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Topics - Nortwin

Pages: [1]
Serverside Modding / Mists of Pandaria MPQ & DBC Editing
« on: July 04, 2014, 10:47:17 pm »
Hey folks.

I've recently started modding for Mists of Pandaria, makin' a gameobject spawning patch for a private RP server. However, GameObjectDisplayInfo isn't in locale MPQ anymore, it's generated through cache.

Does anyone know how to import custom GameObjectDisplayInfo.dbc into Mists of Pandaria? I really can't get it to work. We have a cracked client.

Thank you!

Serverside Modding / GameObjectDisplayInfo.dbc in 4.3.4
« on: February 18, 2013, 10:55:21 pm »
Hello Modcraft,

I have recently added over 400 game object displayIDs for 4.3.4, to work as a game object patch for an upcoming server upgrade.
I added files as .mdx, instead of .m2., and .wmo's.
The guy on the other side which leads the server has already generated the game objects with the assigned displayIDs, I gave him the .DBC to put in the server folder and a "wow-update-base-16000.mpq" which contains the GameObjectDisplayInfo.dbc file in various folders (DBFilesClient for supported languages).

The problem is that we get an error with wow-update-base-16000.mpq but not wow-update-13600.mpq (cataclysm gobj patch), Cannot stream archive data, or something. That happened to me already when installing 4.3.4 for private servers, but it just doesn't stream the MPQ data. Any idea on how to fix this?

Distinct regards,

Serverside Modding / GlueButtons.lua problem!
« on: February 03, 2013, 10:19:45 pm »
Hey Modcraft!

I am doing a remake of the LUA files (GlueXML), to customize a login screen.
However, when I log in, I get this:

What have I screwed in GlueButtons.lua?

Here is my code:

Thank you all!


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