Select]
if(not (UnitLevel("player") > 102 and UnitClass("player") == "DRUID" and info.value == "PLAYERSTAT_SPELL_COMBAT")) then

This is also untested, but should remove the Spell Option from the drop down lists.

Resources and Tools / Re: [TOOL] [CONVERTER] MDX to M2
« on: June 17, 2012, 11:33:59 pm »
You have to run it as administrator for it to convert.  Otherwise it crashes at the geoset part.
Although my test model was invisible after that, but that might be because the model was damaged didn't really properly test it. ^.^

And for the other question, I don't know what to type in there, sorry. :/

Serverside Modding / Re: [QUESTION] XPBar & Druid Inspect bug :/
« on: June 10, 2012, 10:34:30 am »
It's a little bit late, but maybe I have a fix for your druid problem.
If you mean looking at the character sheet (Press C) and not inspecting yourself.

There used to be that same error on a server I once played at.

Method #1 is:
Type this in your window:
Code: [Select]
/console PlayerStatLeftDropDown Melee
/console PlayerStatRightDropDown Spell

I think it has something to do with the BaseStat view of the character sheet that gets an error for druids.

Method #2 if #1 fails:
in the folder:
World of Warcraft / WTF / Account / AccountName / RealmName/ Name of Druid
in the file:

Code: [Select]


Code: [Select]

Not the most elegant solution as every player needs to do that, but I hoppe it solves your problem.

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