« Last post by Finsternis on October 13, 2019, 03:25:26 pm »
hm next time crash make a screen from the error maybe this help a bit. Do you use other mods? Crash it on the same place in game? Or just on login screen on a special race?
« Last post by haydaman712 on October 13, 2019, 03:36:26 am »
There is no shortage of .mpq files to bring WoD models to the vanilla client. However the client for classic is an updated one where .mpq files are no longer used. Does anyone know a way or tutorial, or download, to use to get WoD models on the live version of Classic?
« Last post by haydaman712 on October 13, 2019, 03:24:43 am »
This adds Warlords of Draenor character models to the game. Includes TBC character models, includes NPCs, includes Cataclysm Goblins, includes HD helms/shoulders
Send help

Optional Boneless Undead (image), Optional Draenei Redesign (image)
Download for Classic (v1.12.1)
Download for Burning Crusade (v2.4.3)
Download for Wrath of the Lich King (v3.3.5a)
Known issues: sheath/unsheath emote doesn't work on some models (CL, BC only) some goblin NPCs use the old model
[update 11-12-2017] Corrected Undead Female model (initially uploaded wrong version which had transparent fingers and no eye-glow effect) [update 11-13-2017] Cone of Cold hack fix added; TBC character emote sounds added [update 12-02-2017] Fix to stuttering Framerate issue [update 10-11-2018] Fixed "Dragonmaw Foreman" npc texture [update 12-27-2018] Added WotLK version with many improvements (i.e. improved facial textures, helmets/shoulders, etc.) [update 12-29-2018] Improved Wrathful Gladiator's Chain Helm positioning for Blood Elves. Included Optional Boneless Undead patch with download. [update 12-30-2018] Fixed some helms/shoulders that were rendering too dark. Adjusted Blood Elf Males' held weapon positions. [update 01-01-2019] Adjusted Blood Elf Male mounted sitting position, fixed opacity issue in Blood Elf Female glove and boot cuff geosets, modified HelmetGeosetVisData.dbc to prevent a few helmets from hiding Undead facial features [update 01-07-2019] Fixed fishing animations for BEM, GnM, GnF, OrM, TaF [update 01-07-2019] Added Gnome Female bulky boot geoset [update 04-05-2019] Added Cataclysm Goblin NPCs, integrated better faces/helms/shoulders into the CL, BC versions of the mod. Added optional Draenei Redesign. [update 04-09-2019] Fixed a random crash bug related to textures, fixed Night Elf Male teeth not showing, added missing sounds for various emotes, added a new hairstyle to my optional redesigned Draenei male [update 04-15-2019] Fixed a random crash caused by a particular helm (BC), adjusted Tauren Male capes to prevent clipping, adjusted a few things in the Draenei Redesign [update 04-15-2019] Made DK eyes glow through partially transparent helms, made Human Female cameras work with 3D portrait addons [update 05-08-2019] Adjusted sitting position on mounts for many character models (most were sitting a little too low), added NPC goblin hairstyles and facial features [update 06-04-2019] Fixed Darkmoon Faire crash. Made Night Elf Male capes double-sided.
So I downloaded the classic one thinking it would work for ACTUAL classic, not just vanilla 1.12 private servers. Is there a guide for how to do this on Classic WoW LIVE servers? The game no longer uses MPQ files so it might be a bit harder to do. But the files already exist in current retail. Does ANYONE know how, or where to find information on this?
« Last post by nvrsbr on October 12, 2019, 09:48:51 pm »
With the one for WOTLK+ my client crashes on startup sometimes, but other times it starts fine?
Idk, maybe linux or mac os wotlk? Then use the Tbc version.
Running on Windows, and the TBC Version does the same thing.
« Last post by Finsternis on October 11, 2019, 01:40:58 pm »
With the one for WOTLK+ my client crashes on startup sometimes, but other times it starts fine?
Idk, maybe linux or mac os wotlk? Then use the Tbc version.
« Last post by nvrsbr on October 11, 2019, 02:27:23 am »
With the one for WOTLK+ my client crashes on startup sometimes, but other times it starts fine?
« Last post by Ayos on October 08, 2019, 05:46:50 pm »
Hi! My issue is, that if I copy an existing spell to a new ID, it will properly show ingame, even if I add it to a talent tree, but when I try to cast it, it will cast infinitely. The cast stops at the end of the cast bar while the bar shows the proper spell name aswell. Not sure why is that, but I'm clueless at this point for sooo long.
Here is what I have done so far: - Copied the spell to a new id in the spell_templates database table - Copied the spell to the a new id in the Spell.dbc (same ID as in the database) - Also added it to the SkillLineAbility.dbc - Added the new Spell.dbc & SkillLineAbility.dbc to the server's dbc files, and into my client patch MPQ - Server restarted, client cache cleaned, the spell shows properly just won't finish casting
If somebody did something like this before, any help would be highly appreciated!
« Last post by Steff on October 04, 2019, 07:25:40 pm »
04.10.2019: Fix the links in the 00 - index file
« Last post by Steff on October 04, 2019, 07:03:37 pm »
Thank you. Even if it is late  I will rework this tutorial the next weeks a bit and get it updated.
« Last post by WoWReTeam on October 02, 2019, 07:28:44 pm »
Reforging in progress, check out the newest changes on our website: https://wowreforged.com/changelogWe also decided to set up a discord server. See you there! https://discord.gg/UcCaeps