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Bumping this thread because I have lost access to the original files.

If anyone happened to download these files and has a copy of them, please let me know! and please send them to me!


So, recently Blizzard released a lot of really beautiful 3D items from the new raids, these items have small 3D features added to them, but are essentially higher resolution BC armors:

Hunter: [ Invalid YouTube link ]
Shaman: [ Invalid YouTube link ]
Priest: [ Invalid YouTube link ]
Warrior: [ Invalid YouTube link ]

Because of their exact likeness to older armors, I'd like to begin the process of backporting the Legion armors from live to 3.3.5, then replace the old armors with these new ones.

So instead of getting the old low-res armors dropping from BC content, we can get these new armors dropping from BC content.

Does anyone have any idea how someone would begin this process? thanks.

Stan, if you ARE working on this project sitll I 100% want to help you out.

"Retro-Porting" / [Question] Project Ascension Backporting
« on: January 05, 2017, 02:06:44 am »
Hey, I've not talked on this forum in a while, a lot of real world stuff like University and such used to quite frequently post on 1.12.1.

I love Project Ascensions basic premise, I believe StoneHarry actually works on it, and he is one of the (if not, one of the most established) modders on this forum.

Project Ascension is basically a 3.3.5 progression realm (starting at vanilla, but with all the issues introduced in the expansions) it allows you to begin classless, and through regular leveling you can create your own unique class. obviously this impacts the game in some very major and exciting ways.

Other features include:
- NO two faction system, it's entirely FFA outside safe-zones, factions exist within your guild and party only
- deaths are very similar to runescape in that you drop gear when you die.

In short, a Mage/Shaman hybrid is possible, or a Druid/Shaman, or a Mage/HolyP or Hunter/Mage, the combinations aren't even limited to two classes either, you pick any abilities you like.

Personally, I loathe 3.3.5 and I'm sure there are a ton of people who similarly hate 3.3.5 otherwise 1.12.1 would be  much less inviting than it is, and I want to try to begin the process backporting some of the elements to 1.12.1, in my eyes, the superior version.

My main question is, is anyone ALREADY undertaking this project and would like assistance or anyone that would be interested in starting this project with me?

Is anyone on the dev team (StoneHarry?) on this forum that could tell me why 1.21.1 wasn't considered or explain why it's not in development when Nost is perhaps the most successful pserv of all time.


Also, over the christmas holidays I decided to write up a nice guide for aspiring 1.12.1 modders, it's not complete yet, it's fairly comprehensive, but I plan to release it Soon(TM) probably after new-nost releases so you can repay me in SILVER.

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [QUESTION][1.12.1] 512x512 textures for characters
« on: December 04, 2016, 03:25:13 pm »
I don't intend to do ANY work for you but yes, they are different.

NPC's use BakedNPCTextures. Every other model uses a bunch of textures hardcoded into the model and it becomes a real pain in the ass to figure it out.

Serverside Modding / LUA code for pressing keys in-game?
« on: October 19, 2016, 07:26:42 pm »
Looking for code that will automatically press a key upon login to the game.

Anyone know how to do this?

"Retro-Porting" / Rip models from WoW?
« on: May 01, 2016, 07:19:14 pm »
How do I rip models including textures and icons/sounds from WoW?

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [Question] New Retail Models to 1.12.1 Vanilla
« on: September 04, 2015, 12:12:34 pm »
Here's why we don't have them:

You've likely seen WoD models in 3.3.5, the reason for this is there is a variety of backporting tools avaliable to 3.3.5, but that's where these types of tools sadly ended. the issue was mostly to do with the m2 format, because we have no base file that's not an M2, and our M2 is different from later versions.

We essentially have to find a way to work on, convert and then implement the new model. And when I mean 'work on' I mean, seriously, we're talking about TONS of work, fixing up a whole model, even simplifying it's animations and textures.

The main issue is there 'WAS' a huge issue between porting TLK+ models in the past because there were no tools available.

Today, it is possible to use those models, but to also use the animations and make sure the model doesn't instantly break is a ton of work.

Personally, I've always thought it's possible to do it, since MoP and cata models can now 'kinda' be taken over (albeit with a ton of extra work) it should be more than possible for us to do so on 1.12.1.


Your work is always awesome bro, that looks amazing.

How could others do that? want to try out some stuff!

Serverside Modding / Re: [QUESTION] Ride gameobjects
« on: August 16, 2015, 02:56:51 pm »
Then you need to dynamically figure out a way to path destinations using the static system as a basis.

Serverside Modding / Re: [QUESTION] Ride gameobjects
« on: August 16, 2015, 02:46:32 pm »
Quote from: "Смердокрыл"
Thanks for advising, but I need to have an actual ship, which could be actually mounted and moved around the world.

Have you looked further into the ship system used by Blizzard in Rachet/BootyBay/Menethil/Auberdine/etc?

That may be one of the areas you can work on. All of those paths are pre-programmed, but I can't see why new paths can't be added. (Some were in cataclysm)

And those ARE ships that ARE Wmo's that DO move. I totally forgot about those ships in my initial post.

It may be as simple as adding a few hundred static pre-programmed paths or working out how to make a more dynamic system.

Serverside Modding / Re: [QUESTION] Ride gameobjects
« on: August 16, 2015, 03:02:22 am »
You CAN give it the *illusion* of movement though. You don't need to move the ship, you just need to move everything around the ship. You would still achieve a lot of your desired affect.

You CAN make your ship look like it's moving through the sea, in the middle of the ocean, you can have a bunch of npcs like untargetable icebergs and islands pass by, and have a full crew onboard by making a zone that fits that purpose.  

You can even dynamically change which NPC's spawn based on which area of the sea you're in. You could even stop those npcs at will while you're traveling to pick up quests, or turn dynamic npcs into static wmo's that you can actually move on.

Moving those npc paths and the game-object with fluid movement would be awesome, but it'd require some serious work that's probably complex for Blizzard themselves, it does require rewriting code, it isn't as simple as just making things work.

Serverside Modding / Re: [QUESTION] Ride gameobjects
« on: August 16, 2015, 02:55:58 am »
The way that Blizzard has ALWAYS done this kind of stuff is by creating transport npcs or simply using mounts, sadly creating an entirely new method is just really complex.

You're talking about essentially recoding the game object handler (The closest in resemblance to your desired collision) to handle movement, which isn't impossible, but I'd imagine it wouldn't be very practical, and would destroy an average PC.

The boat in Shimmering Flats is an example of THE go-to transport NPC, you can't really move inside it like it was a game-object. If Blizzard themselves uses that method, then it's pretty hard to create an alternative, like I said, creating one requires some serious work.

-- but there are workarounds.

I think the easier alternative is to create a new zone, and in that zone, design it like the interior of a ship.

Talking to your own transport NPC, or having a hearthstone device could in theory allow you to go inside your ship, and you can have as many gameobjects as you want in there, as it would be a static zone. So, you're not really walking on, or inside your ship, HOWEVER you can walk inside it, and potentially have a crew onboard if it was an actual zone.

Making a zone that confined and small isn't a new idea, look at the pre-cata war-rooms for Alliance and Horde.

"Retro-Porting" / [Release] [1.12.1] My GnM>HeM Swap.
« on: August 15, 2015, 10:10:32 pm »


This is my High Elf Patch, I don't like playing as Gnomes in vanilla, but unfortunately they have the best mage stats in the game, and I often play mage. I also think Gnomes are a really stupid race, and I have no idea why High Elves didn't exist in their place, considering Gnomes had no lore, and High Elves had tons.

This patch effectively removes all Male Gnomes from the game and replaces them with High Elves.

Obviously, there are some issues, I've been unable to resolve them. since the audience reaction to Legion pretty much proved this game is dead, I don't know if I really care to fix the bugs, but it is mostly complete. If someone points out glaring issues, I will resolve them.

What are the MAJOR issues?

ALL Male gnome players have huge chance to have facial artefacts (misplayed facial hair) this will severely affect your hair/facial hair choices.
Game runs slightly slower with the patch I've noticed, may be heavier on resources.

What DOES work?

ALL Male gnome Npcs should have no facial issues at all.
ALL helmets should work on gnomes (NPC/Player)
ALL female gnomes are unaffected by the change.
ALL gnome male sounds (including Mekkatorque sounds) have been replaced.
Modifed Race Selection screen to more fitting High Elf one.
Race has been renamed to 'High Elf' all mentions of 'Gnome' should now be 'High elf'

Why didn't you change the race selection image/text

That type of stuff requires a custom wow.exe with modified glues. I didn't want this to require anti-glue, since most people are idiots. Feel free to add it yourself, you edit one DBC file, use your custom wow.exe and you're done, I did it previously, but, like I said,.

Why not make a simple MPQ patch?

There's A LOT of modified files in this patch, it was much easier for me to not separate the patched files. That makes the file-size bigger of course, but 5gig isn't exactly crazy. Before you ask, yes, you do need to install all of the MPQ patches, if you just install one or two of them then you're an idiot.

Can I redistribute this?

No, if I find this on any site I visit, I'll ask to get it removed. This is only for Modcraft members.
However, if you resolve any of the major issues, then you have my permission (maybe ask first?)

Does it actually work?

Yeah, I have extensively tested this patch of mine and found zero errors or crashes. this patch works on Nostralius flawlessly, you will not crash if you follow my installation guide exactly.


Installation is really simple, basically:

1. Take ALL of my downloaded MPQ files
2. Go to your WoW/Data directory.
3. Make a backup of the MPQ's in case you want to revert.
4. Replace Blizzards files with my files.
5. Your Gnomes should now be High Elves.
6/. Reinstall the other patches you had, if any.

Where is the Link?

Message me for it. Not going to post it.

"Retro-Porting" / Re: Various Issues [1.12.1] Blood Elf conversion.
« on: August 09, 2015, 12:06:14 am »
Still unable to resolve problem "2".

Seriously, it is the only barrier I'm having.

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