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Pages: 1 [2] 3
Level Design / Re: [QUESTION] Why's this happening?
« on: April 01, 2012, 07:25:45 pm »
I only added all the .wmo files, without the _000 _001 etc the client just crashed and i only used the marketplace so... Yeh.
Would you be able to try the patch out and see if the same happens for you?

Miscellaneous / Re: See exhausted.
« on: April 01, 2012, 05:06:32 pm »
This is for land with the sea/ocean flag, as opposed to water. It's done in the client automatically, but nobody has done it for the server so players can still 'hack' not getting it in the client.

Level Design / Re: [QUESTION] Why's this happening?
« on: April 01, 2012, 05:04:15 pm »
How'd you mean piece by piece? Do you mean _000 _001 etc?

Serverside Modding / Re: Mass removal of Fatigue
« on: April 01, 2012, 02:54:06 pm »
Ehm... Edit the UI to make it at -50, -50 then edit the server to stop killing / damaging you due to fatigue... Cheaphax but would work.

Level Design / [QUESTION] Why's this happening?
« on: April 01, 2012, 01:59:27 pm »
I've been working for the last 10 minutes or so on importing the gilneas market quarter to 3.3.5a and placing it randomly in the water on gmisland.
In noggit, this is perfect. Everything works as it should.
However, Ingame, If you type .tele gmisland, you can actually SEE it, but if you get too close, you get a wow error.
Any help/ideas?

Resources and Tools / Re: [TOOL] [MISC] Cryect Tools
« on: April 01, 2012, 12:59:17 pm »
Just figured out, some idiot rated it badly on norton community. I rated it 10, so hopefully that should stop the false positive.

Noggit / Re: [BUG] Noggit corrupting my MPQ Archives?
« on: April 01, 2012, 12:58:14 pm »
Ok, Thanks for the tip, I've set that up myself now.

Noggit / [BUG] Noggit corrupting my MPQ Archives?
« on: April 01, 2012, 10:08:13 am »
Why does this happen? It's not every time but occasionally it corrupts my mpq files including common, all the patches, locale and base...I'm using revision 279.

Resources and Tools / Re: [TOOL] [MISC] Cryect Tools
« on: April 01, 2012, 01:13:44 am »
Multiple viruses in this archive according to norton.

Noggit / Re: [OSX] Crash
« on: November 23, 2011, 09:12:50 pm »
Back on the topic: Why don't you make it a plan to make a boot flag for software / hardware rendering? I think that'd be a good idea for people with ok ram (4gb) but shit graphics cards (GMA 950 FFFUUUUU)
Good idea?

Noggit / Re: [OSX] Crash
« on: November 22, 2011, 08:20:27 pm »
Ok.. I'm now loading the windows version on vmware. Why is it that this works but the mac one doesn't on the same mac?

EDIT: I just found something out.
The reason why it's working is because vmware emulates the GPU instead of using the hardware one. So with effect, using the ram instead of the graphics card. Is it not possible to do this natively in mac? but atleast now I have an alternative solution.

Noggit / Re: [OSX] Crash
« on: November 22, 2011, 08:06:08 pm »
5151 - (Liquid.cpp:508): [Error] Unable to open water shader "".
5151 - (Liquid.cpp:547): [Error] Unable to open water shader "shaders/".
5151 - (Noggit.cpp:370): [Debug] Creating Menu
That appears to be it.  :: Entire log

Noggit / [OSX] Crash
« on: November 22, 2011, 05:34:56 pm »
There is a crash in OSX revision 263.
This was resolved by compiling SDL framework and adding it to Noggit
The cause of it was because the SDL framework included was more of a dummy/structure, and didn't have anything in the folders.

After doing this, I encountered a problem. Here is a pastebin with the details from Console.

Noggit / Re: Noggit manual / documentation project.
« on: November 21, 2011, 11:31:20 pm »
I'm english and would be more than happy to help with the documentation / manual of it.. The only problem is if there have been any features added since 104 or the one released on the blog then I dont know about it. I could try?

Noggit / Re: Noggit Mac
« on: November 21, 2011, 05:42:43 pm »
But how can i post anything when I can't use any tools? O.o... Anyways, I was referred by someone either called Serifaz or Ryan on this forums.
I will of course post bug reports as it's no inconvenience...

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