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Topics - deep6ixed

Pages: [1] 2
Random / Old School Pen and Paper RPG
« on: March 22, 2015, 04:23:15 pm »
Any here remember the old school games on the classic RPGs like DnD or Gurps?  Well, here of late, I'd gotten the itch of the old fashion lure of a bunch of friends around a table rolling dice and having a good time.  But my schedule is too hectic to ever let that happen again.

But still I miss the good old days.  But a few years back I found a solution, and I'm feeling in the mood to run a game again.

Play by Email, or PBeM for short.  Simple, fun and allows people to play at there own pace.  I'm looking to see if I can get any interest in getting a game going.

How does it work?  Simple, we make a Google Group, and then the game is played out using normal rpg rules, with a small set added on for playing it via email. two or three times a week you simply write out your turn (post) and the DM makes it all happen.

Anyone interested?

Is there a place where I could go to learn to create basic addons that can interface with the server, or modify the basic interface to add new mostly small features?

What I'm looking to do is for example is add a tab to the player page that would open a window and then get some info from the server and display it neatly.

If someone knows some tools that would help, or even knows of an addon that would be a good place to start looking to see how to do this, I'd be grateful for a hint or two.

I have no issues about wanting to learn this, just don't know where to start.  I'd be happy with a simple start of click a button and then the server sends a message back to you of "Hello World" and go from there.

Serverside Modding / [QUESTION] C++ Question SetPhaseMask
« on: November 01, 2014, 01:25:58 am »
Okay, i'm very new to c++, but I have a question about how to set a phasemask via c++

here is the script i have so far:

        void OnPlayerEnter(Player* player) OVERRIDE
                if player->HasSpell(95000)
                      Set a specific creature spawn with a specific guid to x01;

I know the method is SetPhaseMask(Mask, false) but how do you specify the GUID of the spawn to modify?

Tech Team / [Class Idea] Ranger
« on: August 20, 2013, 12:06:17 pm »
Okay, here's my second class idea for the Maruum Alpha.  Ranger.  Follows the typical DnD Ranger class feel, Ranged attack, bow using stalker character.  So far it has the following Ideas:

1.) Uses Energy, possibly combo points if I can get it to function
2.) Will have Stationary Stealth, similar to an Elf.  (So no moving and stealthing, that's left for the true rogue / thief class)
3.)  Uses a Bow.

Skill Lines:
Avenger      Icon:   269
Prowler      Icon:   495
Scout      Icon:   2578

Tech Team / [PROJECT] Alpha Release Requirements
« on: July 18, 2013, 10:45:19 am »
I've seen everyone talking about our alpha release and when it will be coming.  The set answer for that is there is no exact; release date for it.  We simply don't have an exact time frame for when we plan on opening an Alpha up to the public.  Now I've also seen some confusion of what exactly the plan for the Alpha release is.  So here is what the plan is:

The alpha release is meant to attract new developers to the Maruum Project and to do that we need to release a quality demo that showcases what we can do.  Not some rushed out the door server to just meet some time goals.

So before we release an Alpha Patch, here is what needs to be working on the Tech side of things and a rough idea of where we are:

  • Classes: Have two working playable classes with a distinct play style.  We have the SpellWeaver about 50% done and the next class Ranger is in the planning stages
  • Races: Define 4 playable races for the demo and setup the correct PlayerCreateInfo Tables in DB and DBC
  • Quests:  Have a quest arc spanning about 1-2 hours that introduces the player to the world of Maruum.  The starting island is done and the Etherpad is filling with ideas for new ones.
  • Gear: Design and make gear for the starter classes.  No progress as of yet
  • Paradigms: Would like to have about 10-12 of them of both types major and minor to show off in game.  Have 2 minor designed and working.
  • Mapping:  Have the in game map working for Merberian and Ceril
  • Clean up:  Get rid of the more obvious spelling mistakes and clean up some of the UI issues that we have
  • Factions:  Have working custom factions for most of the major Groups in Maruum for the demo:  Have the Surviors Camp.  Need to remove all old WoW factions from list.

Quest Workspace / [QUESTS] Starting Island
« on: July 02, 2013, 04:40:13 pm »
Okay kids, here what Ive got working for the Starting Island for Quests:

This is to get players some basic skills that will be useful in game and for some good RP

1.) A Rude Awakening:  A lone fisherman is waiting on the shore he sees you there and when you talk to him, you get a simple explanation from him of the fact that there was a huge storm the night prior and that so far your the only survivor.  he gives you a loaf of bread and some fresh water to help you out.

2.) Search the Shore:  He will have you dig through the five crates and see what supplies that you can find from the ship wreck (Or we can change this to clues of where your from)  

3.) Give a man a Fish:  As the boat from shore won't be along for a while, he will teach you fishing and give you a fishing pole.  Quest will be to catch some fish.

4.) Feed him for life:  John will then teach the player Cooking and have them find some wood and start a fire.  Then the player will have to cook the meat from the fish that they have to make a meal.

5.) Doctor, Heal thyself:  John will the then comment about the player looking injured and teach them basic first aid.  The player will then have to find some cloth from the supplies crates and make a few bandages.  The reward from this will be a Minor Paradigm: You will get a scroll that will teach you either Survivor (+10% stamina) or some other paradigm.

6.) Time to depart:  John will point you to the orc camp, and the boat will appear and let you travel back to deadmen's landing

Tech Team / [RELEASE] Test Server R14
« on: June 25, 2013, 08:59:50 pm »
Test Release R14 is out

Added New SpellWeaver Class
Fixed DB errors

Test and report feedback

Tech Team / [Tech Team] Weekly Goals
« on: June 25, 2013, 11:01:24 am »
Im going to update this post with the focus for the week and what our overall plan is:

Overall Goal

: Get an Alpha release ready

Week of 01JUL13
Get Orc Camp Spawned
Redo Starting Island
Get Spell Weaver Aura Spells done

Week of 23JUN13
Get Orc Camp Spawned
Get Starting Quests cleaned up
Implement base SpellWeaver Functions - Done

Tech Team / [RELEASE] Test Server R12
« on: June 18, 2013, 10:35:06 pm »
Test Server R12 is out in the wild...

Paradigms - Diplomacy and Survivor Paradigms as a demo
Quests - Added new rewards to the A New Home Quests
Talents - Now work from level 1
Creatures - Added some wildlife to Start Island

Download, and don't forget to rename patch patch-enUS-9.mpq to your locale and add to your wow folder.
and delete your cache

Once again, Ideas and suggested are encouraged.

Tech Team / [QUESTION] Abilities
« on: June 17, 2013, 06:04:55 pm »
Okay, I got an Ability System working...  It replaces the Glyph System.  Works in a similar fashion.  You link abilities instead of glyphs.

Two kinds of abilities, Active and Passive.  Active Abilities are bonuses or auras that are applied to the character, Such as a + to skill level or some other full time bonus.  Passive Abilities don't effect the player directly but are used as condtional checks for other things.  Such as Quests, Gameobjects, things like that.

The two I started with that will be out in the next server release are:

Diplomacy:  Active, Gain +10% to rep gain
Religion: Passive, Allows the player to understand and use religious objects.

The question is, what would be good traits that we could give as abilities?  I intend these to exist along side class and race bonuses, and allow a player to customize himself a little more without overpowering himself.

We can also have requirements to "socket" an ability, so if for say we have a Master Healer ability, we can have it require a certain level of first aid.

Tech Team / [RELEASE] Test Server Release R9
« on: June 13, 2013, 04:02:32 pm »
Wed, 12 Jun 2013 12:07:23

New test server released to repo with starting quests added

Instructions in root of folder, feel free to pull and leave feed back.

Miscellaneous / [LINKS] Icon Id References
« on: June 12, 2013, 12:42:12 pm »
Ever go to make a custom item and think "What the hell would be a cool icon ID to show up in the player's inventory?"  Yeah me too...

Then you spend 45mins to an hour on Wowhead looking for the Icon you want, then try to track down the display ID?

Well, no more, I've compiled two PDF docs that will make your life more easy.  The first is displayids.pdf, inside is a Table of all the display icons in the WoW interface, with  a corresponding display id you can drop right on a custom item and make work.

The second one is for the DBC files.  If your like me and mess around with custom spells, talents and other cool stuff, you often left doing a similar search to find the SpellIcon Id.  Well once again, we have Spellid.pdf.  Simply open it up and have a look, the number below the icon is the spellicon id.

Here's the link to my google drive folder, feel free to download.  Note: they are rather large files, but there are 5735 icons in the wow interface... So at 64x64 size its still pretty big... ... sp=sharing

Happy Modding...

Tech Team / Reserved DB / DBC Entries Entries
« on: June 12, 2013, 12:25:43 pm »
Hey I figured it would be a good idea if we have a post where we can keep track of what database entries we are using, just so we don't make things that overwrite each other.  On my last server we used 100000+ for all custom entries just to keep it cleaner.   Gameobjects had 500000+ entry numbers.

We gave 10,000 Entries of each type to each developer, which is more than enough.  Loot templates matched the iitem, mob or Gobject  template number. Reference loot entries had to stay within your assigned block.

After some mix ups, I've decided to change this a little bit, just post in this forum or PM me if you need a block of numbers.  Then I will update this post with your numbers

Also, We expect people who ask for blocks to use them, so if you are not part of the tech team nor do you plan on being part of the tech team, then we will have methods of getting your content in game.

Item_Template: 100000-109999
Gameobject_Template 500000-509999
Quest_Template: 100000-109999
Creature_Template 100000-109999
Creature 200000-209999

Spells.DBC 90000-99999
GlyphProperties.DBC 1000-1099

Item_Template: 110000-119999
Gameobject_Template 510000-519999
Quest_Template: 110000-119999
Creature_Template 110000-119999

Item_Template: 120000-129999
Gameobject_Template 520000-529999
Quest_Template: 120000-129999
Creature_Template 120000-129999

Item_Template: 130000-139999
Gameobject_Template 530000-539999
Quest_Template: 130000-139999
Creature_Template 130000-139999

Tech Team / Re: The Tech Team
« on: June 11, 2013, 10:35:48 pm »
Here we will document the team members and rank.




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