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Topics - Valium

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Resources and Tools / Holidays.DBC date calculator
« on: April 28, 2016, 02:24:27 am »
This tool makes it really easy to edit/add datetimes in Holidays.dbc.  I know it works for 3.3.5, unsure about other versions.  some of the dates use the year, some don't.  Some use the day of week, some don't.

Example of it working with Sept 19th (Pirate day)
[attachment=1:1vxh8tin]proofifproofwere needed.png[/attachment:1vxh8tin]

Noggit / [SHOWOFF] Doing It Right?
« on: April 15, 2013, 08:46:50 pm »

Noggit / [QUESTION] Odd rendering/ Possible Bug?
« on: April 15, 2013, 09:01:39 am »

This is Noggit, I tweaked it a bit to show the wireframe topology.

This is WoW, my friend modified WoW to show the wireframe topology.

I may be wrong here, but it would seem Noggit may be missing vertices, or wow is adding them.  I don't quite understand the format so I was hoping to get some info on what's happening to cause this issue.

Tutorials / [TUTORIAL] Creating accurate Minimap images.
« on: April 14, 2013, 10:06:29 pm »
Today, I'm going to show you my method for creating accurate minimap images, using noggit and photoshop.

the first thing you want to do is open up the map you're working on in noggit, then press U to get to the 2d paint mode.  Make sure to hit F7 so you can see the grid, this is the key to the whole operation.

Using Q and E, get as many squares on the screen as you can, while making sure that your squares are at least 256 pixels in size, each. I'm talking about the green lines here, not the red.

Now you want to take a screenshot, on windows, use Win+PrtScr;  This takes a pictures of your entire desktop and places it in the screenshots folder in your pictures library.

Now Hit F7 and take another screen shot, this time without the lines.

Repeat for other sections of the map.

Now, you want to find all your images, and open them in photoshop.

PROTIP.  Have all your images in windows in photoshop, that way you can shift+drag the layer from the image with the grid, to the corresponding no-grid image.  Holding shift auto-aligns the layers.

Now you should have your image with 2 layers, the top layer having the grid.

Now, you need to create guides, if you have the ruler showing, you can click and drag on it to make one.  If not, you can go to the view menu and click new guide.  Use the selector tool to align it with one of your green lines.  Repeat as needed so you have one guide for each green line.

Now, that you have your guides in place, click the slice tool.  It's the one that looks like a little knife.  If you don't see it, click the crop tool and hold down, it should let you choose the  slice tool from there.  On my screen, it is right below the magic wand.

you now need to find this button  and click it.

This slices up your image.  If you want, you can go to the properties of each slice and name them, or do it to the files later.

From here, you simply turn off the visibility on the first layer so your grid lines are gone, the choose save for web and devices in the file menu. make sure to save as whatever format your BLP converter can handle.  
You will end up with some extra images that you can't use, just delete them.

After that, you can either resize each image individually to 256x256, or use a batch processing tool, like XnView.

At this point you should have a series of map tiles that are aligned with the ADTs  You may want to go and paint on the WMO's and M2s, I didn't, but I probably should have.

Now do this.

Development and Presentation / [SHOWOFF] NoggitWin32/SDL
« on: April 09, 2013, 08:42:51 am »

Frustrated by the lack of qt development, and in collaboration with my hatred of qt, I present a screenshot of a little something I'm working on.  No need for qt when we have native controls.  Not like anyone uses a mac anyways lolz.(Sorry guys, I just don't have one to develop on.  If anyone wants to donate one, I'll gladly get it compiling on osx.)

I still have to get the rest of the buttons in, and strip out the crappy SDL controls (which apparently, the reason for the switch to qt is because you have to manually draw all the controls with SDL, which we windows folks are cool with anyways, that's just common practice.)  In the end, I hope to have something that uhh... looks different but works pretty much the same?  Why am I doing this again?

Noggit / [QUESTION] What Revision is SDL 1.2?
« on: April 06, 2013, 11:43:57 pm »
I'm wondering what revision the SDL 1.2 release is.  I need to make some changes to the code to better suit my work.  Basically, I can't get the blur or height brush small enough to do the detail I need, for some reason the lowest I can go on the slider is 5.99.  That's 6 meters, a bit too wide for the detail I'm trying to achieve..  Any chance of having a direct entry box, or at least a slider that has better control?  If I knew the revision I'd do it myself.  inb4 use qt;  I can't use qt to build on windows 8.

If the source isn't in the repo, I would also like to request the source for the SDL 1.2 release.

Noggit / [QUESTION]How Do I apply for the beta group?
« on: February 19, 2012, 01:06:38 am »
I used search, I checked my groups list, I didn't see the beta group anywhere.

I'm willing to build from source if need be, and actually, that would be preferrable.  I have 3d modelling experience, albeit not with Noggit3 much more than the week I've been using it.  

So, please, consider me for access to the group.  And again, I apologize for not using the 'proper' method of joining, I tried, but didn't see it.

Also, If it's plainly obvious, accept my apologies and feel free to call me an idiot.

Noggit / [QUESTION]3DConnexion use in noggit?
« on: February 18, 2012, 10:51:45 pm »
Hi, I'm new here.  Kinda a quiet guy, I'm not much of a forum user.

My question is regarding possible support for the 3dconnexion line of devices.  They are a 3d mouse/6dof joystick type device, and are VERY nice for 3d applications.  I use mine in blender, 3DS max, Second Life, and photoshop CS5 (it's great in the 3d paint mode).

I think it would be really handy to have some support for it in noggit.  As far as I'm aware, all that would really need to be done is to add support for joystick axes as input.  I'm willing to make the patch myself if need be, if/when I can get access to the source.  I'm using an older model called the SpacePilot, but they all work the same way, the only difference is the amount of buttons you have, which are handled by the drivers.

Sounds expensive, but if you are a student, you can get the base model for about $75US, and I got mine on eBay for less than a third of retail.  

I realize this is starting to sound like an advertisement,  I assure you, it's not, I just love this thing so much.

EDIT:  I'm working on a controller profile, It's basically done, except that the camera pith and yaw is a bit screwy.  It works, but because the only way to rotate the camera is with the mouse, it goes off screen frequently.  If I could use keyboard keys for pitch and yaw (look up/down/left/right) this would be perfect.  Maybe the arrow keys?

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