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Topics - majorcyto

Pages: [1]
Miscellaneous / Overwatch
« on: May 04, 2016, 01:40:38 pm »
Has anyone managed to extract models and such from over watch?

Resources and Tools / [QUESTION]  Convert Maps to 6.x Format?
« on: November 04, 2014, 06:01:39 am »
Will the ADT converter that converts to MoP format be enough to work in 6.x format? With TrinityCore now moving to support 6.x only.. it would be nice to be able to convert our maps to 6.x format. Has anyone already tried it by chance?

Resources and Tools / 4.3.4 WoW.exe with no Glue/Frame Check?
« on: July 14, 2014, 05:53:15 pm »
I tried searching the forums a bit, and google but didn't find anything concrete, anyone have a unlocked WoW.exe for 4.3.4 i can use, thanks!

Miscellaneous / [QUESTION] Knowledgebase XML/LUa
« on: June 22, 2014, 09:57:47 pm »
Question, does anyone know if we can edit the help/support in-game knowledgebase to display something else.. i guess i have 2 questions. Because the 3.3.5a KB no longer works since they changed something..

1.) Is it even possible for the xml/lua frames to pull or load HTML pages in-client.. i think this was added in the 5.X client because of the item store and stuff but in the 3.3.5a client?

2.) If not, can we tell it to load from a database query direct?


If it isnt possible to put in your own KB articles period, then i guess the easiest thing is just to remove that part of the window and make the default landing window submit ticket instead. But i would like to know if we can do something else first before removing it.

And, i guess there might always be the option of writing a custom KB base in LUA entirely? But.. that isn't efficient if you want to update it on the fly.

Any responses are appreciated  :geek:


Secondary Question - Where can i find a unlocked glue/xml  - wow.exe   - for 4.3.4?

Miscellaneous / Minimal Files Needed?
« on: June 11, 2014, 01:28:17 pm »
Hello all, i was wondering what the minimal amount of files are needed for the client to run and still identify itself? Ideally if i am working on a fully custom project, that i would like to distribute (via torrent or whatever) i would like it to only have the content im using and not all the other models etc that i am not even touching. I think i read some where else on the forum they managed to get the total client size down to like 7gb..?

Is there any way to reach say.. 1 - 2GB total? I know realistically i can't delete any DBC files obviously, but i can empty it's rows right? Anything else that needs to absolutely stay in the client or itll explode?


Is "common, common-2" etc all looked for on startup.. could i leave them in with zero content, or 1 row of content..? From what i understand the mpq patches are just layered on top of each other to take the newest data from the latest patch number.

Random / [QUESTION] Quick Question!
« on: May 28, 2014, 09:30:46 pm »
Hello all, im very sorry if this is the wrong section but i honestly had no clue where to ask this.

Basically.. I am trying to figure out which client version i can use, i keep seeing so many different thing's here on the forums i have probably read close to 70 topics and what i have gathered is...

3.3.5a is the most stable for the tools.....
And Cata is possible with bugs..
And MOP i have no clue..

Can anyone shed some light on this, i know that the models have been imported to work on 3.3.5a from cata and mop in a different topic. But, is it not possible to use the 4.x or 5.x client at all? Skyfire emu has a 5.4.8 server going at the moment, and a really stable 5.4.7 version repo.

Not that the server part even matters if the tool's don't work with that version at all i guess.. could someone with some experience give a quick rundown please so i know what client version i am allowed to start with. If cata is stable, id probably rather use it just for the more built in features.


Side Question 1 - Is it possible to add completely new UI elements and windows to the client (i think it was through the gluexml or something?) and if it is possible to add new "built in" windows to the interface.. i was always wondering if it is able to load web-pages while in game?

Such as a in-game window for forums or whatever someone may do lol. Plus if it does support web pages, i can do some hacky interface work arounds by just manipulating the db depending on what it is with a pretty web front lol.


Side Question 2 - In order to cut down on client size, did i read correctly that you can basically remove everything except the patch/resources you are only using therefore being able to cut it down to say.. 8GB instead of 16GB? I wonder what the smallest size is that someone has achieved? 1GB would be great lol...

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