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Messages - Hanfer

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 9
Quote from: "schlumpf"
Please refrain from flaming and claiming you'd crush other people's heads irl. We don't care and just want to see nice things here.

so what im working on?
currently im rewriting some of FuTa's code to eliminate some Bugs:

Development and Presentation / Re: [PROJECT]  MMOSDK (was WoW Factor)
« on: April 16, 2014, 03:35:22 pm »
Quote from: "Putte08"
Having our own "WoW engine" is like the best thing possible. Is the view/render distance locked in your engine to a certain distance, or can you change it to whatever you want? (Until your computer explodes etc).
it his code. he can change anything.

Quote from: "iindigo"
This is all in OpenGL, right?

I wonder what Blizzard did to get their OpenGL engine to work as well as it does.

Well, one thing i forgot to mention: im currently not using any technique which reduces the quality of the displayed in any way. There is no LoD, there are enough tiles displayed to fill the z buffer, no backface culling (temp), no fog + lowres terrain. There is nothing which does not render on 100% detail. WoW itself uses these techniques extensively and, having this in mind, im pretty sure that if i get 30fps without them, i can get a shitload more with them :D.

Recruitment / Re: [PROJECT] The survival games project.
« on: April 16, 2014, 04:43:18 am »
Quote from: "stoneharry"
Some progress:
still on it? if so, contact me, i think it would be interesting and i would like to contribute.

no more begging in this thread! no error reporting etc!

im currently trying to squeeze out the best performance.  current state is > 30fps at all times. ~80fps average.
im heavily using glMulti*Indirect draw calls, ARB_bindless_texture and SSBOs.
i also thought about using ARB_sparse_texture but blps dimensions are kinda inconsistent which causes some trouble.
The next logical step would be to implement LoD for everything, since the fps drops mostly occur when looking at 4 - 5 ADTs at the same time, but to me it seems like that the different m2 skin files dont change the "Detail" at all.

Quote from: "Skarn"
i kinda dig this mountain style....with some more details etc. it could turn out quite nicely

Recruitment / Re: [PROJECT]  Scorched WoW Recruitment
« on: April 01, 2014, 08:16:17 pm »

stuffing everything together :D
and performance improvements.

Quote from: "Skarn"
Is it a new noggit development video?
if u would want to call it like that

some progress....pivot seems to be ignored somehow.....everything else seems to work.

Edit: shame on was cased by a trivial math failure.....

Quote from: "stoneharry"
Being here means it doesn't have to be WoW related. :)
true, probably better that way

Management / Re: [Blog] What did you achieve today?
« on: March 20, 2014, 10:55:40 pm »
thats more or less, what i did over maybe merge it?

humm.....sth is off :/
also: should we move this thread to dev and presentation?

Showoff - what you are working on / Re: [SHOWOFF] Harpeia
« on: March 19, 2014, 10:16:21 pm »
Quote from: "schlumpf"
This is quite awesome.

Quote from: "Blackfire"
Ever thought about that he has not watermarked the material he used but just wanted to prevent others to post this worldbuild as there work? And if you think this couldn't happen just look at some other wow emu boards.
Quote from: "Steff"
And as long noone has the files.  He can post 20 images of my work.  Who cares.
Also: proofing that someone who is reposting screens of others work is not the original author is quite easy.

Quote from: "Blackfire"
Maybe think before flame others <.<
The point, which u obliviously did not get, is that although we are knowingly violating blizzards copyright blizzard did not force us to stop. Ever. They are like "as long as they stay within certain borders (eg. do not leak content, do not cheat), we don't care." . So its just, and excuse the expression here, stupid to put a copyright onto "his own work" (which its not really if blizzards assets are used) since its enforcing a copyright onto something which would not exist if blizz did the same. so yeah, i'm just "flaming". but that are all things you may could have figured out with thinking before posting.

yeah you are right. its not a big deal. but i see such behavior kinda often and its just mindless. Its essentially the opposite of blizzards way to deal with us, the modders, which makes all this possible. Usually i just ignore such things but this one was one too much.

Quote from: "Nekatus"
yes I had do copyright all pictures. cause i saw much People who copy the work from someone other and i dont want that anybody copy my work. :)
and read at the top pls. its not finished. i only done spawn most wmos and threes. the small details coming soon :)
kinda ironic taking into account that you also used copyright protected blizzard material all over the place.
Also: what should somebody "copy" from looking at the pictures? the style? the same style you shamelessly "copied" from blizzards people?  yeah. sure.

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